The Deep End - Chapter 11 - The End in English Fiction Stories by क्षितिजा जाधव books and stories PDF | The Deep End - Chapter 11 - The End

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The Deep End - Chapter 11 - The End

Chapter 11- The End

It’s 4 AM. Annie is going to leave at 7 AM. She is in her room.

“Hey, Mathematician.” Mindy

Annie looks at her. Arif is with her.

“Ready” Mindy

“Yes” Annie nods

“Get in the Hallway” Mindy leaves

“Annie” Arif

She looks at him.

“Please. Come Back” Arif

She looks straight in his eye and lie.

“I will” Annie

“When you will be at the Airport of Green land you will get what to do next?” Miriam

“Give her bag” Miriam

Mindy gives her bag.

“What’s in it” Annie

“Uniform” Mindy

“Remember. This Deal is for you, not me” Miriam. She smiles at her and leaves. Mindy Seats in the car.

“You think they will give kids?” Arif

“They have to, their business works on deals. If she broke this deal no one will make deal with her again.” Annie

“Right.” Arif

“Good-Bye” Annie

Annie leaves in the Taxi.

“Wear this” Mindy gives her Glasses and Hat. At Airport Annie realizes that they are going to Estaphor by Private Plane. It is all to hide her from Cameras and the Public.

“Private Plane” Annie

“Yes” Mindy

At 11 AM they are at Estaphor Airport. Mindy and Annie both are standing near the Airport Gate. One Taxi comes to them.

“Get In” Mindy

Annie Seats on the back seat. As soon as she sits Taxi Drives.

“Wait, she..” Annie

“Mindy is not coming with us..” Driver

Annie Smiles “So, You are not the Driver”

“No mam” Driver

Annie realizes it will be useless to ask who he is. She opens the bag given by Mindy. She realizes it’s not a college uniform.

“Wait, shit, it’s not college uniform” Annie

“Yes. And it's a Cadet Uniform. I can’t tell you to write now but it's the correct uniform for now.” Driver

“What?” Annie

He stops the car. “Get in the hotel. Room no 18. It’s on the left side. Second last” Driver

Annie looks outside. She realizes they are outside the small hotel Named “Map Lands” she gets outside the car

“Wait?” Driver

Annie looks back

“Glasses and this key. Keep in your hand. Don’t talk to anyone” Driver

Annie wears Glasses.

She enters the hotel and goes directly to the left side. There is no one in the receptionist. Except for one girl who is reading a magazine. Keys to a room are In Annie's hand. Anyone who sees Annie walking will think that she is coming back to her room.

She enters the room. There is one old man. His name is Joseph. He stands as soon as she comes.

“We have 30 minutes to make you look like as college student” Joseph

“Who are you?” Annie

“You can call me Joseph.” Joseph

“Sit down” Joseph

Annie seats down. Joseph pick comb. Look at Annie in the Mirror. Annie looks at herself. Joseph starts doing her hair and makeup. So it will look like Sara.

After 15 minutes. Annie is done with all her hair and makeup. She looks in the Mirror.

“I still look like me" Annie

“Now wear this” he gives her College Uniform.

Annie wears a Uniform. Joseph again looks at her front and back.

“Perfect” He picks Cadet Uniform from her bag.

Annie is just looking at him.

“It’s not College dress” Annie

“Yeah, it's Cadet Uniform. Now wear it” Joseph gives her blue Cadet Uniform.

“But...” Annie

“Just do as I say, we don’t have time.” He looks at the clock it's 11:40 Am. They have 5 minutes only.

Annie wears a Cadet Uniform. He corrects her belt and whistle and Hat of Cadet she wearing.

“Taxi is outside.” Joseph

“But. Uniform is that..” Annie

“Go go.” He Insists on her.

She sits in the taxi and the taxi drives away.

“Where you are going now is “Institute of Social Work, Estaphor” Driver

“For PM Cadets are going to perform, and you are one of them. Take this.” Gives her a Card.

“Usha Sethi” Annie reads the name from the Card.

“Around 1:30 You will Enter the college gate as a cadet. On the Second floor, There is a ladies washroom. Directly Go there. Before going ask someone where is the washroom? It will be less suspicious if you will talk to someone. Don’t consider that no one is watching you. From the Gate to Washroom. There will minimum of ten Guards who will be looking at you. They can be in any look Teacher, Guard, Peon Anyone from PMs Security, Cadet. Most Imp Avoid talking to Cadet.” Driver

Annie is listening to him quietly.

