Increase immunity-Change the habit: in English Health by Rajnarayan Bohre books and stories PDF | Increase immunity-Change the habit:

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Increase immunity-Change the habit:

Change the habit: Increase immunity

Rajnarayan Bohre

We were on the climb of the Guru Shikhar of Mount Abu and were realizing that our children are not seeing as much as the husband and wife are going to climb the mountain. He would stop again and again and again he would exhale like a breath. We used to laugh at them a lot. The point is not to be laughed at. Today's teenagers and youngsters see a lot of young people, otherwise they are slim-looking, short-haired, willing to give up quickly, lazy and careless. If a person is not concerned about his health at all, then listening to them saying nothing will happen. Yes, it is not very difficult for people who take care of their health. Just have to take a little care and they will remain healthy and will be able to fight in every adverse situation.

Sometimes plague, cholera, swine flu and sometimes corona-like epidemics have been frightening humanity. Doctors and experts in physiology say that human immunity plays a very big role in these diseases. This disease resistance can be increased only by changing some of our habits.

It is not very difficult to stay healthy if we change our habit to change a little habit to convince our children, friends and friends with whom we love. It is really surprising that in today's modern busy routine, man has time for every task, but he has no time for his health body. Time for the body does not mean that a man will go to the gym for hours and exercise, just sit once and observe his intestines and routine that includes some good habits in his life, so without effort You will get a body full of good thinking. In this way, it is important for a healthy person to pay attention to their living. Changing bad habits is necessary only then he will be able to stay healthy

1 fast fast life

In today's era, every man's life has become increasingly fast. The person is so busy that he wants to reach his destination as soon as he leaves the house. The man wants to travel at the speed of voice. Wants to do thirty-six hours of work in twenty-four hours. Wants to earn a lifetime's income in only four to six years. Year two course children want to complete in four to six months. For this reason, every minute working and adolescent students are in a very fast pace, they keep a lot of work in mind at the same time, and this multi-tasking does their psychological harm, disrupts their concentration due to which they do not work in the time limit I do not get sad and depressed due to depression. Such people are surrounded by stress without saying, which is very deadly. In this fast life, neither man has time to eat food at any time nor to undertake other activities related to body. In the absence of proper care, even iron machines go bad, then what about human body? It should be remembered that a vehicle with high speed quickly suffers from accidents and also deteriorates quickly.

Therefore, a person who is worried for health will have to change his worst habit to walk and think in a fast pace, thinking that every work has its own duration, every journey has its own time, only one task at a time If we have to take it in hand, then all the tasks will be completed in turn, will be completed on time and a mental satisfaction and health balance will be achieved.

2 irregularity in living

The root cause of all health problems is irregularity in living. If a person is properly regularized and balanced, he will neither be ill in life nor will he have to take some other measures separately. In today's run-of-the-mill life, from students to big people, they do not let their routine run by any one rule, it is nice to irregularize everything. In teenagers and youth, it has become fashionable to imitate foreign disciples that adopt busy routine. They find it glamorous to live life in this way, while every man should adopt such routine in his life that all body parts should remain fit and free. This is possible only if they take time every day to do something for a while so that their body remains strong. But who has time to spare, watching television today and will have to consider each one while contemplating health on the path engaged in one ear. We also have to focus on one reason, which we have to change. Let us consider those reasons.

3 insufficient sleep

Today's person does not sleep for the required period. Where students have become accustomed to sleeping late at night due to their studies, older people do not spend time till late in the night due to watching television or going to the hotel to party. According to doctors, it is necessary for a healthy person to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep, only then the human brain and body can rest. But any person working today cannot take hardly 5 hours and even after sleeping till late night, he has to wake up early in the morning to get involved in his busy routine. Many problems arise due to not getting enough sleep. Such people are always tired and their eyes and face are tired. Their food cannot be digested properly due to less sleep. The digestive system does not get a chance to do its work, such people complain of loss of appetite with constipation. For a long time this complaint causes intestinal disease, stomach diseases etc. Apart from the body, the brain also has a profound effect of sleeping less, the brain of such people is unable to do its work and people feel fret about the matter. Gradually, due to all these complaints people become victims of insomnia. Therefore, if students and older men and women have to live a healthy and long life, then they will have to quit the habit of sleeping less and get enough sleep.

