Basic foundation of good health in English Health by Rajnarayan Bohre books and stories PDF | Basic foundation of good health

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Basic foundation of good health

Basic foundation of good health

During my stay in Kota Rajasthan recently, I went to a shining mausoleum restaurant selling all kinds of snacks and one evening, and I saw a huge crowd of young people ranging from teenagers to youngsters. In fact, for the first time in Kota, which is becoming a stronghold of students from all over the country, I got to experience what children i.e. teenagers and youth like to eat.

Kota is actually a middle-class town in Rajasthan, where such IIT and PMT coaching institutes have opened, which take young children of the same kind like clay pots and prepare and hand them over to confident teenagers. Let's heal. Year after year, they are progressing by preparing more and more children to become an IITian and a doctor, and not even lying, the figures are in their favor. Then that day I was in Kota and in a big restaurant, I took a token from the counter and deposited it at the appointed place of the restaurant and was waiting for my turn to see the order of pohe and tea for myself. I was just curious about the fact that we were old now and now that I have become old, now I should have known that I was curious to know what the generation of today likes to eat. I looked at the children having breakfast around, giving orders constantly and seeing the returning children carrying the goods from the counter in hand, then I knew that today's youth does not like the traditional breakfast i.e. Jalebi Samosa Kachori pudding or domestic breakfast like time less fried breakfast less fried foods. Kata, in her liking, today has items like 35 square and fast food like noodle.

Our youth, who have been given space for 12 months and 24 hours, have adopted it in such a way that they do not like to eat food from home or mess. If he just keeps on eating this kind of junk food. He does not really care about the effect these things are having on his health. These things have started becoming very important and status symbols for him.

The old saying is a well-meaning thousand niyamat. This means that just keep your fitness. These are the blessings of thousands and run millions and there are crores of blessings. The basic basis of good health is related to the diet of man. If one wants to be healthy, then pay a little attention to his diet, exercise and lifestyle then everything remains fine.

Instead, if someone does not follow rules in his eating and drinking, that is, do not be careful and keep eating things made in an arbitrary way, then he will fall ill soon. Because today most of the irregularity is in the food. Because of this, weak children with yellow faces all around us, young people of poor health appear in large numbers at an early age.

Such people are such a small number of people who take care of their food and food, and they keep the diseases from far away. Such people always remain healthy. They also succeed in dodging old age, that is, paying little attention to food is nothing short of a miracle.

If seen, it is not such a difficult task to take care of your food that someone stays busy in it day and night and goes lean in the same circle. Knowing only the fat 10 fat things and incorporating them in your daily work, a man can always be healed and healthy.

The right thing is that the habit of healing health starts from adolescence. So while talking about health, we have to pay attention to the routine and habits of teenagers. Today's era is a time of tough competition. Children will get opportunities to move ahead only when they work hard. This hard work starts at the time of his school and studies.

In many convent schools, there is a tradition of writing out the names of the highest scorers in every class, then such information is given outside the principal office of the same school. These include the names of the students who have scored the highest marks in the entire school for the past several years. In the desire to see their names written in such lists, every student forgets to wake up to sleep, drink their food, and do one day and night in studies. In the course of this study neither he would be able to sleep on time nor be able to sleep properly as much as he needs to remain healthy. So sleep was the first reason that spoiled health. It is also harmful to sleep less or sleep less than necessary.

Children who work so hard are required to give the right amount to their body, not only their brains, that is, they should drink food that will keep their body and mind healthy. The food of today's teenagers is the worst. To eat on time and chew with endurance as if they have no leisure. They do not like homemade food, they have their own menu to eat. For those who want to eat something new, it is out of course for them. Out of course food is more suitable than post, more suitable and more suitable, they prefer to eat such food which is available immediately in cooked conditions, for which fast food is preferred!

Fast food means sickness. Fast food means instant gossip and gossip. It saves teenagers and young people time and effort. Items in this category include patis burger noodles, pizza fried chips and other types of snacks. All these things may look tasty and good in tasting junk food, but the fact is that these things are the enemy of the health of children of old age. Actually, all these dishes were not killed in our country itself, but due to the process of globalization, it was brought to our country overnight and by propagating it on television, it was instilled in the minds of the children that whoever ate it Modern standard status one. While there is no vitamin in them, there is no mineral and there are no nutritious things which are necessary for the body.

