AIR PURIFYING INDOOR PLANTS in English Anything by Subbu books and stories PDF | AIR PURIFYING INDOOR PLANTS

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Plants are the cheapest aesthetic find for your home. And when these plants also purify the air in your home whilst making it look beautiful? What more could you want from these green beauties. In this age when air pollution is breaking new records every single day and air purifier machines are becoming as common as air conditioners, we thought introducing you to some of these plants will help you get that pure air without blowing a hole in your pockets for a machine. After all, nature does its job at the best.


Chrysanthemums are beautiful no doubt. The vibrantly beautiful blooms remove ammonia, formaldehyde and benzene from your home and give your house a floral feel. Though they are one of the harder indoor plants to maintain but the payoff is great. They prefer indirect sunlight but it should be bright and make sure they are dry in between watering them with warm water.


Peace lilies are my favourite plant and looking at the one sided petal of the flower brings an inherent feeling of tranquillity. They are undemanding and you can keep them in areas with low light. They remove carbon monoxide and formaldehyde with their glossy green leaves. The white flowers are happy with a weekly water schedule.


Aloe Vera can be found in almost everybody’s home today. But do you know they remove the toxic formaldehyde from your sweet sweet home. It is a great air purifier and thrives well in well-lit rooms with a spatial watering routine. They also have a natural indicator and when the harmful chemicals are too high in the room, they develop brown spots on them.


Devil’s ivy or famously known as golden pothos, the plant grows with unnatural ease. The greens of the tendrils give a bright green vibe to the entire room. The best thing about them is their ability to grow in water which means you do not need to keep track of its watering schedule. They remove formaldehyde along with benzene and trichloroethylene.


Rubber plants are Indian natives and the evergreen plants are extremely hardy. They enjoy light and bright light along with weekly watering in the summer months and fortnight watering schedule in the winter. They are known to remove formaldehyde, xylene and benzene from the environment and can be easily given around as gifts.


Scientifically known as Chrysalidocarpuslutescens, Areca palms grow big in size overtime and are very good to fill large spaces. The green powerhouse requires a lot of water, preferably twice weekly in the summer months while watering them weekly in winter does the trick. They remove formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, benzene, xylene and trichloroethylene from your environment. They are great in removing toxins and do not require much maintenance and care. Few air purifying plants are mentioned here.

The main reasons to grow indoor plants are they eliminate air pollutants. And so they are the best to reduce stress and boost your mood.