Yellow Rose - Part 15 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 15

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Yellow Rose - Part 15

A Deal With Jordan Wilson

What I just descried was a sight that can be obliterated from my memory neurons only when the hell freezes over. Oh My Lord! He is just a guy to whom my father is beholden with a lot and a guy who has been keeping me captive, perfidiously lying to me and trying to enshroud my own identity from me. Why do I lease him to tug my heartstrings? Why is my heart crumbling itself absorbing this harrowing, excruciating sight of unspeakable grief? Evan Wilson who are you? And what have you done to me?

"Mr. Richardson please make sure we shift Evan to 'Wilsons' as soon as we can. It doesn't feel right keeping him here." Richardson just nodded. I decided to go back home and have a word with Jordan. I am fully enlightened about the fact that he is minaciously immoral but in this day and age he knows too many things that I entail to know and also he is the onliest who will help. Well I can't say he will help but he will undeniably make a deal with me.

With furthermost security I was taken to 'Wilsons'. My car wheels rolled over and over on the cemented pathway that was straight with a few perfectly engineered turns. Both the sides of the roads wore giant oak trees and few cherry blossoms too but in this rimy winter it seemed that they were beseeching for warmth from some beloved just like me. I never acknowledged when I got some shut-eye in the car whilst my eyes gazed at the beauty of nature around this place. Mia's tap on my shoulder woke me up when we materialized at Evan's house.

The house was self same but forfeited the enticement, maybe Evan was that allure here. I traveled through all those artistic galleries and corridors in a New York minute without giving them a glance. I once adored them a lot and awed at their sight. Their art wasn't that beautiful now. I am unaware of the reason. House staff succoured me with directions to Jordan.

With the dread of suffering the loss of Evan who isn't even mine, with the vexation of getting betrayed by Evan again and again and with a new unwavering will to make things right this time in my heart I stood still in front of Jordan's door for a second or two before finally letting out a sigh I was holding on to for too long and then knocking his door.

Jordan filched a few seconds of a minute to come to the door which was an era for me. He gave me a malicious grin as his eyes took in me from top to toe. "You are back on your feet Tula, I see. So the first thing you do after being able to walk again is killing a man and blinding one eye of another man. WOW!!! Great progress huhh!" So he knows about the ambush. m

Majestic! Now no frittering the time away in narrating him the story.

"Well your formerly offered deal summons me hither but I bring some vicissitudes." I spoke trying to bring the tantamount level of authority in my voice that Evan and he has. He moved and gestured his hand to let me in the room. Closing the door behind him he asked Mia to stay out. "Good, I am all in for overtures Tula. Tell me what you want and I will tell you what the price is for it." The cunningness overflowed in his tone. "I want to know the whole caboodle you know about my father and Evan and the business they had together and also all about the attack that just happened."

"Tula let me atleast offer you a seat and a glass of wine." He strode to the other end of his dwell and brought two glasses of white wine filled till what it looked elegant to serve. I took his propound and sat down trying to dissect his misleading actions. "Tula with good grace I will share the gen you ask for with the attestation that it's veracious howbeit you will have to pay me for it. I want Evan's signature on some papers of the not long past indenture he made with some diamond merchants. I am not tolerated anywhere within sniffing distance of his office. I will put directions in your hands. You mix the papers I give you with the papers of a black file that rests on Evan's desk. And that's all."

Really? This entirety only for boodles? Jordan was endowing a dagger to his very first cousin in back for sluttish money? I couldn't camouflage the disgust that hailed out of my eyes. Jordan is a traitor. But he didn't take my expression well. He pranced from his seat and came to me like a predator would go towards its prey for pouncing it. "Don't look at me like that Tula. I haven't done anything wrong. This family never considered my worth. For them Evan is everything. The best son of the family, the best businessman in the family, the best everything is Evan. Me? I am no one. They never gave me the chance to prove how good I am. I can do better in business than what Evan does. I will take up that diamond deal and make more profit than Evan and show everyone how worthy I am."

I saw too many emotions in Jordan's eyes. Anger and frustration and pain. I also saw a longing of belongingness in there. Albeit I felt sad for him, he still was a traitor. He was always covered in the family by Evan I guess. He stayed in the shadows. I can feel his pain radiating through his body with the anger because he didn't want my pity. Still what he was doing is wrong, he is cheating on his brother and I have no option but to help him. "I will do it for you but why only me? You can make anyone do this job for you. Pay house staff and it would be more easy. Also know one thing, business is not always about making profit Jordan."

He gave a half laugh at this. "No one will ever doubt you so you. You can gracefully walk in and out of Evan's office and do this job. Also the key to his office is with Delphina, the oldest member of house staff and most trusted of Evan. She won't give the keys to anyone but you." - "Why would she give me the keys? And what if she refuses to give me the keys?" - "Well, Tula getting the keys is part of your side of the deal. You really do have great grey matter in there, please use it." He said tapping his own forehead, mimicking a small child to show me where the brain is situated. He surely is annoying. Then walked out of my sight to the inner part of the room and came back with a file.

"Here are all the deals signed between your father and Evan. I will give you the rest of the information when you get me what I want. And also I would like you to take a look at the painting that you weren't able to see that day in the art room because my aunt, Evan's mother interrupted us."

He brought that huge painting covered under the white sheet. And when he pulled off the cover my world collapsed. Another lie from Evan. Such a huge one. I was shivering and was shattered into pieces. I didn't know how to gather myself after what I just saw. It was me and Evan in that painting. His hand rested on my waist like he owned me and my arms were around his neck like he was my life and I was holding on to him. The way we looked at each other screamed to the universe that we had a history together.

That portrait of me and Evan turned my throat to desert and my soul trembled recalling that brief moment we had before Evan got shot. What possible explanation do you have for this Mr. Evan Wilsons?


Here after a long time. Hope you all enjoy reading this chapter.🙃🙃