When We Met - EP - 44 (Some Old Secrets) in English Fiction Stories by Aisha Kapadia books and stories PDF | When We Met - EP - 44 (Some Old Secrets)

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When We Met - EP - 44 (Some Old Secrets)

Emily's POV:

My best friend's girlfriend!

One woman. One beautiful woman who changed both of our destinies.

One who destroyed my hopes of living happily ever after with Edward but gave him the best happiness he could ever get in his life.

Her Love.

They say that 'to love and being loved in return is the best thing in the world!'

They say right though, I must admit!!

Things worked out for them pretty well I suppose.

I always thought that Lara was a big obstacle between me and Edward but years passed by like seasons and I never realized when I ended up becoming obstacle between the two lovers.

I took reluctant steps away from their love, admiring my own love from afar and just being happy by that only. It was tough at first but years of practice made me somewhat habitual to it.

But I should stop being an obstacle between two of them now!!

If I didn't like Lara being an obstacle between us then how much she would have hated me when Edward took my side, throwing her out of his office!!

Reaching her house, I sighed loudly, fanning my hands over my face to calm my nerves.

"Calm down, Emily! Calm down! She doesn't know anything about you! She's a great person ever, just like the one Edward fell in love with! And I have very much trust in his choice! Yes! Yes! I trust him! I trust her!"

I raised my hand towards the doorbell but retracted it suddenly. "No! No! I can't do this! No! Never!"

I shook my head again. "Yes! Yes! I can! And I will! That's my duty as a best friend! That's the least I can do for him!"

Nodding slowly to myself, I rang the doorbell. A minute later, Lara opened it, wiping her wet hairs with a towel, wearing her bathrobe.

"Hi! How are you!?" I waved at her.

She looked at me, scanning me up and down.

"You came two weeks late!"

She left the door open and walked inside, a cue for me to enter her house.

"Should I sit over here!? In sofa?" I asked her, attempting to sit on sofa.

"Don't ask me! Make yourself comfortable anywhere! I will make you some coffee!"

I put my purse over my lap, tapping my shoes in pure nervousness.

What should I say!?

What would she say!?

Does she know I am in love with Edward!?

Would she refuse to get back with Edward, after knowing the truth!?

"I asked you something, Emily!?"

I snapped out of my thoughts to look at Lara, with two cups of coffee, standing all beautifully dressed in front of me.

"I am sorry I slacked off suddenly! Can you please repeat your question, Lara!?"

"I asked what did you want to talk about, Emily 'cause you called me after so many years to meet with me so it must be something important!?"

I thought for a moment. "Yes it is. Something important!"

"Then ask it already"

"Edward wants to get back with you, Lara"

There was a long silence after I spoke my words and I almost thought that I was just dreaming about going to Lara's house and talking to her about her breakup when she didn't reply for minutes.

I took my coffee and sipped some.

"Don't you love him, Emily!?"

I coughed on my coffee violently, staring widely at her before composing myself immdiately to smile widely at her. "He misses you so much, Lara! Don't you think you have been mad at him for-"

"I asked you a question Emily!"

"I heard your question very clearly, Lara!"

"So why don't you answer it then!?"

I laughed nervosuly, taking sip of my coffee. "'cause it's so ridiculous!"

Lara raised her eyebrows at me. "Ridiculous!?"

"Yes. Ridiculous! Lara, how can you even think of that!? It's really horrible! Why would I love him? Of course he is my best friend and all but he has a beautiful girlfriend whom he loves her more than anything in the world and I am not that much of a cruel friend to come in between you two!"

"Who said you can't love a guy with a girlfriend!?"

"Oh please Lara, you are just being worried over nothing! He loves you, only you! I guarantee his love myself!
I have seen it clearly in his eyes! It's just that he sometimes gets overprotective of me, when someone talks bad of me in front of him and you have to understand that that's totally natural of him considering we have been friends for twenty years already!"

"But he kicked me out of his office?"

"I know. I know. I am so sorry for that on his behalf. Please forgive him. Edward isn't like that, I assure you! He always keeps the benefit of his loved ones first-"

"But he keeps taking your side, talking about you all day even when he is with me and it hurts my pride-"

"So you think he is in love with me then?!" I asked her, suddenly wanting to hear the answer from her own mouth.


I laughed loudly, for maybe minutes, wiping tears from the corner of my eyes before looking at her.

"Really?! You think he would love some manly ugly shit like me who wears shirts and pants," I ran my hand over my attire, "And these sport shoes!?" I showed her my black sport shoes.

"That's totally impossible, Lara. Totally! Believe me, he needs a woman who would compliment him, who would look good in his arms when he goes outside in some events or functions and would suit his billionare name with a surname!"

I walked over to her side, sitting beside her and taking her hand in mine.

"Lara, he needs someone who completes him! And that's you! That's so not me! You are the real Mrs Jones, the one who he was supposed to marry! I am just a substitute! A part of a plan! Don't be threatened with me, please! Seriously, what gave you this ridiculous idea that he would love me!? Me!? Hah! That's a funny speculation!"

"I am afraid he already does!" she whispered.

"Can I use your washroom for a minute!?"

She smiled. "Sure, go straight and turn to your left!"

"Thanks. I'll be out in a second!"

I ran to the washroom, zipping my pants down to pee quietly.

Washing my hands carefully with a soap, I searched for a towel, but coudn't find one nearby.

Opening some cupboards, I searched for some fresh tissues when something fell off from between them.

I took some tissues to wipe my hands off before slowly bending down, I picked up the thing to find out that it was just a photo album.

But who keeps photo album in a washroom?! Wasn't it supposed to be kept safely in your closets?!

My curiousity was killing me inside slowly and slowly. Immediately, I flipped open the album to see the pictures of a beautiful little girl, with curly brown hairs and blue eyes, in different poses.

Blue eyes!?

I didn't know when I walked out of the washroom, staring at the pictures of this little girl with a smile on my face.

"What are you looking at!!?"

Photo album was snatched away roughly from my hands by angry looking Lara.

I quickly raised my hands in defence.

"I am sorry! I didn't mean to peek but I was curious as to why you would hide some album in your washroom so I looked into it without your permission!"

She didn't respond, instead hugged that album close to her chest.

"By the way, I know I am being too nosy since we aren't even friends, but may I ask who is she!?"

She sighed loudly, tears flowing from the corner of her eyes as she hugged the album close to her chest.

"Lara!? What happened?? Who is she!? Tell me?!"


"Yes! Yes.!I am listening, Lara! Tell me?"

"Viviana Williams!"


She wiped her tears to look at me, her eyes puffy and tired from crying.

"Yes. She is Viviana Williams, my precious little daughter!"


So, how many of you are shocked? And how many of you don't care what happens to Lara lol?