Nishty - 9 in English Fiction Stories by Pankaj Pandya books and stories PDF | Nishty - 9. Resignation

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Nishty - 9. Resignation

On his way to his office, Nishit was thinking about his future. “Now is the hard time of handing my resignation once this tough phase passes then a new life awaits ahead.” He arrived at his office.

On reaching his desk he called out to Rajesh. On looking at the expressions of Nishit, Rajesh clearly understood that something was fishy about the situation.

“Rajesh sit here” on seeing Rajesh approaching, Nishit pointed his finger towards the chair told Rajesh.

“there’s a good news”, said Nishit.

“When are you resigning, Nishit” asked Rajesh.

On seeing Rajesh hitting directly at the bulls eye, Nishit was shocked.

“How did you come to know”? Asked Nishit.

Well your face reveals everything. Now for how many days you are as a guest here?

“Guest?” a perplexed Nishit asked and continued, “Well what has happened to me?

“well..Now that you are resigning that means you are guest only for few days” .answered Rajesh clearing the doubts of Nishit.

“ohh..well, today I shall have a chat with Sinha sir and then will decide accordingly”.

"Oh so that's the case."

"Yes that"\'s the case."

“So nothing fishy right”?

"No not at all" and then both greeted each other. Tears were rolling down from Rajesh’s eyes as they hugged . With a gentle pat on his head Nishit consoled him.

After lunch, Nishit called up Sinha sir,

“good afternoon Sir...Nishit here”

“very good afternoon...Nishit...How are you?”

“Fine sir, Thank you”

“yes tell Nishit”, asked Mr. Sinha.

“well Sir, you had told me yesterday that we will talk again tomorrow so that’s the reason for my call”

“Yess...well I was just joking. Its confirmed that you are selected. Now its up to you to accept or decline”.

“Ohh thank you sir... Well Sir I have still not decided what step should I take further. I have even not informed my parents about it. Within a day or so I will talk to my parents and then will submit my resignation and will inform you the date of my joining... and yes sir...Appointment letter?.

"Don’t worry...I have just signed your appointment letter. Enjoy. And do not worry about anything. We have all the facilities arranged."

It was after dinner at home Nishit broke the news to his parents.

“Mom...Dad...I wish to talk to you..”

Nishit’s mother Geetaben thought that he might be willing to talk about his wedding and so he was speaking so hesitantly in the mean while Nishit’s dad Gunvantbhai spoke...

“Yes son tell what the matter?”

“Last month I had travelled to Mumbai for an interview. The owner of the company called me yesterday”

“Yes, so what did he say?”

“well, he has selected me for the job”

“that’s great, but you are now well settled here and are earning quite hansomely. Now we don’t need to go for such a job to Mumbai”.

“but dad...just let me finish...”

“No uts and buts, I don’t want to hear anything....what unique are you going to do with a job of a script writer? That time since you were not ready to listen to, we had allowed you but you are not going there for your job and this is my final decision”.

“But dad, I got the job as the head of the creative team and not as a script writer”.

“Oh, so that's the case. Well this is a job with responsibility and you need experience for this job. Will you be able to handle the whole team?”

“Well, Sinha sir is really very experienced in that field and he might have noticed something unique in me and therefore he has offered me this position.”

“That's great son...then go ahead”, Showering his blessings his dad gave him go ahead signal.

“How much are they offering you?”,inquired Nishit’s mother.
“four times the salary as that of which I am getting today” on hearing Nishit’s words a thrill of excitement was felt among everybody. Nishit got up and touched his parents' feett seeking for their blessings.

“May you be very Prosperous, son”, with tears of happiness both of them blessed Nishit. Both of them hugged Nishit tightly as tears of happiness rolled down their eyes.

“Well, let's have a party today”. Nishit have your dinner and then go get any ice cream of your flavour.

“Dad we had ice cream party yesterday. I had bought ice cream for this very reason.

“so why did you not tell us anything yesterday?”

“Well the case is that when I reached home yesterday, Pasha Uncle had already arrived and so I decided not to disclose the news and also till I don’t join, you also don’t disclose this news to anybody”. Otherwise people will start advising that being an engineer he is doing this job and , will start criticising. And so instead let me reach Mumbai and then you disclose the news to all.”

“well...let it be so as you please. But yesterday you came to know about your job offer and so you bought ice cream and today we know so you’ll have to eat ice cream." Nishit’s father could not contain his excitement and ice cream was his biggest weakness.

“ Or else don’t bring Ice cream at home, let us all go out to have Ice cream. Kissing Nishit, Gunavantbhai just carried him in his arms.”

“The most important reason for my happiness is that my son got a job of his choice and that to with all the due respect.”

Today tears rolling from everyone's eyes was a common sight to watch.

All three of them took their car and went to enjoy their ice cream. Gunavantbhai as decided did not eat his ice cream but had pounced on it. After reaching home he told Nishit...

“Go have got a fabulous job but see that you do not hurt anyone’s sentiments at your existing workplace. You are having a lot of creative skills but on that basis you would only get a script writers job. You also have a lot of talent within you no doubt about that. But it is due to your existing job and your position as a manager that has landed you such an amazing job and I’m pretty sure about it.”

“you are absolutely correct dad. And even if this was not the case I would never like to spoil my relationships with others...And I firmly believe both the directors of my firm will be much happier than me on hearing about this news.”

“That’s very good. So do one thing you type your resignation right now and do it such a way that it does not hurt anyone. Also remember one thing that till the time you do not receive your appointment letter till that time don’t give your resignation. And if you feel hesitated in offering your resignation should I join you in meeting your HOD.?

“No dad, I will manage everything”.

“That’s great...but still if you face any difficulties do let me know.”

“Sure Dad” agreeing with his dad's words Nisht proceeded towards his room. He then began writing his resignation letter.

“Dear Sir,

No journey in life is endless and it ends at some point or another. And the same is the case of my journey with this organisation. . Thanks for providing me such a great experience working with your esteemed organization within my tenure of a span of four years. I hope the success of this company gains new high year after year as it has done so far.

I deeply regret if I have hurt any one within this organisation even unintentionally.
Thanking for your co-operation for last few years.
Yours Faithfully,

Nishith Mehta

writing his resignation letter, Nishit copied the same in his pendrive. Completing the letter with sentiments filled with gratitude he kept his laptop aside and went to sleep.