Nishty - 8 in English Fiction Stories by Pankaj Pandya books and stories PDF | Nishty - 8. Appointment

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Nishty - 8. Appointment

“Yes Sir...what are the obstacles”? Inquired Nishit clearing his throat.

“No obstacles as such Nishit. But the salary that you are expecting is exceeding our budget”.

“No Problem Sir...How much then will you offer?”

“twice that of your expectations....”

“Oh my God! Not being able to believe the words he just heard an excited Nishit exclaimed. Is this really true? He pinched himself to feel the reality. Still not believing what he heard he asked the small boy standing next to him to pinch him. Now he realised that what ever he heard was actually true...

“thank you...thank you...thank you....thank you.....very much sir. I really still can’t believe sir. Such an offer.....Oh my God!”...Nishit was thrilled.

“yes Nishit...Whatever you just heard is really true and yes you have been appointed as the head of the creative team rather than script writer...I recognised your passion towards work just by looking into your eyes. You are very much suited for the role of head of the creative team.

“thank you very much sir” an excited Nishit answered.

“Ok are really very excited now....we’ll continue our discussion tomorrow....all the best...Nishit...”

“thanks a lot sir” Replied Nishit. Now he could not understand what to do. Lost in his thoughts he spent some time in the garden itself. Now he was planning as to how to proceed with his dreams. But due to his excitement he was unable to think, and after pondering over for quite a time he then left the place to go home.

Entering his home he was thinking to himself how he would convince his parents. As he was thinking he observed his uncle was sitting in the drawing room.

“Today I will not get the time to disclose this news to my parents...”with these thoughts in mind he greeted his uncle and began conversing with him.

“Ohh Nishit...You have arrived...? an eager Pasha uncle asked. Now Pasha uncle was elder brother of Nishit’s dad and the family used to respect him a lot. But the way he always used to convince people to go his way used to annoy Nishit a bit. And so Nishit decided he will not reveal the news of his new job to his family until his uncle stays.

“Yes Uncle...How are you”?

“I am fine, thank you..”

“Ohh that's great..OK you continue, I shall go and get fresh.

Nishit left his uncle and proceeded towards his room. After some time he came back to the drawing room and taking his seat, he relaxed. Now he was chilling with Pasha uncle and talking about his village. Since Nishit had not visited his village for quite a time now he was now talking about every person he knew in the village and enquired about them. He did his schooling till 10 in his village only and used to travel to and fro for his intermediate college to a neighbouring city. Since he secured admission in engineering in Ahmedabad city he left the village. His father was now a retired teacher of the village school and so his parents decided to settle in Ahmedabad for Nishit so that he could feel at home. The tradition of going to village for celebrating festivals such as Diwali and Holi was still continued. Nishit purposefully kept beating around the bush with Pasha uncle so as to avoid his proposals on Nishit’s Marriage.

Just to avoid these talks with uncle Pasha, Nishit was thinking of an excuse so as to run away from the sight of uncle Pasha. But instead his dad spoke...Nishit since uncle Pasha has arrived can you get movies ticket arranged? I am sure that uncle Pasha has never watched a movie in a multiplex. He will also enjoy and its been a long time since we have watched a movie together so even we will enjoy the movie.

“OK...Dad....its a fantastic idea. I’ll go get the tickets just now. Even though Nishit had not shared the news of his new job with his parents yet he wanted to give a party and share his happiness. With these thoughts in mind he took off on his bike to arrange for the tickets and on returning, got packs ice cream to celebrate the occasion.

“Oh thats a great work you did”! I forgot to tell you about this. Exclaimed Nishit’s father on seeing him bring the packs of ice creams.

Enjoying the dessert after dinner, Nishit’s Mother said,”since uncle Pasha has work in the village the other day, he will leave us tomorrow after completing his work here in the city. Son will you do a favour? Tomorrow morning when you go for your morning walk to Kankaria, Take along uncle Pasha with you. He loves morning walks.

“OK. Mummy” answered Nishit. The way Nishit’s dad Gunavantbhai had immense respect for uncle Pasha in the same way did Nishit had respect for his uncle. But after his engineering Pasha uncle started showing him proposals for marriage urging him to get married and so Nishit usually used to run away from the presence of Pasha uncle.

After enjoying the movie together all returned home. The next day Nishit woke up as usual for his morning walk. Remembering the words of his mother, he woke up uncle Pasha. Usually Nishit used to go to Kankaria walking but the case was different. He had to take uncle Pasha with him and so he too his bike. Upon reaching the garden Nishit started talking with his uncle....

“Uncle as you have visited Kankaria before you might be aware that in those days there were no gates and fence on Kankaria but since these days after the development of the riverfront, the corporation has barred vehicles from entry and have constructed a compound wall with gates at all the entry points. One even has to pay for the entrance.”

As Nishit was still speaking, Uncle Pasha began searching his pockets to pay the entrance fee. “Oh don't worry uncle..the entry for morning walkers is absolutely free.” and saying this Nishit blew out in laughter.

