GIFT FOR SANTA CLAUS in English Short Stories by SHAMIM MERCHANT books and stories PDF | GIFT FOR SANTA CLAUS

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A portly body, white-bearded man, often with spectacles, wearing a red coat with white fur collar and cuffs, white-fur-cuffed red trousers, red hat with white fur, and black leather belt and boots. With love sparkling in his eyes, he is an old jolly good fellow who carries a bag full of gifts for children, year after year, tirelessly. Yes, our very own Santa Claus.

I'm Rudolph, the red-nosed, one of the nine reindeer who pulls Santa's sleigh. I'm the shy one and the last addition to his riders. My story of how the other reindeer did not accept me easily in their gang, is world famous. So you all know that it was Santa, who pointed out, that instead of being ashamed of my red nose, I'd rather be proud of it. My shiny red nose lights up the sky to help Santa find his way in bad weather. And that's how others were compelled to welcome me as one among them.

I've been utterly grateful to Santa Claus since then and kept wondering how I could pay back to him in some way. This Christmas Eve, as we passed through the night sky, dropping gifts to millions out there, a thought just struck me. Santa Claus has only known the meaning of giving. That's all he's done all his life. Only give, and I know for sure, it bestows him with immense happiness to do so. He's never been at the receiving end. Even though he has a golden heart, but after all he's a man.

So this time I'm determined to rectify the error of never having thought for our Father Christmas. I've called for a meeting and while Santa is tired and in deep slumber in his room, we reindeer have gathered in my shed to see what gift we can give him this Christmas.

"Okay Rudolph shoot. Why have you asked for this mini conference in the middle of the night, and that too without Santa Claus?"

I didn't reply, instead kept looking outside the shed. One of us was missing.

"Where's Comet?"

Donner answered in her deep baritone,

"You know her, she's easy going and will take her own sweet time to come. You begin."

By the way, let me tell you, it's only a myth that we are males. In truth, all of Santa's reindeer are females. I huffed and taking a deep sigh, went and stood in the middle. Whilst the others sprawled around lazily, I needed to create an ambience of importance or nobody would take me seriously. I grunted to clear my throat and began,

"Girls, this Christmas I want us to come up with ideas for giving a gift to Santa Claus. He's only been giving all his life. It's high time he received it as well. What do you think?"

I glanced around to see my friends' reactions. They were all dumbfounded and I concluded that nobody had thought of this before. This notion was completely novel to them. So I explained my logic and poured my heart out in front of them. I ended by saying,

"C'mon girls, let's do something about it. This Christmas let's cheer up the man himself, who has only been spreading smiles and joys across the world."

While silence engulfed us as we all sat pondering over Santa's present, out of the blue, Comet stormed in grumbling,

"Whoever had this brilliant idea of disturbing my sleep after a long and tiring winter night slogging?"

She's more laid back than the rest of us and needs a little nudging all the time. I had to repeat everything for her. She puffed and rolled her eyes.

"For that you disturbed my beauty sleep? I finished solving your problem yesterday. I directly asked him what would he like as a Christmas gift from us."

She sat smugly feeling proud of herself and we all were gawking at her.


We inquired in unison and Dasher questioned Comet,

"So tell us what does he want?"

Comet yawned loudly and picked up a tone to imitate our very adorable Santa Claus.

"I’d like all children to be warm, well-fed and not living on the streets this Christmas and everyone must have an interactive family time."

Hearing this, each one of us scowled at her and deflated like a balloon. Blitzen scolded her,

"You fool! We wish to give something to Father Christmas himself, something personal. Do you understand?"

Comet mouthed an O and kept quiet.

Prancer spoke up,

"He's fat, old and with a huge belly. I'm sure going around dropping gifts for little cutie pies is not a joke. I pity his legs. So maybe I'll give him a good foot massage. That's my gift."

"I thought we were all going to give him one single present."

While I commented, Dasher said excitedly,

"Well, in that case, I could gift him brand new furry boots."

"From where will you bring them?"

Blitzen asked her,

"Dasher oscillated her head playfully and smirked,

"I've got my secret sources."

"Alright, two down. Okay girls, I can give him a delicious cookie cake. Somebody had given it to me, but I guess, I'll be generous and gift it to our old man."

"Ooohhh!" My shed echoed with the coos.

Cupid, the reindeer with a sweet tooth, if she was giving up her cookie cake, then yeah, it was very magnanimous of her.

Vixen stood up and stretched her forelegs in front, shivering with cold. Her teeth cluttered when she spoke next,

"I'm not supposed to use my magical powers over petty issues. But if it's about gifting Santa, then I'll use it this time. I could cut the harsh winter and make it a dash milder. Consider it a present from me to all of you."

All of us cheered for her and thanked her profusely. We have actually gone numb pulling that heavy sleigh in the snow.

I was still baffled about my gift, when Donner said,

"I'll sing a melodious song for him. He is a big fan of my voice."

"Great idea! And I'll play the guitar along with your singing."

That took care of Blitzen's gift as well.

"Wow! Then this is a golden opportunity for me to show my dancing skills. I shall twirl around with your music, my gift of entertainment for Santa."

Dancer declared bashfully.

That left just Comet, the loafing girl and me.

"I'll give him a big bear hug on Christmas day!"

Comet announced and we all burst out laughing. Donner threw a sarcastic remark her way,

"Think of something better than that, you lazy bum! Santa isn't dying for your cuddling."

Comet lowered her head feeling guilty, but brightened up the next minute.

"Okay, okay girls. Along with a hug, I'll tell him a few jokes and make him laugh. I love to see his pot belly jiggling with laughter."

Everyone agreed. We loved our Father Christmas and all his gestures.

"That leaves only you, Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer. You called for this meeting and you haven't yet disclosed your gift to Santa. What are you going to give him"

Dasher observed and all sixteen eyes were cemented on me. My gift was ready, only I wasn't sure if it was right. I'm the shy one, not very confident of myself. So I began slowly and prayed that my friends would approve of my present.

"I have written a thank you poem for him. But first I want to read it out to all of you. Please tell me if it is appropriate."

Prancer came forward and nudged me,

"So sweet of you Rudolph. Come on, let's hear it."

I smiled at her and started reciting my poem.

My dear Santa Claus, I'd like to let you know,

That I love you very much and some more.

I was an unsung hero somewhere in the cold winter night.

You took me under your wing and made my life so bright.

People say my red nose lights up your way,

But it's you who has guided me without delay.

From a nobody you brought me such fame,

Every child across the globe now knows my name.

I always wish to be part of your sleigh.

Life with you is nothing but a long holiday.

Dear Santa, I'll forever be grateful to you

This life isn't enough to pay back your due.

Thank you for tolerating this reindeer circus

Together we all wish you a Merry Christmas.

All my friends cheered loudly and my shed resonated with their applause. I finally took a deep sigh of relief and was now certain that Santa would be equally happy.

It was almost time for sunrise. All nine of us proceeded to Father Christmas' house, with not only our gifts, but with hearts filled with love.

Shamim Merchant