Story of Bhrigu Muni in English Mythological Stories by Rajnarayan Bohre books and stories PDF | Story of Bhrigu Muni

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Story of Bhrigu Muni

Story of Bhrigu Muni

Once a yagna was being performed on Mount Mandarachal. During the yagna, there was a discussion among sages and sages that Ganesha was the first to be worshiped. As the second highest deity, the trinity of gods i.e. Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh is the largest among them? Which god should be worshiped as the highest? Who is considered to be great, patient, who should be considered as such a deity? All the sages present there were divided into three parts. Some used to tell Brahma as big, while some called Vishnu and some called Mahadev i.e. Shiva. Then it was decided that the three deities should be tested and the responses received from them only after the examination should be given as the basis of being the greatest and the best of the deities. Now the problem was that the three gods were very big. The place of love and anger of the three. So who is the greatest among these three, who will test it? Maharishi Bhrigu was very intelligent and had great abilities to use his intellect. When there was talk of spirituality and religion, Bhrigu's teachings were very visible to everyone. Then everyone selected Maharishi Bhrigu and requested Maharishi Bhrigu that you go! After examining all of you, reveal the secret to all the monks as to who is the best! Maharishi Bhrigu took responsibility for this answer given to his society and his friends. Although he did not mind to test the world's biggest leaders, but society is the largest. When Bhrigu went from Mandarachal mountain, he first reached Kailash near Mahadev ji. Nandigans were standing outside Kailash's residence of Shiva and others said that Mahadev is having private discussions with Mahadevi in ​​his inner palace in Antar Pur and this time is his very personal time. Any Rishi Muni and Deity are not allowed inside, but they did not agree, they kept shouting and screaming, getting angry and even after their voice went to Shiva, Mahadev i.e. Shiva did not come out, then Bhrigu got angry from there. Leaving towards Brahmaloka. Because Brahmaji lived in Brahmaloka. Whenever he reached Brahmaloka, he knew that being the son of Brahma, he would get admission at the residence of Lord Sidhi directly, but even in the dreams of Brahma Ji, Bhrigu refused to go inside, then his anger was on the seventh sky . They started thinking that I am not only the son of Brahma ji but at this time I have been made representative for the examination on behalf of all the sages, intellectuals and people of the world.

I have been appointed by sages and sages to test who is the best among these three deities, but the councilors of Brahma Ji and personal servants did not allow Brahma Ji's special son, Mein Bhrigu, to enter. That is, Brahma also became angry with him.

Now they were taking their vehicle towards Kshira Sagar where Vishnu lived. He saw that Vishnu ji is resting on the Saiya created by Sheshnag in the open sea by the Sheshnag in the sea of ​​milk and his wife Lakshmi is pressing his feet.

Seeing Prabhu Ji coming from far away, the gatekeepers of Vishnu tried to stop him, then Vishnu said that there is no need to stop Bhrigu Muni.

Laxmi ji also said that when the husband and wife are together, no outsider should come inside, then Lord Vishnu said that Bhrigu is our great intelligent sage, when he himself wants to come in such moments then why stop him Go

Seeing Vishnu's wish, all the councilors allowed Bhrigu Muni to come to Vishnu ji's Saiya in the Kshira Sagar.

When Bhrigu Muni came right and stood near Vishnu, neither Brahma Vishnu ji stood and worshiped him, nor did Lakshmi ji stop pressing his feet.

Bhrigu Muni said - O Vishnu, you are very proud that you nurture this world, but you do not know me. I have written many mantras of Vedas, I have calculated astrology and I can tell all the things of past and present of a person. But Vishnu ji did not give any answer to his words, but only bowed to him.

Now Bhrigu Muni got angry, he did not reply to his words and slammed Vishnu with a kick in his chest.

When Bhrigu Muni's foot was found in Vishnu ji's chest, the whole world started moving.

Laxmi ji immediately got angry and said - O foolish Brahmin, you have touched the feet of the world Lord, you have kicked the biggest god of the world with a kick. Go, I curse you that all the Brahmins will always be pauper, will keep on starving.

Suddenly Vishnu stopped Lakshmi - O Lakshmi, why do you curse them and why are they cursing all Brahmins on the pretext of making a big mistake? This Bhrigu Muni is not a Brahmin or an ordinary person, all the intellectuals of the world have sent him to test our three deities by making them their representative examiners.

When Lakshmi ji heard this, she kept quiet. On the other hand, Vishnu ji said with folded hands to Bhrigu Muni that - O Muniraj, you are very soft, your feet are very soft. My heart is in the thunderbolt, you have killed your foot in this thunderbolt, see if your leg got hurt.

When Bhrigu Muni heard this, he fell as if from the sky.

They said- Lord, I insulted you and you are joining my hands. How low I am, how proud I am. Excuse me lord

Vishnu said that - O Lord Maharaj, this step sign of yours will always sit on my chest as a reward and I will always keep it as a prize sign. I respect the intellectuals of scholars.

Bhrigu Muni repeatedly went back to the Mandarachal mountain, bowing to Vishnu and declared that Vishnu would always be the best. Shiva engaged in bhogavilas with his wife will only worship the linga and Brahma sitting in the palace with his wife will not be worshiped anywhere in the world. There will be temples of Vishnu everywhere and worship of Vishnu itself.

All the subjects said yes, yes, it will be so. All sages in the world worshiped all the sacrificial sages, and everyone agreed.

Since then, the trend has increased that Vishnu started being worshiped everywhere.

Here, when Bhrigu Muni's grandfather Marich heard that the Lord had gone and kicked Vishnu, he became very angry.

He said to Bhrigu, Bhrigu you have made a big mistake, now you go and do long penance with your wife as an atonement by asking forgiveness from Vishnu, then only this will be your atonement.

Then, after walking from his native city to the great city, he came to the distant forest and there he did long penance with his wife. He built his gurukula to teach the disciples and now started teaching thousands of disciples of different religions, deeds, knowledge, policy and wisdom. His famous only Dardabhari made an effort to bring the stream near the ashram from the water of Ganga to the river Ganga by making a canal in the river Ganga and dragging it there.

Dadri fair is still held at the place where the sage's ashram was today. Bhrigu Samhita, the largest book of astrology created by Bhrigu Muni, is considered by many to be the most authentic book of Jyotishi and remembers Bhrigu Muni.