NEKHBET - The Antidote - 3 in English Fiction Stories by Chintan Madhu books and stories PDF | NEKHBET - The Antidote - 3

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NEKHBET - The Antidote - 3

Sophia asked the organizer for her stuff collected from the desk located in the hall. Organizer nodded and left the place for her materials and things which she bought for the presentation. Ajay puzzled by Sophia's word about the beginning. He observed Sophia's worried face, uncontrolled movement of eyes, whispering lips and repeatedly correcting the hair crossing her eyesight. He wanted to ask about the scenario, but Sophia was not in the mood of discussion. Even though he tried and at the same time organizer came with the volunteer, and a volunteer had all the materials related to her. He handed over her and left. She asked Ajay for hiring a taxi to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). She knew the distance was not much, so she could make it to LAX in sixteen minutes approximately by taxi. Ajay suggested for a drive. He was ready to drop her. Sophia overwhelmed with the kindness of Ajay. She nodded affirmatively on the suggestion given by him. He happily ran towards the parking for his car. Within five minutes he arrived exactly in front of her. He settled the small beg and papers on the back seat. Opened the door for her. Sophia occupied seat. Ajay ignited the engine with ignition, and the car started a little journey towards Westwood Village. The car passed through LA passport agency and took the route 405 known as the Nathan Shapell Memorial Highway.

'Hmm…', Ajay's hands were roaming on steering.

Sophia heard bug sound, 'Do you want to ask something? You are free for it. Go on. By the way, first of all, "Thanks" for lift. The time is much more important for me in this situation.'

'I would like to know about "Beginning". What has begun?', Ajay shift the gear.

'Right now, it's none of your business. If I found beneficiary for you, then definitely discuss.', Sophia was busy in a phone. She was searching for the immediate flight to Boston. Screen suggested the list with American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Jet Blue. All the flights served by American Airlines had a one-stop journey and would take nearly eight to nine hours for Boston. She found Delta Airlines for a better choice, though it had a direct journey and would eat 5 hours for the same destination. She booked immediately for Boston. The flight was departing from the terminal 2. So she informed Ajay to drive for the same terminal. They were on the San Diego Flyway. The car turned from Clifton A. Moore Administration building to the world way. Entered in the airport parking lot.

Ajay opened the door for her again for departure, 'Madam! I would like to join you for my further research work. That's what I want to ask you.'

Sophia smiled, 'You are always welcome. Meet me at Harvard. Ah… give me your contact details. I will call you for fulfilling your purpose.'

Ajay gave the information asked by Sophia, said goodbye and left her at the entrance of terminal 2. He walked to the parking. She passed the entry gate of the terminal and came to know about the delaying of two hours in scheduled flight on a display screen. She thanked God, as her appetite was at a high pick. She crossed the passenger screening and forward marched to the ATM located on the right side of the screening channel. Withdrew. She took straight to the Inmotion entertainment, besides it the way for the restroom was there. She went restroom. Changed her formal wear to the casual. Black track and grey high neck t-shirt which she found comfortable for the journey. She came out. Precisely, on her left from the restroom, she found Barney's Beanery.

It was the place where sports fan and food lovers feel like home. The place with wooden floor design. The counter was decorated with green lights and a teller machine. One side of the counter was full of chairs, while the other side occupied by service providers. At the back of them, big screen settled in the middle, and that was girded with "B" on both left and right. Her eyes were satisfied with such a vision. She settled herself on the crocodile green couch. Each couch companies with two round granite table supported with an iron rod. She ordered the avocado melt sandwich and California chopped salad. She waited for nearly twenty-minute, and the desire was on the table. Ready to fill the empty belly. Choose a suitable spoon and fork. Cut the sandwich, put the piece in mouth and melted the taste. Eyes were closed for filling the melting of the bite she swallowed. She moved her fork for salad and her phone rung. The screen was blinking with an unknown number. She didn't bother about answering for the same. She pressed the lock button of the phone, blinking was stopped. She inserted the piece of tomato covered with cheese in the tsunami of saliva generated in the mouth. The cheesy tomato was her favourite.

'Oh… Unbelievable! How one can steal the antique thing from the secure museum?', the person occupied the couch on the back of Sophia was discussing with his food partner.

'Exactly, and not one… three things from three different museums in the same night.', She heard the words of food partner of the first guy.

She turned back. They were watching NBC news channel running on the screen, mounted on the wall at her left side. The same screen which was in the middle and opposite to teller machine. The screen ran the news of monuments stolen from three reputed museums. She put the fork side by the salad served. Her eyelids widen by the news. She recalled the phone call "It has begun". Her concentration on the screen was broken by the announcement made for her flight. It was delayed by 2 hours more. The reason was related to the weather. Again her phone blinked. This time she picked up.

'We need your help. If you agree for that, hold the line. Otherwise, cut the call.', the husky voice got an accident with her tympanum. She held the line for a while. The voice broke the silence, 'Good, Dr Sophia… this one is the offer for you. The details will be sent to your mail, and mail will be destroyed automatically after 10 minutes of receiving. The message for acknowledgement of the mail will be sent to your cell before 20 minutes of mailing the same. Good choice you have made for working with us…Have a good flight after such a delay…!', The voice blocked from another side with cutting the call.


