Yeh meri zindagi gulzar - 1 in English Fiction Stories by Mayra Ali books and stories PDF | Yeh meri zindagi gulzar - 1

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Yeh meri zindagi gulzar - 1

I want a divorce I want it right now I don't want to stay with you I just want you to sign this paper and free me from your life
I want a divorce right now.You may be wondering what's happening the story just started and divorce well I won't confuse you I will lead you where it all began.
Zoya Malik the only daughter of her parents. she is always in trouble very beautiful with whitish skin tone, brown straight hair, she is self-confident, studying as an event manager and wants to achieve everything in her life she wants to prove herself that she is better than others.
The alarm beeps and Zoya wakes up with a smile she is always having happy in the morning and she always grateful for our life but she fights with her parents every day. she went down to the kitchen for her breakfast but again her mom has prepared egg and toast which Zoya never liked and she skips her breakfast and leaves for the college in-cab because her parents didn't allow her to drive it's also the very long story I will tell you later. As she reached college she met her best friend Naina. Naina is a girl who changes her boyfriend every single second like as Mumbai local arrives after 5 seconds. As Naina approached her and asked,' Zoya did you completed the assignment? Zoya replied, 'yes I did and you? . Naina said,' no I will copy yours'. with a smile,' Zoya said ok you can'. Then Zoya questioned,; where is parhako;. she replied,' as usual he is with the mountains of books, library'.And now they both moved to meet Ayaan in the library.I will tell you about Aayan, he is a topper of the college but also Zoya's best friend.They went to Ayaan and Zoya shouted,; hello!! Ayaan,; sshhh you can't talk loudly here". Zoya replied,; ok', then she said, 'hey guys remember the fresher"s party of our college ?.naina replied, 'yes it is tonight'.' so we all are going right', Zoya with excitement.
Parhako sadly,' noo my parents will never allow me, your parents don't care about you Zoya but my parents will never allow me'.Zoya insists on them and they agree to go to a party.
After that, they attended lectures and went home.
Zoya reached home and got ready for the party .Zoya wore a beautiful red dress with a rose clip on her hair along with shiny golden sandals .she was looking beautiful with red lipstick.As they arrived at the party they all enjoyed their dancing and singing also they got drank a lot but there was one thing Zoya can drink a lot of alcohol but she never gets dizzy.while they were enjoying one boy approached Zoya and asked her to date him.
Moreover, Zoya hates boys so she took the bottle of whiskey and knocked vigorously on the head of that boy, and then they left the party.
That boy was no other than the popular student of the college Rocky.
Rocky to his friends,' we need to take revenge on this girl..'

Will rocky take revenge on Zoya? how will it affect her academic life?

To know more stay tuned for the next episode.Till then stay awesome.