4 hate exercise

If we say to exercise or exercise, then the teenager today narrows his nose like being asked for some dirty work. Actually there is no such environment around him that he can move his interest towards exercising. While the truth is that if any If a person is very nutritious and is deprived of a few moments of deep sleep, then he should definitely exercise or exercise. Just by exercising, the deficiency of all things is filled. Due to concentrating during exercise, lack of sleep is completed and the hormones and minerals present in the body wake up due to exercise, start looking at the body on its own. Their muscles and bones become flexible due to daily exercise. For this reason, when your body bends or falls accidentally due to some reason, the flexible muscles protect it from within. Due to the reason of exercise where the digestive system is fine. Blood in the body goes on regularly. Complaints of blood related diseases such as blood pressure, loss of cholesterol in the arteries of the heart, etc. do not arise. The more the body becomes stronger due to exercise, the more the brain becomes strong. Students should get into the habit of regular exercise since childhood so that when they have to be alone, they stay healthy and they have to go to the doctors at least, at least go to the hospital for treatment. Nowadays in the morning every morning, yoga and workout programs are shown on every television channel, so which yoga is to be done and you will not mean that you can decide with your convenience what you can do. Greetings, then enough exercise is done. Yoga has been very complicated because of Baba Ramdev, and by doing the Anulom Vilom Pranayam mentioned by him, a person gets so much strength that he can fight in any form besides 2--4 Yogasan. Once done, all these things are done in 20 minutes.

5 tight clothes

It is often seen that young people move around wearing tight clothes. Behind this, they have the habit of looking slim and fashion is also of similar clothes. While tight clothes are very big enemies of health. Tight shirt and jeans cause muscles to stretch only when they are stretched and have constant pain. Tight jeans make pressure on the muscles below the hip and services going to the laborer from there, due to the long-term response, the thighs start to feel the sensation. It is said that later this period may cause paraesthesia muscle paralysis. Therefore, from adolescent to old age, men should not wear tight clothes to wear comfortable clothes so that their body gets enough air, muscles can remain open, free from the pressure of clothes and also in some kind of daily work. Don't feel upset

6 cell phones

Today the cell phone has arrived, so the computer, clock, radio and all the things around the world and a lot of app running machines are in a small machine. Through this small device, you get the help to stay connected with the whole world. Nowadays, mobile, photos, television, MP3 and music have become so many that people are afraid to imagine life without it, from waking up in the morning to sleeping at night, listen to the mobiles by ear. Keep it close to the ears. They are not ready to believe that excessive use of mobile is fatal for the brain. Doctors consider it very dangerous. Doctors studied and researched on the brain of mobile phones in Israel's Wise Men Institute of Science, doctors found that mobile phones can be harmful if they talk on the temple for more than 10 minutes. They talk to the same person for hours. Doctors researchers, after a long study and research found that low level radiation rays emanating from the mobile phone interfere with the normal process of brain cells by interfering with the division process. This increases the risk of brain tumors. The publication of this research has been published in the research journal named Biochemical Journal as Dr. Ronnie Seeker, assistant author of the dissertation. Earlier studies conducted in Sweden in 2003 showed that the use of analog cell phones increases the risk of monotonous neuroma disease. In general, even if the habit of long-term conversation on mobile damages, it hurts, sometimes it causes pain in the ears, some parts of the brain become hyperactive and cannot sleep properly. Therefore, it is important for the health seeker to use mobile at least, unless there is a very confidential matter, then it should be talked on the landline itself. No dangers are seen from such phones, that is, even if seen on a landline mobile, talking on mobile gives wrong results. Attention increases when driving. Accident hazards are increased. It is considered inappropriate to talk on mobile in front of elders. is .

7 ipod walkman

The iPod Walkman is the biggest enemy of our ears, but it is often seen that every young person on the road, on foot or on a motorbike, in a bus, in a car, in a train, will have a bird to listen to music in his ear. These days the iPad has been replaced by the Walkman, due to continuous listening of very loud sounds from these instruments, deafness comes in the work. He also starts hearing in the nerves under the ear. Researchers at Harvard University have come to the conclusion after continuous research just a few days ago that it becomes a habit of every person to listen to music in loud voice to suppress the surrounding noise while listening to music. Hearing illness occurs and some people become deaf at all. That is why we have to save our ears, so until now it is not necessary to keep the iPad away from the ears after work.

