One Night Stand - 7 in English Fiction Stories by Swati books and stories PDF | One Night Stand - 7

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One Night Stand - 7

Chapter- 7

Next day morning Nyon comes to Alex office to discuss about the arrangements of Catherine’s engagement party. He says that the event should be given to Nuclear Zenta firm because they are best in their business and even, we have good relations with them. What do you say? Asks Nyon. I think this time we should give the contract to Skylar firms because they are also good in business, Alex replies. But it is a very small firm and I don’t think they can handle such a big event, Nyon is confused and says nothing. Yes, it is a small firm but I have checked their reputation and potential to host such an event, we can give them a chance. Alex insists.

Mr. Alexzander Bruke, CEO of Bruke holdings is stalking small firms. When he already has better options. Is there anything special about that firm? Nyon asks sarcastically. I am just suggesting, that’s it! If you don’t want, we can go for a nuclear firm. Alex says. No, my friend I trust you because I know Catherine is dear to you than me. I want you to decide because you will choose the best. Says Nyon and leaves. Alex calls Marie and tells her to give the event to Skylar firms. The Day comes, 3rd July 2019, Catherine’s engagement day for which everyone was waiting eagerly.

Catherine looks beautiful in pink. Her soulmate George couldn’t take off his eyes from her. Alex and Nyon’s family welcome the guests. The arrangements were excellent and wonderful. Well, my friend this company Skylar firms has done a great job from decoration, choice of flowers, food and to the gifts all the things are well done. Can we meet the owner? Nyon asks Alex. Yes, why not, meet Mr. Ray Benson, owner of the company says Alex. Nyon praises him for making extremely wonderful arrangements. Sir, I feel that my team deserves the appreciation rather than me and specially Miss Rumi Johnson who has done a wonderful job. He calls Rumi and introduces her to Nyon and Alexzander. Rumi gets surprised to see them. Rumi greets and shakes hand with them. Hello! young lady, you are the one who has made magnificent arrangements says Nyon and congratulates her. Thank you! Sir, looking at Alex who was smiling.

Catherine and George exchange the rings and everyone comes on the dance floor. Nyon asks Rumi to dance with him. Hesitatingly, she comes on the dance floor. Alex watches Rumi carefully in blue gown. She looks pretty and adorable in a flower crown like a princess. Alex feels jealous when he sees Nyon going close to Rumi. They were talking and smiling which has an effect on Alex’s heart. Being envious Alex comes and asks Rumi to dance with him. Nyon leaves her hand and Alex holds her hand, looks in her eyes and begin to sway.

Nyon and you are best friends, right? Asks Rumi while looking into Alex’s eyes. Yes, we are best friends and his sister is mine sister too. You have done a great job. Congratulations! Alex says. Thank you! It’s you who referred Skylar firms. Rumi says. I just suggested the name because it is very important to build reputation in the business and big projects like this can help a lot, says Alex. Rumi smiles and thanked him for giving an opportunity to organise such a big event to her firm. Today you look so beautiful just like a bridesmaid. Alex says to Rumi. Rumi blushes and laughs on calling her a bridesmaid. She laughs and says thank you that you didn’t call me a bride. May be one day, I will call you a bride. Alex holds her hand tight and they look into each other’s eyes even after the music stops.