The cursed game... - 26 in English Horror Stories by Khyati Makwana books and stories PDF | The cursed game... - part 26 Unexpected ending.

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The cursed game... - part 26 Unexpected ending.

They run here and there in fear.

Jay: hey! Calm down! We are over !

They all pause , realized and nod , being satisfied!

Emma: but it's my wish to break it into pieces.!(angrily)

Alice: why not! (With a evil grin)

Alice bring a baseball bat supporting to her shoulder. And then ,all of them start to bang the bat on the game , chance by chance and break it into millions of pieces. After a while there is a sign of relief on their faces.

Mom: what are you guys doing up there? Come down now!(shouts from downstairs)

Alice: coming! Mom!(shouting upstairs from the room)

They all smile at each other. They come downstairs and enjoy the cake. The house bell rings. Alice opens the door. She sees a girl holding a gift box in her hand. Maybe she was a 15 year old. She gives the gift to Alice and wishes her. Then she moves in and walks fast in anger to Aren. And grabs one of his ear tightly and pinches it.

Aren: owww!

Alice gives a questioning look to Aren.

Girl: how can you come here without a gift for my angel and Leaving your little sis alone ! (Moving the pinched ear back and forth)

Aren: so....rrryyyyyyy!(in pain)

She leaves his ear.

Girl: don't do it next time!

Alice: well what is your name?

Girl: what's yours?

Alice: uh? Alice!?(doubtfully)

Girl : absolutely!

Alice: Alice?

Aren nods.

She heads to Alice's Mom. And have the cake. They all laugh looking at Aren. Alice moves towards Aren and whispers in his ears.

Alice: she's my type.

Aren: thats why you are her angel!

They both smile at each other.

Mom: you guys are not going to go alone at this time. Your parents are going to pick you up.

Suddenly something hits on theirs mind . All the players start to gain their memories that happened the past years as Henry changed his actions.

Alice starts to remember how she changed things and stopped her mom and avoided her mom's accident .

Aren rembered that he saved her sister from drowning at the beach and now his guilt was over.

Jay and Clara remember that they live in Alice's neighborhood. Alice remembers it too.

While other things remained the same.

The second day all of them went to school as usual. But things were changed. Alice is now confident and she had friends. And now she is able to fight back the words she wasn't able to face before. The players of the game became friends. They now are a group. And most popular group in the school. Then, they reach at the class. Alice and Jay were still on the project and it was the day of their submission. They both grin at each other and submit their projects. And Alice's friends wish her birthday. So after school the group is on the way to their homes. They walk along the way. Suddenly a truck comes in speed and is about to crash Emma. All of them shout at Emma to move aside. But Emma freezes in fear. The truck reaches close about an inch from Emma. Emma closes her eyes in fear and sits down on her knees and covering her hands on her face. A scream comes from behind 'stop'. But after a while nothing happened. As she opens her eyes she sees everything is paused. Leaving the players in motion. Emma turns behind. She sees Aren standing behind. Aren leans forward to help Emma stand up.

Emma: what's going on?

Aren: I....I don't know!

He takes her aside. They all look around. Everything is freezed. The leaves falling from the trees freezed in the air. Vehicles paused. People moving around.... paused. And it was a wild atmosphere around leaving the players alone in terror.

Alice: check the powers.!
They all checked their powers. They were terrified. Alice ruined the sorroundings by destruction. Jay could read minds. Clara could create connection. Alex created illusion. Emma could find people. Noah could see the ghosts that roamed around. They all screamed in terror. And ran to Alice's house to check the game which they broke into pieces Last night . As they rushed the room and entered they found the broken pieces of the game right at table. Suddenly the pieces started trembling and joined together on it's own. And there was not a sign of scratch on it. They all now realized. THAT THE GAME IS NOT YET OVER.....!

Hope you guys like my story and show your love by rating and sharing it!❤️
I might have committed mistakes in my writing so just sorry for that!😣
And right down in the comment about what you think about the ending?🤔

Thank you guys! Peace ✌️