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Rituals for Success

Rituals for SUCCESS

Do you always feel as if you are struggling to feel motivated, or maybe that you are stuck in your daily patterns and behaviors and not able to move forward? People feel that successful people use some kind of charm to help them achieve their immense wealth and success. Well, what they don't understand is that these people are somehow unique in what they do, how they relate with others and how they conduct their daily businesses. The outcome of great success is often quite loud and a lot of people start talking about it. The actual steps that have been taken to attain the success are usually more discreet. What has taken place in silence behind the scenes makes the success all the more worthwhile. It’s just a matter of developing a simple routine which they follow each and every single day. These routines become a ritual with time and they "obey" these rituals because they know that it’s hard to achieve their dreams without even trying.

The fact is, these people share some kind of rituals which they consistently do. These are the rituals that help them achieve their goals. Well, success doesn't come easily. So, if you are looking for rituals that lead to success, then keep reading because you have come to the right place. Be forewarned that these rituals do lead to success but there is one thing that you need before success is even possible. You need to know what it is you want. Not only do you need to know what you want, you must also want it as bad as you want to breathe. You can say you want to be rich and successful or whatever it is you think you want, but if you don't want it with everything you have inside you then you really don't want it as bad as you think.

1) Wake up early

As the old saying goes the early bird gets the worm. People who are successful know that time is money. Waking up early is the best way to get a head start on your day. You are less likely to get distracted in the morning and morning is the best time to plan your day. Early risers are usually more productive and proactive. A common trait of successful individuals is that they wake up early and accomplish several daily tasks before they even sit down to breakfast.

2) Exercise

Keeping one's body fit is good for overall health and successful people know that. They only way to achieve immense success is by keeping fit and healthy. This is how you get your energy level up and gets your blood flowing. Most successful people work out in the morning and that gives them the boost of energy that they require to have a productive successful day.

3) Meditation

Start the day calmly and in a mindful state. How you start your day has an impact on your overall effectiveness throughout the day. Forget the hardships you had had the previous day and focus on the day's achievements. Spend a minimum of 10 minutes each day in silence. Use this time to concentrate on nothing other than your breathing.

4) Plan and Strategize

The morning is the best time to plan and strategize because you are fresh. Planning out your day, week, and month is a critical tool. Not only is it important for time management. It is also important to know exactly what your goals are and the steps you will need to reach them. You should spend a minimum of 5 minutes each morning planning out your goals and strategies.

5) Vision Board

This board is similar to your long term goals but usually in picture format. It is beneficial to create a space where you post pictures of goals you have (house, car, vacation, etc. Not only is it inspirational to post picture of your goals but also people, quotes, and places that inspire you. This is something that you should do yearly and put it in a place that you will see it every day. It is a daily reminder of where you want to go and what you want to achieve in life. Having a constant reminder of what you want to achieve is very important for you to become successful.

6) Goals

It is wonderful that you want to be successful but what is it that you want to be successful at? Begin with the end in mind. It is very important to write down your goals. Goals help you keep focused on what's important and help you to develop more meaningful ideas. Goals to me are actually the most important thing I do. For the best results I write down my weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. I review them two times each week to not only remind myself where I want to be but also see what I have already accomplished. People who write down their goals on a consistent basis achieve much more in life because they are always moving forward.

7) Think Win! Win!

Focus the mind on positives only Think Win! Win! Successful people fight off negativity at all costs because they are well aware of how badly they can damage their intended goals meant for success. Negativity does not have one positive outcome. As we already determined, time is money. Wasting time on negative thoughts will never make you money so block them from your life.

Surround yourself with positive people There is nothing worse than having a fire in your life extinguished by those that surround you. If the people in your life do not support you in a positive way they are dragging you down. It is best to avoid people who are negative and drag you down.

8) Don’t waste your time

Getting rid of unnecessary work and focus on something meaningful. Are you doing what needs to be done? If you find yourself doing too much work without seeing any meaningful results, it is time to start weeding out the activities that are time wasting. Spinning your wheels with no results is a clear sign that you are focusing your attention in the wrong place.

Thank You!

Dr Purvi Goswami