It is 10 Oclock - 21 in English Love Stories by Sunil Kapadia books and stories PDF | It is 10 O'clock - 21

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It is 10 O'clock - 21

Two days passed. Krishna was not able to spend a single second more and Priyanka called Krishna. Krishna was eagerly waiting for Monika’s call so without checking the caller’s name he just said, ‘Tell me Monika. Did he agree for the loan?’ Priyanka laughed with a naughty smile and said, ‘It is me Krishna. Priyanka. You are expecting a call from Monika, but it is Priyanka.’ He said, ‘I met her manager two days back and he was supposed to give me his decision on the loan. Monika put a lot of efforts into this. Hence the wait. She is a great friend, and if she pulls through this, I will be in eternal debt to her. She will be the center of my dreams. ‘Though Krishna was talking about only his dream, but Priyanka felt a pinch in her heart. Is Krishna having some feelings for her. Is she making a mistake by waiting too long. What will be the best time to tell him about her feelings? Will he accept her or not?’ Too many thoughts like these were rummaging her minds and she lost the current context. Krishna said, ‘Hello are you there Priyanka?’. She made up her mind and said, ‘Let us meet Krishna tonight around 7 pm at your favorite restaurant.’ Krishna agreed and the call was disconnected.

On the other side, Monika was also in sheer confusion regarding the thought planted by Mahesh. And she realized that she had not updated Krishna about anything since that meeting. Mahesh was busy and was unable to provide any answer though he was positive. So, she postponed the idea of calling him for a while as she did not want to give any false hopes to Krishna. Krishna was getting impatient and anxious. When that anxiety took over the better part of him, he called Monika and almost yelled, ‘Can’t you update me on time? Why do you that Monki? I have been waiting since long. What happened? Did he say yes?’ Monika waited till he finished the rapid-fire round of questions and then calmly replied, ‘I am still waiting for an update Krishna. Mahesh is very busy, so it was not wise to disturb him. But Krishna I am taking a huge risk over here. My entire career plus my salary and everything I have will be in trouble. So please be very careful.’

Krishna hesitated but eventually told with a tone of fear in his voice, ‘Monika if it feels that unsafe, please do not do that for me. I can not let anything bad happen to you because of me.’ Monika said, ‘It was nothing like that. What are friends for Kishu. Just do not forget me once you get this loan and be a very successful businessman.’ ‘That can never happen Monika, never. As you are the best friend and may be more than that.’ It was music to her ears but before she can chew on that feeling, Mahesh called her in his cabin.’ Mahesh said, ‘Monika the bank agreed to give a loan to your friend but under very strict conditions. You will be solely responsible for the loan and if something goes wrong. Not only you will lose your job, but also you will lose your entire savings, provident fund money and anything else which has monetary value. You have to sign all the papers by tomorrow and submit along with the loan application and the loan will be sanctioned within 15 to 20 days.’ She smiled and was very happy but deep down her heart there was a string of worry for all these.

She left the cabin and called Krishna to give him the news. But she wanted to see the expressions on his face and hence decided to give him the news in person. She texted him and called him to his favorite restaurant at 7 pm. Krishna read the message and replied that he would reach there by 7 pm and said that there would be a surprise for her. Priyanka was also planning something to tell Krishna without being aware of the tricky situation. Monika planned the same thing. Fortunately, or unfortunately both had selected the same time to express their feelings. The person who was at the center of this chaos was completely unaware of the situation.

In the next episode who will succeed to express first. What will happen? To know more, please read the next part and whenever possible please review and rate.