“When you will be in the bathroom, it will be around noon. You have to be in the Bathroom till 2:30 PM.” Driver

“How I am going to get the weapon?” Annie

“You will meet someone, their you will get Weapon, Uniform, and further details when you will reach the washroom.” Driver

“One more thing” Driver

“To confirm that person is the correct one. Ask “Is this who?” If the answer is “One who took you to the City of light” then and then only this person is correct. You have met that person before. Hope you remember it.”

“Is this who? or who is this?” Annie

"Is this who?" Driver

"So, is it someone from basecamp?" Annie

“No. You don’t know him directly.” Driver

Take this. He gives her a few notes of Money.

“What do I do with this?” Annie

“Pay me when Taxi will stop near the gate. Guards Outside the gate will be Observing us it will be suspicious if you will leave without paying” Driver

“Ok” Annie takes the money

Taxi is driving smoothly. She realizes Cops are arranged on the road for security. They are doing their checking of every Car entering the college area.

After a while Taxi Reaches the Gate. She pays the Driver and the Taxi leaves. She walks near the gate. She realizes the Security is very tight, every person is getting scanned. She walks near the gate.

“Id” Security

She gives it without hesitating.

“Cadet” He was looking for Id so long

“I’m late already” She requests him to be Quick

He returns her Id scans her from Toe to Head. Go through the weapon scanner.

She enters college through the machine. She passes it properly, she was not having any Weapon.

After entering the Gate. She walks straight towards the building. On the way, someone is coming Out of the College. While Passing she asks him.

“Excuse me. Can You Tell me where the is washroom?” Annie

“Yeah On the Second Floor on the left side” He points towards it with a book in his hand.

“Thanks” Annie

He smiles and leaves.

She walks towards the stairs. She enters the washroom. There was no one inside the washroom.

She was not having any clue about what to do next. If she has to wait for someone. So, she looks around if she gets any packet or any note for further instruction. She has to change her uniform to her college uniform. She looks in the dustbin. It is empty. She looks around but she gets nothing.

She waits there for like 30 to 35 minutes. No one had come there up until now. After a while, she realizes someone walking outside the washroom. So she enters the bathroom. But no one comes. She decides to stay there. After a few minutes. She realizes someone entered the washroom. She was having her ears all outside.

“Annika” Someone calls her name

Annika decides not to respond. Anyone can be outside who knows about the plan and just catch her.

She knocks on the door. Annika opens the door. “Is this who?”

“One who takes you to the City of Light” Lady Respond

Annie opens the door. She is excited to see. She opens the door. It's Laila.

“I am sorry I disappointed you. You must be expecting someone else.” Laila

“Take this Uniform” She gives her Uniform

While she is changing the Uniform.

"After you get ready you wait here for 20 minutes after 20 minutes"

Annie comes outside.

“And remember when you will leave the bathroom take the right side Go straight at the end enter the Auditorium."

"That is where they are taking interviews. You will not find anyone on the way. But outside the waiting room, two guards will check your name."

She gives Annie ID with the name "Sara Watchmen"

"Wait in a waiting room until you hear the announcement of your name. In the Auditorium, there is a Bulletproof cell in which you and PM will be sitting. Outside the cell. No other than guards will be there." Laila

"So, just Guards and two members of the college." Annie

“What if the guards will scan me going before their?” Annie

“They are not scanning” Sara Watchmen

“College has only one entrance. Every Person is coming from that entrance and everyone is scanned.” Laila

“How you got the gun inside?” Annie

“Listen to me first. Those Guards are not just guards; they are PM Rogers’s guards. They are going to recognize you.” Laila avoids her question.

“But they will be on the front side. You will enter the room from the backside. So, As soon as you enter the room, get in the cell. Before they come to you” Laila

Annie is listening to her properly.

“There are two guards outside the room. They will check your name. Only Students who are getting interviewed are allowed inside." Laila

As soon as you go inside they will announce Sara's name. You go as fast as Possible" Laila

“But you said they are recoding Interview for the campaign. so” Annie

“Oh yes there are two Cameramen. But inside the cell just PM” Laila

“Bodyguards of PM will be just outside the Cell with the camera.” Laila

“Weapon” She gives her weapon.