8 taking medicines without asking

Presently, another worst habit has come in us that there is a lot of medicines stored in everyone's house. Sometimes in a disease or in sudden miseries, every person prescribes a medicine prescribed by a doctor in the house as a patent medicine for this problem and whenever there is a problem similar to or similar to the previous one, then immediately take that medicine Eats from What are the diseases or body deformities that can go from symptoms like headache, stomachache, fever and ear pain to swelling in the extremities, now it is not considered necessary to get a doctor duly tested for such symptoms in every household here. And we eat medicine without asking anyone. Today, every one of us turns into a doctor not only for himself, but also for others, many people walk by putting the leaf of medicines in the purse. We have to change this habit. The appropriate doctor should be shown on his own in front of any problem, because the chemistry of medicines, ie pharmaceuticals with history of physiology and diseases, has been studied by the doctor, who can tell the exact cause of the problem and the right treatment for it. Because there are thousands of problems in human body and they have thousands of causes, while medicines and herbs also have thousands of side effects, it is absolutely necessary to take precautions regarding medicines.

9 Making the lab grow up in the body

Every youth of today has made his body a laboratory for fashion. He takes care of necessary non-essential things even though those things may prove to be harmful for him. Doctors say that vitamin D is not easily available from anything except sunlight. But today's teenage children, not only older people, are also very much afraid of the sun, while the people of western countries, after bathing on the beach for a long time, spend their bodies on the beach. In our country, in order to avoid fumigation in the past, suddenly the trend of sun-screen chem has increased suddenly due to which people have started applying this cream in the sun without any reason. The truth is that people get skin disease due to being away from the sun, which can become a cancer if it persists for a long time. Lack of vitamin D has also been reported to be a major cause of coronary disease. So we have to change the habit of staying away from the sun

For the fashion itself, the youth section is making big tattoos on its body. Everyone likes to have a tattoo designed on their open body. Those who are not able to make a permanent make artificial tattoo. The truth is that Tetu is a dangerous fashion, which is a misconception adopted. Tetu is made of artifacts made from a chemical by inserting a needle into the skin or skin of someone's body. It is dangerous in us, one of the tattooers is not able to clean his needle as much as it is hygienic, as it is considered necessary by the scientists to reduce germs, due to which all the diseases continue to enter from one man to another without hindrance . The second is that sometimes the chemical that is inadvertently inserted under the skin to make the tattoo causes a reaction that all the skin burns, itching, spots etc. diseases arise and such reactions can lead to fatal diseases like cancer when prolonged. It happens. Therefore, our health will be fine only if we are away from the uninteresting fashion like tattoo.

Young boys are undergoing a popular fashion for getting the ring pierced, which can be damaging to the body, an infected needle of a goldsmith to pierce the ear can cause heavy damage, unknowingly in a fight or a scuffle. This fashion can be very expensive when earrings or fingers are worn when the finger goes into the hole. Therefore, staying away from this fashion will keep us healthy.

10 irregular catering

The main fuel for running a human body is to drink food, but in today's time, not only teenage children but every man's food has become irregular. Neither one pays attention to the time of his meal nor looks at the menu of his meal. In this era, when there is adulteration in every thing and there is a difference of land in the prices of pure and adulterated cheese, every shopkeeper does not pay attention to the quality of the food items and keeps an eye on the profits and earnings. In such a situation, it is a concept to expect a shopkeeper to give good goods to his customer. However, if we think carefully and take care of time and quality by making a definite rule in our food and then take care of our health, it is not difficult to remain healthy. Every man takes food at a certain time and if there is good quality material in the food, then no disease will burst near you.

The choice of fast food and junk food has become a status symbol today, people of all ages are crazy about fast food. If someone interrupts, then the answer is that who has time today to make food of their choice and right nutrition? All are excuses. If homemade food is taken on time and the quantity of salad with fruits and vegetables coming in the season is essentially included in the food, then it is not difficult to remain healthy.

All the above habits are such that we have penetrated deeply into our lives, if we change these habits without doing much hard work then it can be amazing. The health of a human is directly related to his / her standard of living, if regularity and balance are removed by removing the irregularity in living, then good health is not far from anyone's grip. Good health increases immunity. For this, it is necessary that we know about our bad habits and if we try to correct them, if we want it, we will soon become the owner of a strong healthy body.

Living is not directly related to one's health as much as it is related to one's culture and tradition. It is also true that we inherit this tradition from society and family. Still, people with strong will can easily abandon bad traditions and start walking towards good health whenever they want.

So decide that you will give up your bad habits and adopt good habits, which will increase the immunity of your body.