Moon enlightens. in English Short Stories by Amrin Memon books and stories PDF | Moon Enlightens

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Moon Enlightens

''MOON is the most Bright,

But when anyone comes ahead,

It makes them highlight

May be because it knows..

How it feels, when you don't possess your own light! ''

I remind this to myself everyday, as I stand by the window at night. People who are treated wrong, even when they have been good to everyone for so long, mostly feel that it is BAD to be good! If everyone human-being on Earth does so, then it will not be a place worth living for us. No matter what we shouldn't give up on being good to others. It doesn't necessarily mean to treat everyone like a cherry on the cake! It is simply not letting others to disturb our peace of mind & heart. The more we hold grudges, the more difficult it becomes for ourselves to be at peace.

Sometimes it's heavy on our heart to give someone the love ,which we are deprived of. But maybe in giving we'll someday find our real happiness. Instead of expecting from others, we should first love ourselves.

Self love is essential. But 'only' self-love, can make us turn a deaf ear to other people's needs. We should love ourself enough to believe in our potential, but not so excessively that we look down upon others & their capabilities.

Consistently, when we do so, we'll surely be victorious. We should give light to Others, so that they can fin their way too. But we shouldn't blind them with our light.

There are people in the whole wide world, who are talented & capable of doing great things. Competition exists, so when anyone tries to come ahead of us, we should make them highlight, just like we expect others to do so for us when we didn't posses our light i.e when we were feeling low.

In the dark sky, among all the stars,The Moon shines the brightest. But still ,when anything or any cloud passes by, it makes them highlight. Even when the other object hides The Moon, we know that it's there, we realise that it is Humble.

Helping others does not reduce our prestige or fame,but adds beauty to our name.

The Moon knows how it feels, when we don't possess our own light, as it shines by the light of the Sun. We humans know, how it feels when we have no hope, when we are low, when dark days pass so slow! So this is to everyone who has been through hard times and to everyone who is shining bright in their lives, that we should always, forever be humble, just like the Moon!

Moon has scars on its surface, but still it never fails to catch our eyes! Scars don't define us, how do we stand strong after even after falling & failing at times, does. With all our imperfections & our abilities as well, we should know our worth enough to love ourselves. As every coin has two sides, it depends on our perspective that how we take things. In life,there is pain, but at every loss we have a gain!

By : Amrin Memon.