HOW TO EARN MONEY ON YOUTUBE in English Business by Subbu books and stories PDF | HOW TO EARN MONEY ON YOUTUBE

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There are numerous ways to earn money online. But when you go through all of them in detail you will find all that glitters is definitely not gold. A number of people have gone through several different aspects of earning money online but easily disregard the easiest and the most trustworthy form of online earning. YouTube! YouTube is considered to be the best form of earning money online and you must have heard of AdSense. But what if I tell you it is not the only way. YouTube fosters a number of ways like revenue advertising, channel memberships, sale of merchandise, Super chat and stickers and YouTube Premium Revenue. However, the foremost and primary way of earning money is to become a YouTube partner.

In this article, we talk about the ways in which you can earn money through YouTube.

Start a Channel

You need to make a google account with which you will start your channel. This channel is your brand and you need to decide upon your brand name through which you want to earn money. IT could be either your own name or a unique username that you feel will reflect the personality of your channel. You can create your own channel or a brand channel that can be managed by your team. You can supplement it with your brand’s artwork or logo.

Meet the YouTube Partner Programme Requirements

With your channel set up complete, you are ready to publish videos on your channel. You need to meet the eligibility criteria of the YouTube Partner Programme (YPP). You need to have a minimum of 1000 subscribers along with 4000 minimum watch hours in the last 12 months to qualify for the program. TO make it happen you need to make your channel discoverable, which means adding a channel trailer and using suitable keywords that will promote your views and find you new subscribers. Be sure to include keywords that your videos relate to.

Setup an Adsense account

YouTube has published its own adsense guide to help new users make sense of its ways. You can either create a new one or use the existing one. However, you can own only one Adsense account for payment. Any duplicate will not be approved. In order to earn money through YPP you need to use an approved Adsense account

Explore the various monetization features

When you publish new videos every week, you increase the chances of getting views. Through the various monetization feature of the platform like merchandise sale and channel membership you can increase your reach further and further increase your earnings.

Submit ongoing reviews

When you submit your contents for ongoing reviews constantly, YouTube takes further notice of your channel and holds it in high regards. For you to pass these reviews, you must take note of community guidelines and copyright laws and act on the right path.

When you follow these steps closely, you can be assured of earning your way through YouTube easily and make money of the digital platform with confidence.