“Oh thats great...Nishit...but what makes me wonder is its early in the morning and there are so many street hawkers. Here people come to walk or eat?

Uncle its like this only. come lets go in. Replied Nisht as both entered the garden.

“Ohhh Ohhho, early in the morning so many people! Exclaimed Uncle Pasha. It seems all want to get fit.

Yes uncle these days all want to be slim and fit and so all come in the morning for walks and exercise and even they fall prey to those weight reducing add agents.

“Weight reducing agents” What’s this? A perplexed uncle Pasha asked.

“O Uncle, didn't you see these street hawkers outside just now?

“yes..yes.. then tell like that son.”

Chatting in this way both Uncle Pasha and Nishit began walking in Kankaria. Walking in the cool breezy early mornings of summer, when the sun just begins to greet the horizons along with the lovely songs of birds was utterly satisfying to the soul. A woman who was passing pass drew their attention. She was in her fifties and the way she was walking made her the centre of attraction. Even people coming in her direction walked easily by her. But the way she was enjoying her own company was praise worthy. Kids ranging from 4-5 years of age to people in their 80 were at the garden enjoying the early summer mornings. While some of the kids were on their skateboards some were busy enjoying their game of badminton. Many people were walking with small plastic balls displaying their juggling skills. While some people were walking like as slow as tortoise, some others were at an unbeatable speed. Some people were in their track suits while some in their night outfits. One interesting group which was seen at the garden were comprising of members wearing outfits representing to that of soccer team.

It was during walks that Nishit showed uncle the various places of attraction at Kankaria. They came to pass by the butterfly park, Toy train station, Hot air ballon, zoo, Kids amusement park, Kids city, Museum and aquarium.

“Nishlo...”Calling Nishit in a loving manner uncle Pasha spoke...”I had come here years ago with your aunt...Now just look at this majestic just cannot believe his has changed totally.

“Yes Uncle....the place has developed a lot”...agreed Nishit.

The round around the garden was now close to completion. They spotted an old man was performing his exercise holding on to a street light pole. The man was filled with so much energy, it looked as if he was trying to uproot the pole.

“Arrey...In this way you cannot uproot a pole..should I help...I have uprooted so many poles like this....spoke jokingly uncle Pasha. People all around and including Nisht rolled out in laughter. This made the old man angry and he started to stare uncle pasha.

Walking ahead they came across a man who was performing step up exercises. Uncle Pasha looked at him quite confusingly for a while.and speaking he said..

“Areey Nishit..Are looking at him? Help this man to climb the steps. Helping others is a charity that even God notices”.

Nishit could not control his laughter. He tried convincing Pasha uncle that the man was performing a type of exercise.

“Ohh is it really?”, A seemingly confused Pasha Uncle still could not be convinced..

In the mean time they heard the voice of a Crow uttering, “caw....caw...caw...” listening to which Uncle Pasha got excited.

“See Nishit....” Uttered uncle Pasha..”We are walking for quite a time now. We met so many people including children but no body greeted us. Look at this crow. Unknowingly he is calling me out Uncle..Uncle (Caw...Cawww.....Uncle...Uncle...)”

Nishit rolled out in laugter. He sat across the wall and even asked uncle to do so. Suddenly he Pointed his finger towards the pond and told Uncle,” Look uncle what your nephew is doing there”.

Looking towards the pond Uncle Pasha saw that the crow was enjoying the dead fishes lying on the water.

“Oh my God! Look how cunning my nephew is” You have bought disgrace to your uncle’s name and hearing this Nishit started to sing:

“Tārā navarahiī vyathā vyathatha...
Jhurāpō biīiē rahī jaśē.
Lakhī rākhajē lāśa tārī..
Tarāpō biīiē rahī jaśē..”

Now for quite some time the two sat over the wall. Now looking opposite the pond over to the toy train tracks they observed the group sporting the soccer jerseys. These people were trying to dance to the tune of a western song. Even though there were 15 to 16 people in the group but the steps of even two people could match at a particular stance but their energy was quite praise worthy. After every little while, the team members were encouraging each other. Looking at their zeal even Pasha uncle went towards them and lavished his compliments on them. Nishit also loved this gesture of Uncle Pasha.

“Uncle didn’t you have fun”? Your face only reveals that you are very much happy.
“Yes..Nishit.. you have bought much fun to my day. I enjoyed a lot.”
“ now even bring aunt along some day...we all will have a blast.”
“Aren’t you getting late for your work? Asked Uncle “or else you will blame your uncle for reaching late to your office.
“No Uncle..But lets leave now”.
Nishit and uncle Pasha leave via gate no 1. and even when uncle Pasha did not agree yet Nisht asked him to have Pineapple juice and bread there at the stalls. And packing Khaman from the store opposite to the garden they both returned home.

On reaching home...Nishit eagerly completed his routine work and greeted his uncle and left for the office...