Actually, there are many countries outside India where there is terrible cold day and night. Preparing hot food and taking fresh food in those places is a big problem, neither the people there are so free to come and be able to cook breakfast or food with endurance, nor how many types of food are there, that they can make new types of dishes everyday. Get Most of the time this happens in junk food, it is kept for months to weeks. This type of food contains oil in these things during most of the fried things. After some time it is so harmful that it is very difficult to eliminate the damage done to the body by it.

In this way, the blood from the favorite pops is thick, and there are also horoscopes in it, due to the formation of things like maida, these things also become Apache. Due to which long lasting, there are also stomach ulcers. The digestive system of the stomach has to work very hard to digest this food and gradually due to more hard work, the internal organs of the stomach associated with digestion become weak. Due to their weakness, food does not digest gas. Stomach ache starts with gas, loss of appetite and disappearance of sleep without any reason. Sometimes stone starts to form in the internal organs of the stomach, that is, once it will not heal, it will continue to form stones for it. Therefore, it is better to avoid fast food.

Instead, there should be such arrangement of your food every time, take fresh, fresh fruits, sprouted grains, hot roti, paratha where the public is inside the stomach. Fresh things come and hunger starts within 6 hours. There is no need for fast food. Such foods and fibrous substances in fresh food are well known by taking vitamin minerals and it strengthens the muscles. Fast food in the stomach for a long time causes a lot of ulcers and ulcers.

Quietly Singham many people keep on continuously chanting in their mouths, that is, their victory potato and teeth are seen living in the mouth with a list of things made of rubber-like material in the mouth. If they ask, they say that there is no harm from Chyagam. While stating another benefit of this, he says that all the ingredients related to the mouth are exercised by running the chinagam. Some people are under the illusion that sugar is not present in chinagam. This is a heard thing. The fact is that a chemical named Sir Vitol is added in the place of sugar in chinagam, which reaches the stomach in large quantities, then slowly it starts producing gas, due to gas, 50 kinds of diseases are caused due to diarrhea and chest pain.

Most of today's people can be seen drinking cold drinks from time to time. The inner part of the body ie the small intestine is harmful for the kidneys and liver. Everyone knows that every cold drink is made by mixing soda gas and hazardous chemical. . When it cools down, its bottle is opened, there is foam in it, as it enters the drink, it reaches the intestine through our delicate soft throat. Those who are not used to it, suddenly feel a flow of gas in their nose. Such a explosive substance through which it passes. Sunset is felt again and again. After a long time and after prolonged use, it reduces the sensitivity of these delicate organs. To see the chemical form of these substances, if we put a cold drink on a stone or cloth, then I will know immediately. That dirty beige stone and any iron becomes a shiny and clean stone and if put on the cloth a bad stain is formed on the cloth. In this way, consider that the stone is cleaned by dropping it, its palace is cut and the snake becomes a stain on the stone or it becomes such that it does not come out, what is the effect of chemical on our body's delicate intestines today. Happen? Then important organs like kidney and liver will be able to avoid its side effects? After testing such a cold for about 5 years, a team of scientists from Oxford University in London reported in 1996 that most cold drinks contained a chemical called hearing that directly listens to the fine veins in the human body. . By using more quantity, the human's ability to stop the use becomes weak and the risk increases. Doctors have found evidence of large hazardous chemicals being added to cold drinks in the laboratory for a long time. We live in such a chemical that many of which remain in the process of making a lot of summary, even after passing it, remains in such a quantity.

Saint Ramdev, who popularized yoga and pranayama, has said that he has done it in his laboratory in Haridwar. All the social organizations of our country did chemical tests of many gold in the country and the blocks were surprised. In fact, the amount of pesticides in all these cold drinks and drinking water was found to be rich in toxic substances harmful to the body. Sunita Narayan, spokesperson of this organization presented the report of this test in front of the media to the media. Gone.

