UNFORGETTABLE - 4 in English Fiction Stories by xia books and stories PDF | UNFORGETTABLE - 4

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Guy who bumped into Aksha ,by seeing her guts understood that was something than she seems to be so decided not to cross her path.His name was Arjun ,a nerd and most innocent fellow with least dressing sense ,always presenting himself in loose shirts and hoodie .while entire college was fashion freak.

Here Daksha woke up in mid night due to nightmare she got up came out for walk.walking lazily through the corridors she once again bumped into some one.

(I'll use Aksha for Daksha )

Aksha:who the hell are u ?

guy:hey I'm Aditya Kashyap there is no one who doesn't know me.

Aksha:flatter yourself ,what r u doing in girls hostel? boys aren't allowed here.

guy:I'm not a boy,I'm a man

Aksha:whatever.rolling her eyes

Adi:girl,everything is possible for one and only Aditya u see thats me ,smirks

Aksha:self flattering much ,are we?

Adi: I've my ways to meet my gfs

Aksha:one isn't enough I guessthat's why too many

Adi:too much sarcasm isn't good

Aksha:your highness I can handle my sarcasm thanks for your concern.

Adi:if you say so my lady

Aksha:fuck off from here

Adi:I'm going anyway ,no swearing dear.

He goes from there,she goes to her room to get ready for college wakes up meera


Both Aksha and Meera go to college .classes hasn't started yet so Meera goes to cantine while Aksha goes to library .Takes some bio books and starts reading.few minutes later she notices someone's gaze on she looks towards the person.


guy:no response

Aksha:I'm Aksha and you

guy:no response

Aksha:oh are u dumb ? But last time I saw u were apolgising me.

He gets up to go to classes ,she holds his wrist and drags him to a corner pushing him to wall cages him by placing hands on either sides,trying to bf intimidating.2 minutes later

guy: w-what do u want?

Aksha :talk

guy :I'm not interested

AKsha:huh......why?(staring at him in close proximity)

guy:please don't

Aksha:don't what mister?

guy:stare at me

Aksha : oh u seem like Hrithik Roshan (taunts).

guy : I come college for studing

Aksha:f**k when did I ask u for date?

guy:can u please not swear?(loudly)

Aksha:ohh...u really don't swear,how can u live?

guy:u r new student classes might have started .saying this he runs from there.

Aksha :reslly wierdo

****************************************While going she asks direction

Aksha:excuse me where is electronic classes going on?

Adi:aww...miss attitude do we seem like tour guide?

Kabir:shut up adi.Aksha come with us we are from same branch.

they all seat themselves in last raw in gang consisting Meera ,Adi,Preeti,Kabir ,herself and weirdo.

though she is least interested in lecture she acts like listening.while others note every single point especially weirdo.


IN cantine:

they all seat themselves in grop kabir introduces everyone.

Kabir:so this is Arjun .(poing towards weirdo)

Aksha:why doesn't he talk?

Kabir:he's little shy

Adi:bro what little,he is complete shy ,typical nerd,very much innocent

Aksha:ohh(from which angle does he look like innocent -thinks)

they all bond well she observes each and every person.

Kabir:can we keep a nick name tou?


Adi:ms.attitude according to me


Aksha:what the hell?

kabir:fine sweetheart is final

allof them chat .they all have their fast food treat while she sips her bitter black coffee.black coffe is her energy booster.


few days later at mid night while having walk she notices someone jumping backside gate.she goes carefully and grabs his hand and twists his hand

Aksha:who are u?

guy: no response

Aksha:what r udoing here?

He dodges her she scrathes his hand with her nails

****************************************Morning everyone spend their day asusual she enters library finds none except Arjun drags him to secluded area where none can see them.

Arjun:why do always keep draging me?

Aksha:cause u don't obey me

Arjun why should I obey u?

she opens her kit grabs his hand rolls his sleves treats his scrathes .

Arjun :how id u know it's me?

Aksha:oh your perfume.

arjun :smart

Aksha:no it,s experience.I was told my fist task to find the underground officer to test my capability.

Arjun: meet me tonight at same place and same time.