Annie hides her weapon in Uniforms.

No one talks. They are waiting for the moment to go outside. Someone from outside is going to notify Laila to send Annie.

“You want me to leave you for this moment” Laila

“Nooo. Just be here. If you will leave I’ll get lots of thought in my mind” Annie

“So, You don’t remember me" Laila

“Yeah I do, for some mission; they needed a kid so there I was with you as your daughter we went to dinner. I was watching lights and all that you pocked me with injection. I don't remember a lot.”

“But I remember watching those buildings and lights and that food. Kid’s family. That all was awesome, I wanted to watch more. But you made me unconscious” Annie

She laughs.

“Oh I forget to tell you one more thing” Laila

“Miriam said she will send confirmation of kids delivery ” Laila

“She has to otherwise I’ll open my mouth” Annie

She laughs again.

“What?” Annie is trying to keep her mind busy in talking.

“Nothing. You are just like me.” Lady

“So, you are stupid too,” Annie replies

“Tell me one thing. Miriam will keep her word right?” Annie

“She has to. If she broke one deal that will affect other deals also. I am doing this because I made the deal. If anyone thought she is not following the deal. No one will make a deal again. Her business works on the deal.” Laila

“What’s your deal then?” Annie

She looks at her and says “You are so small to understand it.”

“I think around 20 or 21, full mature .so, you can tell me, and I’ll not be able to tell anyone.” Annie

Her phone vibrates.

“You should go now. As soon as you reach the waiting room they will call your name” Laila

“Go.” Laila

Annie leaves the washroom. She goes to the right side. There are two guards outside the waiting room. She tells the name.

She goes inside. As soon as she takes a seat one boy comes from the door of the Auditorium. She hears Sara's name announcement. She goes through the door. The first person she sees as soon as she opens the door is PM. Before anyone realizes anything. Annie enters the cell. She is looking towards her. PM Roger is giving soft smile to her.

“Phattt Phatt phatt”

Before the guard realize anything. Annie shot PM Roger. Guard approached the cell. Annie looks forward. What she saw is unexpected. There is not one camera, one or two people. The auditorium is full of people, Lots of cameras. She realizes that this interview is live. People are looking towards her. Kids, Parents teachers around a hundred peoples are looking at her. She looks towards the PM. She realizes she is dead. She realizes she shot 4 bullets in her head. She looks towards the gun in her hand and suddenly the guard knocks her down.

Annie is in the cell. Two guards are outside her cell. One Officer Comes to her. Her name is Officer Dyena. She is one of the youngest tops ranked Officers of Anti-COA.

She stands still outside the Cell. Annie looks at her and then looks down.

Dyena Smiles.

“Hello. Annika Dev.”

Annie looks at her. She is confused about how she got her name. Name is easy to get, but how she got her surname. She didn’t tell to anyone for the last 16 to 17 years. That means she got links from her past.

“I did little work” Dyena

“You know I should’ve kicked you to get your name, then who told you to kill?, One-Punch for the name, One Punch for who sent you? another punch for More ....Blah... blah... more kicking more questions. Instead of that, I thought I should do little homework by myself” Dyena

“How you got arrested for killing Tarif? then how you killed a Police officer? Your links with Nahamic city Bomb blast, links with COA. Ughhh.... we got a long history of your involvement in assassination and murder.” Dyena

“I wonder how we didn’t get the spotlight on you after all this dirt you have spread.” Dyena

Annie comes near the cell.

“I wonder how you got that information.” Annie

“I told you I did the study” Dyena

Annie says no by moving her head. And laughs

“You want me to believe that?” Annie

Dena realizes that her lie is caught. And changes the topic.

Annie knew that Jay is the only one Person who knew her Surname. They cannot find her mother and her old history with Traif with name and Surname. That means she knew her.

“OH, I forget. I came here to inform you that your mother is outside she wants to meet you. Your death is confirmed we thought we should allow you to meet her. So, if you want to?” Dyena

“I don’t” Annie

She is more eager to know about Jay than her mother.

