When We Met - EP - 48 (Awkward Encounters) in English Fiction Stories by Aisha Kapadia books and stories PDF | When We Met - EP - 48 (Awkward Encounters)

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When We Met - EP - 48 (Awkward Encounters)

Emily's POV:

I was still busy in eating my nails and when I realised I was out of spare nails in my right hand, I stuffed my left hand in my mouth, chewing nails of my fingers in frustration.

"Oh god! What should I do?!"

Immediately, an idea popped to my ancient rotten head and a clear smile of relief made way in my potato-face!

"Yes! I can do that!"

I glanced down at my phone, looking down at the time and realised I still have half and hour left till it clicks five in the morning.

Well, a relaxing bath could always work at these times.!

Time would fly while I would busy myself taking a light nap in my wide hot bathtub!

Popping buttons of my shirt open, I slid it down my toes before sliding my jeans down with it. Unclasping my bra, I let it fall on the floor and walked down to the laundry table to stuff all of it in a washroom.

I was glad that after our little mistake in our bedroom on my date night, Edward and I came to a conclusion to sleep alone. He decided to sleep on other room but I told him I could sleep with Rose while talking to her all night and he could sleep in our bedroom. He complied to my decision, not questioning further as he himself knew it was for the best of both of us.

A light moan escaped my mouth just as warm water hit my cool flesh, hugging my curves tightly. I sunk further in the bathtub, spreading my arms on its side and leaning over it, my eyes closing on their own accord.

My phone alarm broke my little nap too soon and pouting in little grudge from the lack of my sleep, I stood up from the tub, water dripping from my body and now, cool air tingling my skin, producing goosebumps over it. I wrapped towel around my wet body, my hairs falling in wet curls around my shoulder.

Humming soundly to myself, I walked towards my closet, plugging earphones in my ears, playing loud songs to shoo away my sleep. In between, I started to dance around, gripping my towel, waving my hands and legs frantically in air.

"Mama, I am in love with a criminal! And this type of love isn't physical, it's rational! Oh yeah!" I plopped on my bed, jumping loudly on it, too much overcome with listening to good music after a long time!

"Whenever,wherever, we're meant to be together, I'll be there and you'll be near, and that's the deal my dear!"

Yeah! Shakira!

I jumped down from my bed, taking my hairbrush to sing along with the music before grabbing wiper from my washroom to dance with it!

So what, I found wiper more adequate dance partner than any human being!

Sorry, but maybe our views doesn't match! But you should also try wiper sometimes, a broom could also work well, if it isn't inhabited by nearby friendly cockroaches who wouldn't miss a chance to steal a little disco dance crawling proudly inside your clothes!

I clicked on Avril Lavigne's albums!

"Please wrap your drunken arms around me!And I'll let you call me yours tonight!" I touched my lips seductively and singing slowly in a sexy tone, I shook my head excitedly, my wet hairs sticking to my cheeks.

"When you turn off the liiiiights, I get stars in my eyes! Is this love!?
Maybe somedaaaaaay!"

"So don't turn on the lights! I'll give you what you like!"

Dancing in myself, I turned around, busying my hands in my closet to search for my undergarments, while my other hand gripped my loose towel.

Finding my black bra, I removed my earphones and put it over my desk before leaving my hands which were gripping my towel.

"What the- No! -Holy fucking shit!!"

My hands shook suddenly from the unexpected interruption. I bit my lips, closing my eyes in dilemma and I didn't want to turn around to look
at the intruder when I recognised very well the owner of that voice.

Gosh, I heard that same voice for twenty years now! I didn't need voice recognition system in my brain to recognise his deep masculine voice that could blow my senses away anytime and anywhere.

Not daring to look into his eyes that were now boring holes in my exposed skin, I paced my foot slowly step by step on the carpet, attempting to slip quietly to the washroom when my ankle stumbled against the table and I eeped in surprise, closing my eyes in surprise of sudden fall.

Pair of masculine arms wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me closer and I opened my eyes to stare at those ocean blue eyes I fell in love with a long time ago.

