Yellow Rose - Part 14 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 14

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Yellow Rose - Part 14

Griffin And Richardson

The firmament jacked functioning in and time for the first time in last few aeons stood still, permitted me to grieve. Maybe the blameworthiness took over me or the woe of losing someone I felt a connection with, I don't know why but my pneuma gave up on my mortal shape. The numbness turned me into a stone. And I guess not just my body but my kernel alike heart too was turned into stone. For otherwise I won't ever do what I did next.

My one operational forelimb was manoeuvred to incapacitate the eyes of one of the men who held me. Disenthralling myself from the hold of them I certainly gained control over my body My feet took me to the other side of the cookroom. My body felt heavier and I had to scuffle a lot with agony to move it. But when the mental picture of exanimate Evan came to my mind, I didn't have to put any essay in synchronising my mind and body. They moved with all the wits we earned till date. As I said I didn't have any charge of myself, it just happened. My once fragile fingers wrapped themselves around a knife and dragged it out of its case with a confidence of their own. Knife winged its way towards that man and the force acting behind this motion was the muscular force of my right hand. It was like I wasn't myself. The sharp urge that I felt to avenge Evan's death was the strongest and strangest thing I have ever felt. I saw the steel blade hitting one man's chest at the perfect point.

I saw how forthwith blood poured out of his mortal human form and made the floor underneath him dirty. I saw the life My Lord created fall and wither, I saw trepidation of quietus in the eyes of that dying man. The blue funk once I had. Seeing him die my soul was liberated from that distress. I saw death and I accepted myself as the cause of it. Yes he died. No!! He did not die. He was killed by me. And I knew it wasn't what it looked like. It wasn't just self defence, I wanted this. I wanted that man dead and I felt no remorse for crafting his death. I didn't have to kill another man as those people in uniform had already come over and taken the hand in the situation.

My heart wasn't intrepid enough to take a look at Evan's dead face but an officer checked him up and said he was still alive and an ambulance should be called asap. His words weren't just music to my ears but also enlightened my soul. Freed it from all tragedies. Everything changed back to normal. My heart stopped racing and the panic vanished. I felt proud I don't know for what. I don't think killing is a deed one should be proud of but that feeling of frailty was gone. I felt welly. I felt my capabilities. An inner voice promised me that we are going to abide life through this and anything that comes in our way. But secrets were now to unveil.

A lady officer came to me, "Are you okay Ms. Griffin?" Ah!! That fits perfectly. TULA GRIFFIN. Now I remember, Griffin is a Celtic last name. It's my last name. The pieces of lost puzzles were now revealing themselves. I reverted to that lady officer with sharpness in my voice, "Don't worry you can be certain about me being fine. Please look after Mr. Wilson." Evan was taken to hospital and as much as I wanted to go there and be by his side I had to stay here too. Many were mutilated in the hotel staff and some souls left bodies too. I did feel pain and some guilt for the death of these guilt-free people. I went rummaging for that one girl who cleped me Griffin and gave me that hug when we came in here first. The entire troop of armed uniform clad was following me on all hands I went.

After trekking on each and every foot of this place I came to know that the girl I am searching for was injured and taken to hospital. I spoke to the officers and told them that I stand in need of visiting the hospital but they won't let me go or take me there as someone called Mr. Richardson ordered them to take me straight to 'Wilson House' instanter. Who in hell is this Richardson now? No more ordering me now. If Griffin is my family-name then this place belongs to me too.

"Mam please understand we can't let you go anywhere we have a strong word from Mr. Richardson that you are supposed to be taken to 'Wilsons' only." One of the senior officers tried to convince me to get back to Evan's house. Mia reached there too. She also tried to get me back but there is no way I am tolerating this stuff anymore. "Well, pass my word to Mr. Richardson that Ms. Griffin will be glad to have a talk with him in person after I return from the hospital. Right now I am going to the hospital to see Evan and other injured staff of the hotel. Also inform me first when you get any intel on who did this to 'Griffin Wilson's Dine'." - "Sure, Ms. Griffin, but…."