At the same time, NYPD Headquarter

Senior Inspector, Albert Seedman lighten up his favourite cigar and tried to blow out around fume circles. This time, again he failed. He wanted to generate such a circle with smoke with whistling sound. But failed. Failed. Many times failed. His assistant, Peter Squires always laughed on this childish activity. Peter was present with more details about the robbery happened in the well-known museum trio. He had three files respected to each museum. He was quite good in the collection of data and in analysing also. He put the folios on the desk, exactly near Albert's chair. Albert again attempted for circular smoke. Again failed. He threw the cigar, straight came forward to the table. He picked the green file, cover titled with Case No. 21/A – The Neues Museum, Berlin.

The images captured from the Neuse museum were spread on the desk. He concentrated on each photo, one by one. He picked up the image which carried the statue of a lady. The statue was a bust, found in Thutmose's workshop on 6 December 1912 at Amarna. The data collected by Peter suggested about the bust was of Nefertiti. The bust was made of limestone weighing around 44 lb. With its 19-inch height, painted stucco layers. Symmetrical face with lacking the left eye, and right eye decorated with quartz stuck with beeswax. Head was covered with a blue crown, looped with golden diadem band. Band's bow adorned with the cobra, at present, it was broken. Damaged ears. Since 1913 it had been in Germany. In 1924. The bust was displayed to the public after a long discussion started in 1918. At the time of World War II, 1939, the museum was closed and artefacts secured for safekeeping. The tower of flak bunker in Berlin bedecked with the bust in the autumn of 1941. From the bust journeyed German salt mine, Frankfurt, West Berlin, East Germany, East Berlin, Charlottenburg and finally arrived at the Neues museum as its attraction when it reopened in October 2009.

Albert impressed, 'Excellent…! Your pervasion of cameras… great… Peter.', He tapped Peter's shoulder. Now, he took red file denoted with Case No. 21/B – Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London.

The file collected the data the same as in the green file. Albert started analysing each photograph snapped at the location by NYPD photographer. He knew about the direction, angle and correct position for capturing the images must be analysed in future for the reference. Albert's eyes stuck at the third photograph, in which a complete image of UC401 was stored. But the upper portion was broken. He asked Peter and imbibed about the original sculpture seen same as in photograph collected from the library of the museum. As per the data recorded, the sculpture was about the relief fragmentation. Headless Akhenaten, his wife Nefertiti and their daughter was worshipping God Aten. Aten is acknowledged as Sun. Images carved Aten with a blessing on trio by his hand. The rays had straight approached the chest of king Akhenaten, and head of the other two. Three jars offered on the table. Everything was carved in the alabaster. Alabaster is the stone made of calcite. This alabaster found in Amarna.

Albert gave straight look to Peter, 'Impressed…Now! Let's see the blue file.

The file was entitled "Case No. 21/C – Brooklyn Museum, New York".

Peter collected all the images scattered on the desk and organised with respected case files. He put both the studied files at the corner of the desk. Meanwhile, Albert handled the blue file. He opened and flipped the pages. His finger stopped running on the page which had the image of a stolen article. Accession number 71.89 of the Martha A. and Robert S. Rubin gallery of the museum. The article made of limestone had a carving of image of Nefertiti. She was offering a bouquet to the Aten. Inscription lined on top of the article. Albert couldn't solve the inscription. The article was broken at the lower left. He recognized the headdress, as on the bust of her, was in the Nueus Museum. He afresh found about the period of the article was Amarna which was common in all three robberies and the lady called "Nefertiti".

Albert knocked the file on the desk angrily, 'Damn… what is the relation between this tri action? Who is Nefertiti…? Why anyone would steal the articles related to the Amarna period? What are the intentions?', Peter picked up the file and adjusted on the other two files, 'Peter! We have to find the intentions, motives, objectives, purposes?'

'All are the same sir…', Peter chuckled.

'Yes… I know. Let's step forward for solution of this enigmatical situation…'

Peter obeyed, 'OK, Sir…'

'Also, find someone expert in Egyptology? Who can guide us about all stolen articles and their relationship? And, Yes, of course about the "Nefertiti" …'

Peter set on the chair arranged exactly opposite to the screen, attached with the latest generation computer system. He opened a search engine. The screen changes as he pressed enter on the keyboard which displayed the speed of internet. He typed Egyptology in the blank and entered. Screen suggested the long list of sources related to the subject.

Albert stood exactly behind the chair which was occupied by Peter. He concentrated on the screen, 'Filter the search with a various keyword, for experts' list who are active in Egyptian culture. I think that one can lead us to the exact intention of the robbery.'

'I completely agree… Sir.', Peter played fingers on the keyboard with the keyword "Expert in Egyptology". The search result again came up with a long list of experts. But the first one attracted Albert's eyes. He snatched the mouse and click on the first link. The link was of Harvard University.

'Collect the details of professor, and arrange a meeting with her as soon as possible.', Albert ordered. He was observing the photo of her uploaded on the website by university. As the name in bold and italic font came in the screen, the words came out, 'Dr. Sophia Green.'

