Yellow Rose - Part 13 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 13

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Yellow Rose - Part 13

Because Of Me

Should I be flabbergasted by his hubristic behaviour? The Rich People!! "I had this meal arranged as I felt we need to talk about a lot of things without anyone intriguing our conversation." How is he like this? He is so glassy and content while he speaks and just a moment ago he was furious.

"Well, I can't agree more. Yeah incontestably we need to talk about a lot of things. A lot of things!!! So where should we start with? Me getting kidnapped by that ignoble man? You being perfidious to me about my kinfolk? You keeping my true identity under your hat? You killing my father for money? You solace me with such mellowness that I haven't felt ever and then the next minute you grow all cold and you evanesce somewhere vamoosing the town without seeing me. Then you just beat the crap out of Jordan because he is trying to tell me the truth? Why in hell are you ruling over my life? What do you want? Money? Fine I will pay all the financial obligations of my father. But for that truth is entailed Evan Wilson. No more lies and half truths and mind games. Just tell me the truth. Come clean."

All his arrogance melted, his mein settled listening to this and his words showed how sincere a man he is. "Tula I would never do anything to hurt you. Never ever. I didn't kill your father. I am not the only one to whom your father owes money, people are behind you for his lucre. And thus I need to keep the word quiet that you are back to life."

"How much money does my father owe you? That you have to do so much to keep me here right now?"
With these words of mine I saw the anguish of heartbreak in his eyes. But why? "Tula I am not doing this just for money. I want to keep you safe. I can't tell you everything right now, you are not ready for it. Your physical health is in your way right now and I want to help you through this. I am not the man you think of me. Please trust me and never run away from me. I can keep you safe as long as you are here with me. I will always come looking for you."

"Why would you do that Evan?" He let out a soft sigh, "Because I really, really care for you. And I am acquainted with the kind of trauma you are living through. I just want to help. But I can only do that with your cooperation." I had nothing to say after this. I didn't know what to say after this and I grew aphonic.

"Tula please believe in me and give me one chance to do everything right. I will not let anything in heavens and hells hurt you, I promise. Please cogitate about me as a compadre and not as a nemesis. I am so sorry for that cold demeanor. I was overseeing too many things. Also you should stay away from Jordan. He is not what he shows. He is wrapped up in himself."

"Hmm" that was all I could utter. "Okay let me tell you this place has the best cook of the town and the most delicious food. Let me buy you this lunch in the name of our new friendship." He ordered some food and soon the lunch was served. We were quiet for a while. What is he? Why is he like this? Why is he so magnetic? And once again he tried to start a conversation with a cheeky smile.

"You like the meal right?" - "You never asked me. Ordered by yourself for both of us." His face dropped at my sentence but then looked relieved when I continued. "But I like it so you are safe." -"Accept my sincere apologies to your highness Tula. I shall never commit the sin again." Oh my lord!!!! I couldn't help but laugh. He is so cute when he is humorous. My dear lord where have you put me? With a guy who is an arrogant weirdo a moment and a kid another? This is what you got for me after giving me this second life? He seemed to be pleased seeing me laughing. "Why are you laughing? You surely do look like a princess. Just heaven sent. A beauty I have never seen in my life. You looked like a goddess when, were asleep for so long. It looked like some goddess who is resting on earth and not at all someone ill." Ohh!! I didn't see that coming. That spark in his eyes, the way he looked at me, the way his cheeks got a tone of red when he smiles. Ohh!! He is just so….so…..well, I don't have a good enough adjective.

So I just smiled. He is making me shy again just like he did back in hospital. Evan Wilson surely is someone who can't be understood. I giggled at my own thoughts. And he looked at me with a corner eye while eating.

Just when we finished our lunch and were about to leave a sudden rain of bullets poured itself on us. The artistically painted huge glass windows shattered into pieces like they are nothing. I saw the beauty of this place dying. There were so many gunshots. Evan pulled me and ran to a door. Looks like someone needs me dead quiet sickly. When we opened the door we were greeted by a bunch of armed people dressed in black and masked. Father what have you done? One of them spoke, "Give us the girl Mr. Wilson and you don't have to die." Before I could even comprehend this situation Evan pulled me back and lifted me up to run away with words,"I prefer dying sir." Why? Why would you die for me Evan? We ran from lobbies to lobbies with those people chasing us and passed by some corpses of hotel staff. Oh Lord? Did these innocent people die because of me?

The air that made itself abode to panic and unrest grew thicker and heavier. This place was getting demolished and my heartaches to see it like this. Why? I don't know.

I couldn't take this anymore. I needed to get out of here right away and the best way of doing that right now was in front of me. I held tight on Evan and dug my head in his chest, closed my eyes, and in a bit his closeness consumed me. I lost track of time and sound of gunshots. I lost every sense I had. It was like Evan is a void who just took me in and now I am disconnected to the outside world I came from. He is peace in chaos, hope in misery healer of my damaged soul and my only source of warmth in this cold weather.

He took us to the kitchen and we both hid ourselves in a cupboard. There was some blood and a body in the kitchen too. My feet were now on the base of that closed safe keep of ours and my back was touching the cold walls of the cupboard while Evan was right in front of me and behind him was the closed door of our safe keep. If anyone finds us first Evan will be shot as they open the door. And that moment showed me something I was blind to for all these days.

The care is alone not the reason behind Evan doing all this to me. The eye contact we had there showed me passion in his eyes. He really would do anything and everything to safeguard me. Don't know if it was the slutty time playing this game or the universe or was it we both being stupid or was it that spark I flet earlier. But soon Evan's lips landed on mine and I couldn't resist. I know what unrecoverable mistake I was doing but I let myself do it. Let my instincts drive my wits. Because it felt so right. Like it was supposed to be like this.

The dark inside the cupboard was consumed by a sudden light and Evan was pulled away from me. It felt like my soul was ripped from my body. They found us. I saw Evan falling on ground and getting shot, bleeding and going away from me. Two men were now standing in front of me. They grabbed me out and I couldn't even think of resisting. My mind was too much occupied by the image of Evan getting shot and bleeding right there. Because of me!


What next, any idea?