I didn't care to listen to what came after 'but' in that statement of the officer. All I gave a hoot about was Evan and I wanted to see that girl too. I had questions that need answers right away. Can't wait anymore. Mia came with me to the hospital. As soon as I stepped in the foyer a lady came in the frame of my vision. The lady from the 'Wilson House' who chastised Jordan for telling me the truth. A weird feeling hit me when she approached me. Like something is wrong.

She came face to face with me and a stinging sensation spread all over my sensitive skin of cheek as her palm made a harsh contact with it. But her words acted like a blade and cut me through. "You Witch!! What have you done to my son? My Evan! He is dying there because of you. You did this to him. If your father had given them what they wanted they wouldn't have done this to my son. You spelled my son and led him to this death bed." She was Evan's mother.

Her slap didn't pain me as much as her words did. She said Evan was dying! He was dying because of me. An old feeling returned to my chest. Like when I was dying. That weight I felt on me. Like my lungs were deprived of air. A man nearly of Evan's age came running in our direction from a close distance. He was here to save me from Mrs. Wilson's warth. "Mrs. Wilson please! It's not her fault and you know it. Tula please go home with officers and Mia." But she was not going to let me go. She accused me of everything and I feel it's true to a great extent. She went back to the bench and continued weeping and cursing me, I wanted to console her but right now was not the time to apologise.

An officer came to us addressing that man as Mr. Richardson. Told him he had some news. When the officer saw me he went silent. "Tula please go home…." I didn't let him complete, "Mr. Richardson, I will prefer you calling me Ms. Griffin and would appreciate you not telling me what I am supposed to do as I am well aware of what I am supposed to do." He didn't see that coming and was quite nonplussed. "Also officer I need the full report of what happened in Griffin Wilson's Dine and what suspects have you got? Also who is leading the case? Please pass this word to your lead that I want to see him or her."

Okay, no one saw that coming. But it worked. My plan worked. Richardson fell for my trap. "…Griffin you know everything?" Richardson was facing a great difficulty in comprehending the entire situation and me. His cracked sentence was proof of that. "Of course, I do. I am one of the owners of Griffin Wilson's Dine and I need to know what in hell is wrong adding to it I was present there at the time of attack and my instincts say it had nothing to do with the Dine but me. So speak whatever you know about it."

"Well, you are right, this was definitely for you. Somehow the information got leaked that you and Evan were there and we think this was a planned attack to take you down and complete the task they weren't able to do when they kidnapped you last time." Richardson was doing a great job giving me all the information. Also he was addressing Evan by the first name means he is close to him. And when I didn't allow him to call me by my first name he didn't use Ms. Griffin but just Griffin that means he was even close to me. Maybe!

"But who do you think Richardson could do this? What's the motive? Any suspect?" - "Oh obviously it can be none other than your nefarious step brother. He is still out there planning and plotting revenge. And it's just not him. The people we thought are standing with us have turned their back to us. Our circle of kin and kith is the greatest threat right now. "


I have a step brother? Soon the colour of my face started to fade away and my unstable heart rate caused unrest in my entire system which was visible outside. But before we could continue a nurse came to us who brought a word that Evan's operation was successful and that he is shifted to the other room where we can see him. "Griffin please understand your brother is not going to stop till he gets what he wants so please go home right now. Evan is in this condition in the hospital now. Keeping you safe is our first priority. Only if you are safe, we will be able to focus on our plan further."

"I will go but I want to see Evan once, please. Mrs. Wilson will never allow me please help me get just one glimpse of Evan." Richardson fortunately agreed to it. And my world stopped when I saw Evan rested there on that bed of hospital almost lifeless. A huge rock like guilt hit me and wounded my conscience.

Emotions took the best of me and I didn't even struggle this time. Quite easily hot springs rolled down my pale, colourless cheeks.

You haven't asked for my heart but I have already given it to you, I don't know if you will ever want my heart but I already want you to want it.