All the cold drinks started beating the rhythm that there is no toxic substance in their feet. Filled with such toxic elements, one person causes great harm only after drinking, then if you drink again and again, what will happen? How many things are available for us to get cold instead of these cold drinks - like fresh fruit juice, vegetable juice, cold milk, yogurt, whey! Sugarcane juice if nothing is found. Use of any of these things increases the immunity of the body. In the true sense, coldness provides the same things, coldness brings the same things. Nowadays, all these things are also not served in a dirty and bad looking manner. Now that people are awake, sugarcane juice is being served in cold glasses in a cool looking way. Therefore everyone should use such things only.

Spice food

Today's teenagers do not like to eat less home made oil and means spices. For this reason, they try to leave home-cooked food and go to Dhaba Hotel and Restaurant and eat spicy chilli spices. Eating such spicy chili spices gives taste to the organism, but as soon as it comes down from the organism, it fills the internal organs of the body with irritation. Eating spicy food for a long time causes indigestion. Constipation is reduced. Stomach hurts. For a long time, it keeps producing and this is what makes the ulcer go later and the ulcer itself becomes cancer. Actually many times such a disgusting situation comes up - the customer who comes out of the cockroach in a vegetable plate] How can you be healthy by eating such food now? Negligence in taking calcium, a person needs a lot of minerals and vitamins to stay healthy, but calcium is the king of the body, due to calcium, our heartbeat muscle contraction building eye and nose movements go well. . This is the substance that combines with phosphorus to strengthen bones. This element is the answer for the teeth. Since modernity has entered our country, our civilized and modern society is getting away from the old things. Which is considered the biggest source of calcium. Amla is a very large reservoir of calcium. Amla remains always in boiling when beaten on frying, vitamin C present in it. It is said that the milkman lives in milk. Particularly helpful in saving the body, from here calcium deficiency is associated with bones.

If you want to stay away from these diseases, it is necessary to drink at least one glass of milk and a mango is taken whether it is in the form of pickles, as vegetable, as marmalade or seasonal fruit in the form of chutney. Earlier people used to get up and drink water, but now people open their eyes on the bed, the smell of tea sleeps in the vicinity, thus the habit of taking tea directly to bed has entered our country ever since then many irregularities and new - New diseases continue to be done at home. The health of people taking beds continues to deteriorate. One effect of this is that in the morning which ends the demand for breakfast.


Morning breakfast is very important for a healthy man. In fact, after eating at 12:00 pm, after dinner, actually after 12:00 pm, after 12:00 pm, the digestive system of our body works till 6:00 am and at 6:00 pm The latter immediately calls for breakfast lightly. Every man feels a slight hunger at 6:00. Some people may take up to 8:00 am. But the body asks for the digestive system. Some snacks, some food, some solids and we put it in. We add one cup or three cups of hot unopened tea into it. From where will such people desire food for a long time, they will feel hungry, but the digestive system is asking for something. If we are hungry we do not give anything to the digestive system, then it works as an alternative to the elements stored in our body. Slowly the digestive system keeps the vital elements coming out of our body, then our body becomes weak and later it causes great disease.

One habit not instilled in our country since adolescence is to take fruits at least once a day. The fruits contain vitamins, which give a human a healthy and strength to fight against diseases. It is true that nature has prepared such fruits in every season, which compensates for the shortage of expensive fruits. If the habit of taking weather related remains, then there is no reason why a person will not be healthy without extra food without extra diet. To stay healthy, it is also necessary to teach teenagers that they should prepare ready-to-eat food and from this, they must include green leafy vegetables in the fruit pulses coming in the season. Protein is found in pulses, green vegetables and turmeric rhymax is very important for the body.

Drink plenty of water

They become so lazy in reading, even after being thirsty, they do not get up and go to drink water, that with enough water, the body glows, the digestion is fine, it feels good. By waking up more, the body heat produced by drinking tea calms down.

In this way one does not have to do a lot to remain the owner of a healthy body. If we focus on a little food and drink, it is not difficult to become a disease-free Hatta Katta.

Now comes the second number after exercise, rather it should be said that food starts later, exercise starts earlier. If every person wakes up for 20 minutes to bend his body, break his breath or move around, then the body remains very healthy. In the evening and 20:20 minutes in the morning i.e. 40 minutes throughout the day for the health of the body, affix muscles and bones of the body remain strong. That's why it has been said that one thousand rules of health, ie health is all right.