Think big think rich - 1 - MAD in English Motivational Stories by Ashish books and stories PDF | Think big think rich - 1 - MAD

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Think big think rich - 1 - MAD

The Magic of Thinking Rich Workshop :
I learn so i wrote on pages :

How to change your Life in seconds:
-Don't judge the book by the cover
-We always wait to hear news about Celebrity or do you take autographs when you meet them? Do you want to be a Celebrity then let's celebrate....Let's do something that each one of us become a Celebrity
-You deserve the Best!! Each moment in your Life is a Celebration, please start Celebrating!
-When Logic ends, Magic begins
-The Remote Control of your Life is with you, don't give it to others to control your mind, You are the Owner of your Destiny
-Try Donating as much as you can
-We have to be MAD to make a difference
- Life is simple but we make it complicated
-If you Control your mind, you can control the entire Universe
-Nothing Great can be achieved without Enthusiasm

Free Hug:
A person in some country took a board which Read, "Free Hug"?
A old lady came to him and started hugging him...
This picture became Viral throughout the World
-there was a mother who lost her son in a accident and so she started a new Movement, "MADD" which is Madness against Drunkard Drivers which is running in 140 countries

To bring change in your Life, it's important to focus on your Physiology & Posture, Language & Mental Focus

Physiology & Posture: Change your Physiology, your Body Language
-When thoughts are Weak, Body is Weak
-When thoughts and body both are weak, your Performance will also be weak
-Thoughts lead you to feeling, feelings lead you to do action & action lead you Best Results!!
-Weak thought, Weak Feeling, weak action, weak Performance,
We should Reverse this Cycle....
That's why we should be Strong and Give the Best Performance!! We should have Powerful Thoughts!!
-Emotions are created with Motion
-Change happens in a moment
-When life gives you negativity, you can't keep crying and be negative
.....just stand up and say I will be Positive, no negativity can destroy me
-Thats why it's important to change your Physiology

-What you talk to yourself is what you Create
- Say to yourself "can I do it?", "Yes, I can do it!!"
-In a difficult situation in Life some people break RECORDS & some people Break Themselves
-Whatever the World Speaks to you is of no relevance, what is important is what you speak to yourself!!
-Keep saying yourself, "I can do it", say, "I am Powerful"
-Keep saying Affirmations, Affirmations means to keep saying yourself positive sentences...
-Your Language changes your Destiny
-Affirmation in money, keep saying, "Money is my best friend, it comes to me easily, it comes to me many times"
-The world is dependent on plays a very important role in your Life!!
-When you go for shopping don't look at the Price Tags, please buy what you like.....keep yourself Happy
-whatever you Visualise, whatever you Vocalise, whatever you Emotionalise you Actualise
-You can change the World
-Say to yourselves what you want to say ..positive sentences and not negative ones

Mental Focus
-Please keep your Mental Focus on everything you do
- It is important to keep yourself Positive

To think Big 3 Things are Important:
1. Sangat
2. Aadat
3. Guru

-Please don't keep hearing these Workshops, please start implementing it RIGHT NOW
-Take Responsibility to spread Positive Things

My key Learning:
All you can Change is Change Yourself, but sometimes this Changes the ENTIRE STORY of your Life!!

Ashish J Shah
Making a difference with Ashish