When We Met - EP - 43 (Why He Never Gets A Clue?) in English Fiction Stories by Aisha Kapadia books and stories PDF | When We Met - EP - 43 (Why He Never Gets A Clue?)

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When We Met - EP - 43 (Why He Never Gets A Clue?)

So Hello my lovely readers!? How are you??

Emily's Pov:

He was still and silent as a rock, his eyes widening like saucers, as if I had asked him the toughest question in the world.

I sighed. "Are you my real husband, Eddie?!"

He thought for a moment, then shook his head slowly.

"No, right!? Then you don't have any right to stop me from talking to any men!"

"But he is just some stupid sales tax manager!"

"I don't talk to people for their money, Edward!! Do you think I am your friend because you are a businessman billionare!?"

He hesitated. "I didn't mean it-"

"No. I don't care about your fucking money or anything! I care only about you and trust me, Eddie, money is not the thing I am looking for in my life!"

"So I don't love you and I am not your real husband is the reason you are talking to that dickhead guy!?"

See, I knew he never loved me. It was always clear as a crystal but I am glad he rejected me unconsciously. That way all my stupid hopes can go to gutter and die there peacefully while he would never get to know how much I once loved him.

"You really and seriously need to consider your priorities first. Lara is your priority and I am just your friend helping you to keep her happy!"

He looked understanding for a moment.

"I don't know anymore, Emi! I don't know what to do with Lara now! I am pretty sure she hates me now considering how the last time I behaved like a jerk to her!"

I put my hands over his, squeezing them, assuring him with a smile.

"Do you want to get together with her again!?"

He nodded. "Yes. I miss her so much yet I can't call her! I am sure she doesn't want to get back with me again!"

"Don't worry, Edward! Things will be right again! Give her some time and take some time off to persuade her! She loves you very much and I am sure she won't hold herself back for very long!"

He looked at me with admiration and happiness, smiling at me the best of his best smile but I didn't have any energy left to smile back at him.

So when he came forward to hug me tightly, I immediately backed away steps from him, reminding him again to come down for breakfast.

I always knew it was her, it never was me to begin with. But I was proud of myself for even trying again after being hurt by him so many times.

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, I suppose.


I put last bowl of food on table, serving each and every thing on plate while Edward ate in silence. I wasn't planning to eat with him anytime soon cause suddenly I lost all my appetite hearing him missing Lara and wanting to get together with her again.

"Your phone is ringing!"

He still was lost in his thoughts, eating his meal as if it was some tough ordeal.

"Edward, your bloody phone is ringing!"

He snapped at me, realising my sentence a second later to pick up his phone call.

I was washing the cups and crockeries when I felt his presence behind me. Immediately my body stiffened as soon as he put his hand on my shoulder and I turned around reluctantly but still didn't look at him.

"Eric is coming."

A huge grin broke in my face hearing his name.

"Really?! When!?"

I wiped my hands in my apron and looked at him for an answer.

"In two days! He said he completed all his studies and my uncle and my father now wants me to give him an elegant position in my company!"

"Woah! That's cool! Oh man, I missed him so much!? So so much!! Why didn't you tell me earlier that he was coming this early!? That way I would have done some huge preparations to welcome him!"

Edward stared at me incredulously, his mouth opening, closing and then again opening like a fish.


"You still....you still like him that much!?! Wasn't he just your high school crush!?"

Oh damn!

Did I forget to tell you that Edward thinks I like Eric Jones, his handsome bloddy cousin!?

When I first wrote a love letter to Edward on renowned Valentines Day,
in my high school, mentioning my name on it, I was just about to write his name on it and had just wrote a 'E' when Edward popped out of nowhere in my room and scared the shit out of me.

I tried to hide the letter from him but he grabbed my wrists and snatched away my letter only to stare wide eyed at me.

I never heard the end of the day when in my haste to complete the name, I told him Eric's name and he was surprised and shocked to hear it. He told me he never thought of me as a person to carry a crush on someone.

Well you don't know a thing about me then, my inner self shouted at him!

I always thought that maybe one day he would get jealous and frustrated thinking about my crush on his cousin, and would come for me, accepting me as more than a friend.

But, on the contrary, he was quite cool and friendly about my crush, often teasing me when Eric would come around me or visit my house. I didn't believe him at all when in his ridiculous desire to help me out, he locked me with Eric in my room, winking at me to confess to him already.

It was very awkward, explaining everything to Eric but he understood my feelings anyway, understanding me and my facade.

He was the best brother I never had actually, always taking care of me and the only silly arguments Edward and Eric used to have were because they both wanted to play video games with me while I only could be available to one person at a time.

It was really childish of Edward, declaring cold war with me for weeks whenever I would decide to play with Eric ditching him but I knew he wouldn't remain mad at me forever 'cause he always had loads of his stuff to share with me, and he wouldn't let me live a day until he spills all his secrets with me.

"Don't start telling me now that you love him now after all these years!?"

I snapped from my line of thoughts to look at him, staring at me for an answer.

"Well.. Hell no! Do you think I am that desperate to fall in love!? No way! You know me! I am not that kind of person!"

He nodded, narrowing his eyebrows at me suspiciously.

"Won't you eat, Lily?"

I continued washing crockeries, wiping them with fresh cloth and placing them carefully on the kitechen counter.

"No. I am not that much hungry. I ate a big elephant sized sandwich last night! It's still not digested properly." I patted over my tummy to press my words.

"But still you need to feed yourself properly-"

"I am really fine, Edward. How about going to work 'cause it's already nine!"

I showed him my phone. "See, it's late! Go to your company right now! And wait!"

Quickly, I ran up the stairs to retrieve his phone and folders and returned some minutes later, huffing heavily.

"Here! Take this! And!" I slid a beautifully wrapped pink box of chocolates towards him.

"Give this to Miss Vermion! I behaved very badly with her last time! She musn't like me very much after all that and she knows I am your wife so she can have a bad impression of you as well! And I don't want some bloody false rumours to spread around of you and your company!"

"You seriously have a very bad habit of being extremely kind and selfless to others-"

"Don't tell her I sent them though, otherwise she won't take them! Tell her you saw her very distorted and mistreated last time so you bought these chocolates as a piece of apology from your misbehaved wife!"

"Lily! I won't say anything like tha-"

"It's for the sake of your company! You don't want my photo to come in a criminal category in newspapers right!? You would be charged for manhandling your assistant secretary and press wouldn't stay silent over such issues. Your enemies are just waiting for an opportunity to destroy you, Edward!"


"No buts! Now go!"

I pushed him outside in his car, seeing Michael waiting for him for hours.

He bowed to me. "Good morning, Mrs Emily! Have a nice day!"

"Sure dear. Now go. Bye!"

I waved after his car as it disappeared between the streets. Sighing loudly and extremely tired from my works, I went to my room to dress properly and took my purse and phone to visit a special person.

A very very special person.

Lara Williams.


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