“Ok bye” Dyena

“Stop who told you about me?” Annie

Dyena smiles. “Who else?” Dyena

“He is here?” Annie

“In the same spot” Dyena

“Please tell me more...” Annie

“Look. You have a hearing tomorrow. we want more information about COA” Dyena

“I know you want to know more about Jay. But I’ll open my mouth when you will open yours?” Dyena

Annie looks at her. She is not supposed to tell them anything about COA.

“I’ll tell everything” Annie

Dyena smiles.

“Sargent, get her in interrogation room” Dyena

Annie gets Interrogate for 7 hours. Annie didn't tell them anything about Deals. She is sitting in her cell.

Dyena comes to her.

“Three or four years ago my dad arrested him. He killed 12 soldiers alone. That’s a big; we decided to interrogate him privately. I did interrogate him. That’s where he told me about you."

"It's Personal information, But My job is getting into peoples mind play with their emotions, make them talk more, and get information. That’s where he told me about you. He told me lots of things about you. He was so, eager to go back to you and take you out. After 5 months he got executed. On the last day, he requested two plates of food. He ate food by pretending he is with you. Gave his few bites to you. Requested you to have more. He laughed. He celebrated with you. That’s it” Dyena

Annie is listening to her.

“You have your hearing tomorrow. We have Pressure from the Public to Punish you as soon as possible" Dyena

She leaves. Annie looks down.

Annie looks in the room. She checks the table, she starts looking on the wall, for something near the bed in the corner, and she got what she was looking at. There was something scratched in the wall.

“Annie” there was a face made near it.

Annie touches it. And starts to cry. Her screams were so, loud that at the end of the corridor Dyena hears them.

“Mam, Can you tell why you told me to carve her name?” Sargent.

Dyena Smiles.

The next day they took her to the court. In the end when the hearing ended she realizes Arif is in court and he nods at her. That was the signal for her that he received the Kids. She gets Relief.

When they came back Jailer asks her a question

"I am not supposed to ask you this now, but what’s your death wish?"

“ahem,” Someone clears their throat from the right side. Jailer looks

“Your job is done you should leave now?” Dyena

Jailer leaves

“How was the hearing? I missed it. wanted to see your expression after hearing the death sentence? Looks like I missed I heard you were smiling in the court?” Dyena

“The deal I made with Miriam is done.” Annie

“What Deal? You can tell me?” Dyena

“Yeah I will" Annie looks and smile

“Miriam was ready to free 300. If I Kill PM Rogers” Annie

Annie has a small smile on her face because of happiness. Dyena is having a serious face but suddenly. she starts laughing. It was like she is trying to control her laugh but she is not able to control her laugh. She is laughing so hard. Annie is looking so confused she is not able to understand what is so funny.

“You tried to save 300 kids” Dynena talks while controlling her smile.

Suddenly, Dyena kicks her so, hard on the face through the cell, on the face. Annie falls on the floor. Her nose started to bleed.

“What's so funny?” Annie looks at her. her face is indefinable.

“Funny? Stupid. You made a stupid deal” Dyena

“Every Year around 4 Million kids disappear around the world, among them more than 50% kids are abducted by COA In a different way, Just like the way Police Officer Sold you, Do you know How many are Working for COA for Money” Dyena

Annie is in shock her mouth is wide open.

“Those kids are trained in Base camps, More than a hundred base camps come under one academy, Current count of the Academy is 76 around the world. Every year They are trying to abduct more kids, build more base camps more academies. 25 academies work under one Head Camp. Three Head camps are working together to run COA.” Dyena

“PM roger was the First person who declined the offer of COA to Use their Army of kids in the war of Green land. she broke all relations with COA. That did affect. Nine more PM of other countries were going to do the same, To Maintain a few IMP deals with Green land. Now they declined to do it” Dyena

“You stupid punk tried to save 300 kids. In the Next 10 to 20 years, could have Destroyed COA. That should have saved millions of kids. ” Dyena yells at Annie

Annie is in shock. Dyena looks at her and leaves.

At that moment All the memories of the mission, talk with Miriam flashed before her head. How they told her levels of mission level 0 and level 3. How most, imp threats come to level 5. How they avoided her few questions. The way they made 300 counts look bigger for her. How she avoided thinking about a few things, how she acted selfishly. The way they made her feel proud of saving kids.

Next Morning They hanged her to death. In her last moments, she didn’t keep her last wish before them.
