Parallel universe girlfriend - 1 in English Fiction Stories by Gokul Paramanandhan books and stories PDF | Parallel universe girlfriend - 1

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Parallel universe girlfriend - 1

I'm a developer. Working in IT industry. My name is Aruthan. My age is 26. You might understand little bit now, yeah I have a depression and anxiety. My daily routine is wake up 8'o clock hurry to office return to home 9pm. Sitting infront of the same computer coding every day. What a depressed life. I hear your questions why don't you have any girlfriend or hangout with colleagues. I'm a introvert. My communication skills are really very very poor and bad. Still I wonder how did I get this job. I know you couldn't believe how should be a person live without friends. I have anti-social behaviour too. My job made me as a sociopath. I'm always alone. Some times I would like to destroy this computer and leave from this hell. But, I have to pay housing loan, Vehicle emi, send money to parents and emi for other gadgets. If I leave this job I'll be begger. So, somehow I managed to work in this hell.Just watch some porn movies at night and mastrubate and sleep. This is my daily routine and this is my character. Am unattractive too. But, I have a good programming skill that's why my purgatory (company) dosen't fired me. I went to psychiatrist, he gave some sleeping tablets. But after all this I have my one favourite thing and I love that most. The thing keeping me alive. Yeah, that's sleep. Not sleep the dream. Thanks to the psychiatrist. I owe you bro. What I'm dreaming while sleeping is.......
(Someone shaking Aruthan)

Girl: Hey thamos come to reality! Are you done that project I gave you.

(She's my team leader her name was Chavviya)

Me: Yeah chavvi. I'm done that work.(replaying nervously)

Chavviya: Why do you always go to the illusionary stage. Live in this reality. Anyway thanks for done that job. Our client report he found several bugs in another project you have to debug that.

Me: yeah sure chavvi.

Chavviya: ok I have a lot of works to do bye. Complete that project,deadline is tommorow.

She is the girl who gave me so much depression. She's putting her jobs on my head. Don't worry I will explain my dream later or you maybe travel with me while I'm dreaming. Job is done. 9'o clock reached the home,finished dinner, talked to parents and watched porn even mastrubate too. The quotes always coming inside my mind
"Why every human and religions have thought about heaven. Why everyone of us thinking is it heaven is up there? I know, why we think like that. Because, we living in hell that's why we always have a thought about heaven."

The pill, sleeping pill that psychiatrist gave me. This is my favourite part of everyday. I consumed it and fall in deep sleep on my bed. The dream started just travel with me. How did our universe started to begin. Everyone knows the answer. Our universe started from the Bigbang before 13.77 billion years. Even kids in these days know about it. Quark's and lepton's are created atoms. What happened before the big bang. Still it's a million dollar question. Some people's said god created this universe. Every mythologies says that. But, I personally I don't believe in them. Human's will put the god term something they dosen't know or understand. Come on we will enquire in scientific way. In psychologically our reality is just a bubble. We only know small things because we think we know everything. That's create the bubble called perception about someone's reality. We only know our neighbours, friends, family, politics, Entertainment, social media trending's and work related stuff's. We don't know nothing more. According scientist our universe also a bubble. That's why we couldn't understand before Bigbang. But, scientist created a theory our universe is just a copy of other Universe. End of the city is beginning of other city. End of the universe is beginning of new universe. This is not only a universe. It's a multiverse. Most of the people's know about it. If we would travel through the black hole we could came out of warm holes. Warm holes are the gate of other Universe. Black holes are the portals to the multiverses. This is the theory of scientists. It means uncountable galaxies, civilizations, planets, stars,etc. This is exactly applicable to our reality too. We have infinite possibilities and have infinite unique types of realities. Now in my dream we're going to explore one universe the parllel universe. Come with me. I went there the place called gaya it's exactly look like our earth. The women is standing backward and waiting for someone. Yeah, she is waiting for me. I slowly touched her shoulder. She slowly turn around. It's my female version. Her name is Sakthi.

Sakthi: how long I have to wait for you.

Me: sorry bae, too much work today.

She hugged me.....
