I Wish I Could... - 11 in English Love Stories by Shada books and stories PDF | I Wish I Could... - 11

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I Wish I Could... - 11

We stayed there talking and laughing. He finally asked me, "How could you be childish and to the contrast be bold?"
I chuckled at him and said, "I just behave how I am and that is very simple for me."
He smiled at me and said, " Yeah, and that's why I...."
His words were cut off by his ringing phone. He attended the call and said, "Hey dude, how is everything?"
And then I heard the person saying something amd he replied, "Again had a fight, you are simply unstoppable. Anyway catch you soon."

He cut the call and said, "Why don't we go inside and retire to the respective rooms. Moreover Sana (didi) would be terribly upset upon failing to find you."
I giggled at him and asked while walking, "Where is Ashi?"
"He is fast asleep besides we would be the only owls awake at this hour" he chuckled at me.
Finally we bid goodbye and retired to beds. Didi was still asleep seems like she didn't realise me not being there.
I soon fell into deep slumber. I had a good sleep as happiness wrapped me.

I woke up to hear an annoyed voice, realising the person I begged her, "Just five more minutes Didi, please."
"Get up you sleepyhead , it's time to wake up." She said and shaked me up.

I yawned and said, "You are so meany."
She laughed at me , I made a face and retired to the bathroom. After freshing up, I joined her for breakfast, the day went by quickly with guests, ceremonies and all...

Finally three days went by shopping, inviting guests, buying decorating stuffs and what not!!
I was standing in the balcony facing the setting sun, mesmerised by its beauty. Didi came near me and said, "How could time fly by this quickly? When we were young we would wish if we could grow up quickly but now I wish to go back to my childhood. I am In distraught Zarah, I don't know what to do. "
I smiled at her and said, "Don't you worry about this too much. As far as I know Jeeju is very supportive and I think he would stand by you. Everything will get alright."

"That was so cliche' ."
We laughed at each other.

Finally it's wedding eve. The day went by dancing, gossiping arranging for tomorrow and all. That's when I realise I don't know what I am going to wear tomorrow. Fai told me that the dress has been sent to get it stitched. But I didn't get a chance to have a glimpse at it. I went to the room to take hair pins and came back to see Isha talking with Mom. I rushed to her and when she saw me she wrapped me in her arms.
"You look so better now, my slender one. Why aren't you wearing any makeup? It's the wedding eve for God's sake!!" She screamed at me. I laughed at her and said, "Anyway leave it dude. So how did you got here? You didn't even call me."
"I called Sasha and she directed me. By the way where is she?"
"She is there along with Mehak."
We went to them and started our usual blabbering. They were making fun of me when I would blush each time they asked me about Amaan.
"And here comes your shining knight." said Isha.
I turned to see Amaan looking here and there probably searching for someone. He was in blue and white stripe t-shirt and his face was shining under the light. I could hear them teasing me but I was out away from them. He finally looked at me and started walking towards.

He came near us and said, "If you could excuse, I need her for a second." I was numb then and Mehak spoke out, "She is all yours Amaan."
I glared at her while everyone laughed at me. These guys are just unstoppable.

I walked behind him and reached his car. He went towards the front seat and opened it. He came with a cover in his hand.
He directed it towards me and said, "This is for you. You must wear this tomorrow. I am sure that it would suit you perfectly."

I opened it and my eyes widened to find a red gown embellished with white stones in the waist area like a strap. It had flares and it was simply elegant.

I looked at him and asked, "Isn't it too much?
"Not at all moreover it is your Didi's marriage and don't you think of looking beautiful.'
"I am looking beautiful even now don't you deny it."
I said faking anger.
"Not at all. You are pretty in your own way. But do wear this, I promised Fai that you would wear this tomorrow." He looked at me with pleading eyes. I nodded at him.
"That's my girl ." He said and was slightly feeling awkward. I laughed at him and went to the room. I placed in the bed. It was simply mesmerising that I couldn't take eyes out of it. I am sure it is Amaan's selection.

I can't wait till tomorrow!!!!!