Who Is Guilty???? in English Love Stories by Broken_Feather books and stories PDF | Who Is Guilty????

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Who Is Guilty????

Attraction is the starting point of love, but some people says it's not a feature of love it's just attraction like a bubble of soap that can be vanished at any point of life.
But when we see some special eyes, special faces, special gestures we fallen in love at that exact point,and searches what we want in life. Then we follow the heart and want it make ever lasting love like ancient love stories.
Now I'll tell you my life incident who couldn't be convert in long story but still exist in mind after many years.
I came to a new city to make myself like a milestone,so I took admission to be a part of race to conquer the India's top most examination UPSC. I started a daily routine to go to classes then to room. Nothing changed in my routine it's going on a flow of water in my life.
One day I was late to class so I was in hurry. I collide with a person who was also in hurry. I didn't notice who is that but sudden I felt that her scarf stuck in my shirt's button, it's just like a movie scene I never expect that it can be happen with myself in life but it happened. We both are trying to pick out that scarf because we didn't want to miss the class. After a great effort we succeed to do that and went to class room. In classroom there was two rows of students there one for boys and other for girls. But some of older can be merge in both rows,there is no rule to follow the rows. After taking the position I was searching that face who met me in that lovely accident of my life. I was shocked to see that one face is also doing the same like me and that is the face who is desire of my heart that time. I can't explain what was the heartbeat rate of mine but I was feeling like that I caught in stealing something. But that is the first sight of love who is unforgettable. I saw her many times in that lecture she is looking so innocent and sweet. Now I can say that moment is enough to fallen in love.
After that day I never missed my class and always tried to talk her but I have no power to take this strong action. Slowly I fixed my chair to sit just parallel to her in other row. I noticed her writing,her style,her dress sense.
She was lefty and writing lil bit similar of mine. She was noticing that I'm looking at her.
Day by day it's routine to taking classes and looking her but I noticed something strange that was she also fixed her chair just parallel to me. I didn't know that she is interested or not but she is also looking like me.
After a month of this process I collect my all daring power to talk her, I went to her and said did u collect the notes of yesterday class,still we both know that we were not missing the classes but I asked this. Obviously her answer was YES.
It's too short conversation but I know it's big win for my heart, because I have talked her for few seconds. After this conversation I started to talk her in normal way. I felt that she likes me but it not confirmed. I tried to get her number but I couldn't. I asked her for her number but she excused for this,and told that her family member checked her phone so she can't give this.
We talked often but only about notes and classes. I borrow her notes to get her number but she still refuse to give her number, but i got notes.
I joined a library just nearby to her room for talking and looking her. In evening she come to shop daily,then i talked her alot. Day by day we are familiar to each-other and finally the day came in real when he gave me her number and said to call her.
In same night i talked her almost half of night on call,she told me lot of stuff about her family,her background,her likes and dislikes. She told me that she used to see me in class same way of my looking.
She likes me but she didn't admit this.
Now it's again a new routine of talking with her in night,and asking for her caring. I asked many times that she love someone or not??
She didn't reply in a normal way, always try to skip this question or avoid that.
After a month she told that she have a bf in her village and she will marry him. I was disturbed because she never told this before,I like her and also I didn't told her that I have a soft corner for her in my heart.
After knowing the love of her life I decided slightly finish the love that I have in my heart for her.
After all this I didn't talk her much in old days,and trying to keep myself stay out of this. Then I stopped taking to her,still I'm her friend but only freind,who are available in any helping conditions.
Now still I don't know who was wrong in this relationship.

Was it a healthy friendship??
Or my mindset was wrong??
If I was wrong then why she skipped always my questions about her love life???
Still I'm searching answers but don't want to ask her...!!