Think Big Think Rich - 2 in English Motivational Stories by Ashish books and stories PDF | Think Big Think Rich - 2

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Think Big Think Rich - 2

The Magic of Thinking Rich Workshop :
The Secret of the Universe-How it Works
Zindagi he Choti har Hal Mein Kush Raho
-Whenever there is a Problem, you have to say to yourself, "Come on Yar, Stand Up, I can do it"
-Shake your body & say Yes
-You should search for an Opportunity in every Negative Situation
-Affirmations can change your Life, keep saying it again & Again
-You should say Affirmations with Full Energy & Passion
-Rich are the one who have a Library of Books, & Poor are the ones who have a Television at home
-Never let yourself down when demotivation comes
Whenever there is NO, say to yourself there is next Opportunity
-Practice Incantation whenever there is demotivation
Program your mind with Positivity both Physically & Mentally
Charge you Mind, Body & Soul
Also Charge your Language, Belief & Emotions!!
There is nothing called Rejection because Rejection is the stepping Stone to Sucess!!
-When Computer gets Virus we use Anti Virus, but when there is a Virus (Negative Thought) in Mind, then the Anti- Virus is "How Wonderful!".....which means the Worst could have happened but dint happen
-Always keep Positive thoughts in your mind, Keep Appretiating yourself, take control of your mind, dont give your Life Remote to anyone to control it, you should control it by yoursel
-We only and only Complain in Life for everything whether we have the worst of Things or the Best of Things-STOP Complaining!!

Your money is the Fruits of Life and Good relationship is your Result!!
If you want to change the Fruit then you should first change the Roots
-If you want to change the Visible then first change the Invisible

The main fruit for people is Cash but to get Cash please work on the root....root is KASSH


There are 3 Goddesses, Lakshmi, Saraswati & Durga
Lakshmi always goes to Saraswati..... Saraswati is KASSH
Work on Saraswati & Lakshmi will come to you
-Normal person does not work on himself but a challenging person strives hard with passion to work on himself to gain knowledge
-The Difference between man an animal is, man can raise his energy as much as he can but an animal can't do anything on energy
-Miracle happens in a moment

Experiment 1: If you start loving your Cow and give her extra affection, she can give you many Litres of Milk
-There was this Diary who experimented on 3 Categories of Cows
-In the first Category, they took 20 cows and treated them well, they called them by Human Names, they were given a lot of Love, Care & Affection
-Music was played and they were given special treatment

-In the 2nd Category, the Cows were treated Normal, no special attention was given
-The third category of cows were not given a good treatment

-It was observed Classical Music increased the energy of Cows
Positive energy made the cows give more milk

Experiment 2:
An Experiment was conducted on Plants & Trees
-When Music was played near Plants and Trees, they grew faster
-There were a lot of Fruits & Flowers grown in them

Experiment 3:
A man takes 2 plants in a room, waters them equally, provides fertilizers & food to both equally
-To one plant he kept saying, "I Love You" and other as "I Hate You, you are going to die", and in some days he observed that the other plant died
-Though both got equal water & equal Fertilizers but Love & care is also very important
-There is one village in which before cutting trees all villagers come together & start giving bad words to the trees & it is observed that the tree starts dying and stops producing fruits, .....after that the villagers cut these trees

Experiment 4:
Dr Masroo Imato, took 2 bottles of water, to one bottle he stuck the Label, "Thank you" and to the other bottle he labelled as "I hate you", and he kept both the bottles in the Fridge
-When crystals of both bottles were checked with a microscope, you will be amazed to hear....
-The positive one was shaped beautifully and the negative one was distorted
-When water is given Love there is a lot of Positive Energy in the crystals of Water
-if you give Love to Water & Water also reacts to your love
-The same experiment was conducted again, instead of labelling, he kept saying to one, "I love you" & other "I hate you"
-Again he kept these bottles full of water in the fridge
- What was observed that again there were beautiful crystals to the one where he said positive words...and shapeless & distorted crystals to the one he gave negative energy
-Positive thoughts can change water also
-75% of your body is Water
-Keep Saying yourself, "I Love You" & see the Magic in your body

There are 4 Options to respond when someone asks you, how are you?
1. Fine
2. Good
3. Better
4. Best

Always say, I am the best, I am great, I am awesome!!
-When you say I am Great, your face will Shine, there will be a big Smile on your face!!
-Whatever you Input in the Computer you get Output
-Change your Input if you want a Desired Output
-Please spend your Energy to fulfill your Dreams and not in unecessary things

Unbelievable Things:
-Felix jumped to Earth from Space
-We sent a Robot to Mars in a very Low Cost
-India man single handedly plants a 1,360 acres of forest
-Miracles happen if you have faith and you Belive in them
- Spend your energy in your dreams and not on your laziness and negative attitude
-If you change your thoughts then your Stars will change
If you change your mentality then your perspective of looking at things will change
Don't change your Boats, if you change your direction, then shores will change automatically

Middle class person says, 90% of your time shoulf be spent on Entertainment and 10% on Education

but in Real Life it should be the Reverse, you should spend 90% on Education and 10% on Entertainment

My Key Learning:
Keep your face towards the Sunshine & shadows will fall behind you
My positive attitude can change my Destiny....Good things & Good people will come to me only and only if I am Positive
Ashish Shah
Making a difference with AJS