His eyes bored sweetly into mine, sending chills down my spine and my breath quickened in impulse. Dark blush adorned my already flushed cheeks, as my own hands went over my chest to clutch my towel tightly around my fingers.

Raising my free hand, I pressed my palm over his chest, slightly pushing him away in pure embarassment.

When Edward realised he was still holding me and staring into my eyes continously, he abruptly let me go and I stumbled a little before balancing myself to stand erect on the floor.

Edward scooted a little away from me, keeping a respected distance between us and coughed slightly, his eyes looking at anywhere but me. He slipped his hands into his pocket. His ears and neck were red and I could make out the light blush that was crawling lovingly in his face.

We stood like that, for maybe hours when it was just few minutes and I decided to collect my remaining courage to talk to him.

"Erm.. What are you doing here? In my room!?

"I.. heard loud ...sound coming from your room and thought that something happened! Michael wasn't picking up my calls so I thought I would go myself and check but when I opened the door I saw... well... you know what..you were busy in your earphones.... that's why you mustn't.... have heard my voice.....but I called you.. many times....I was just umm ...I was caught off guard and well.... hope you understand rest of it"

"I.. well... I wasn't feeling well you know that's why..." I trailed off, biting my lips to stop myself from kicking myself.

"I can see that clearly!"

I nodded and looked at his face but he turned around, avoiding my gaze.

"How much did.... you see then!?"

"Well I...didn't.....Nothing I haven't seen before, I guess!"Edward completed quickly.

My eyes widened in horror.

"That was many years ago when we used to take bath in your pool, Edward! Now... things are... different!"

"Of course! I can also see how much... your things ..changed in these years!"

"But still..how much..did... ." I trailed off as my eyes widened slowly to see an obvious bulge pressing against his night pants, the reason he wasn't willing to face me.

Oh god, this was embarrasing!

I hung my head low in embarrasment, swallowing the lump in my throat and looked up a little to see Edward still standing at the door, now turning his back at me.

"Why are you still here!?" I asked in confusion.

"I am guarding the door so that no man enters here so go and change fast! Go! I am not seeing anything!"

"No man? As in Eric?"

He nodded quickly before waving his hand at me, urging me to change fast.

I chuckled a little. "Edward, I can assure you Eric isn't interested in me that way! We're just friends!"

"But he is a big mature man, Emi!"

"Oh and you aren't, then!?"

He hesitated a bit, and for a second I thought he was going to turn around to answer me properly if he wasn't a man or not and..

Oh god, I can very well accept every explanation of his muscularity over my naked skin!

"Well....I am an exception for you, lily"

My heart fluttered beautifully at his words, those crazy butterflies danced hip-hop in my stomach, and I smiled genuinely at him, seeing pure honesty in his words.

Yes, he was right!

He had always been an excpetion in everything he had to do with my life!

Or with my body!

Or with both!

With pure happiness in my heart, I turned on my heels to change in my washroom, that clear grin of happiness not leaving my face for a second. I rinsed my wet hair with a fresh towel and tied my hairs in a simple bun.

When I came outside, Edward was peeping from the peephole, his eyes narrowed in a serious gesture to check if someone was coming.

I coughed deliberately and he turned around abruptly. A wave of relief passed his beautiful face just as he saw me dressed fully in a presentable clothes.

Nodding to himself, he walked towards me, his steps giving evidence of his tiring day. He stood in front of me, raising his hands to pat my head slowly, as if I had done the greatest deed in the world by wearing full clothes.

He rolled the sleeves of my shirt down my arms, buttoning it up my wrists like some Mom dolling up her child to prepare him for school before walking out of the room, not even looking back at me once.

When I looked at my phone, my eyes widened in horror to see it was already past seven now and I slumped my head down in complete disappointment.

I had planned to go to Lara's house early to inform her not to come today, and since Edward was asleep then, it would have been easier for me to slip out of house. But now Edward was wide awake, he would ask me thousands of questions before he would let me leave the house.

I dialed Lara's number again and still, she wasn't picking up. In frustration, I kicked my legs in the air, my mind in complete mess!


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