It is 10 Oclock - 18 in English Love Stories by Sunil Kapadia books and stories PDF | It is 10 O'clock - 18

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It is 10 O'clock - 18

Suddenly, Priyanka remembered a moment and asked Krishna, ‘When daddy asked you about staying a month at his friend’s farm. You hesitated for a moment. While this is your dream and that was not even a hurdle. So, why did you hesitate Krishna?’ Krishna smiled but this time there was a deep meaning behind that smile but unfortunately the real meaning was still unknown to Krishna. The sprouts of love already deepened their roots in Krishna’s mind. And he was the only one who was unaware of those feelings as those feelings were hidden behind the curtain of friendship. But there was a different path decided by the destiny.

Krishna replied, ‘I do not know why I hesitated, but I could not bare the idea of not meeting you for a month. As you are the most indispensable person in my life, and I cannot think my life without you. And that to be a month, it is too much for me. Hence, the hesitation.’ Priyanka almost knew the answer, but she wanted to confirm. The reason for almost is Priyanka is aware of her feelings for Krishna but for Krishna she is still his friend. Though she is much more than that. Priyanka just gave a stare and did not say anything for a few minutes and then said, ‘I know. I am the best.’

Krishna nodded in agreement but deep down his heart he was expecting a different answer. An answer like Priyanka would say, ‘Krishna I would come there daily to meet you.’ Life never takes an expected turn. And this time too it did not. Krishna could not express or maybe he could not understand the gravity of the situation, the confusion or the silent fight between his mind and his heart. His heart yearned Priyanka but the past traumatic experience did not allow him to pursue the path to love. His mind overpowered his heart, and it was focused on only one thing, how to succeed in the venture. Every neuron in his mind was trying to devise a plan to success which will lighten the unexplained burden on his heart or in other words a huge debris of pain left by Aashka. A huge void was created in Krishna’s heart and it was slowly killing the original persona of Krishna. Krishna’s mobile chimed and he saw the message from Monika.

The SMS said, ‘Are you coming or not? I will not wait more than half an hour or forget about the loan Kishu.’ Krishna quickly said bye to Priyanka and greeted her father on his way out and drove like a rocket. He reached and welcomed by an angry Monika who was very frowned, but her eyes were naughty and saying a different tale. Krishna asked politely, ‘Madam Can I come in?’ Monika stepped aside and waved her hand and said, ‘Yes you can.’ As he went inside Monika jumped on her from the back and tangled her hands around his neck and said, ‘Why so late Kishu? I was just waiting and waiting for you. Where were you? Oh, I remember.’ She mimicked and said, ‘At your bestie’s place.’ Krishna said yes. She solved my training problem.

Monika said, ‘hmm it is good. But I will solve the biggest hurdle in your way Kishu.’ I am going to talk to my Regional Manager tomorrow, and I will be your guarantor for the loan. And I am positive that he will understand the situation and grant the loan to you.’ Astonished Krishna just stared her without saying a word. His mind was trying to process this information and preparing a proper response for the same. But because of the shock, his neurons were confused and could not create a valid response. Krishna made a valiant effort and commanded his brain to form a response and it was, ‘Monika, will you do that for me? That is absolutely amazing though my mind asks me should I take this favor from you? Isn’t it too much too ask?’ Monika put her finger on Krishna’s lips and said, ‘Do not say a word Kishu. It is not just your dream anymore; it has become our dream now. So do not dare to jinx it.’

Friend is a beautiful word. An entire life is hidden within that word. No matter what path destiny takes for any person, a true friend is like that glowing beacon of hope who will always guide his/her friend in the right direction. Monika’s intentions were good for Krishna but there was a catch in it. Krishna was oblivious about that and it was like the silence before the storm. A huge wave of pain was around the corner and waiting to strike and will traumatize three lives. Krishna already passed through an ocean of pain and backstabbing. He is not capable enough to handle it this soon.

In the next episode, will Krishna get the loan? Or there will one more surprise for him. To know more, please read the next part and whenever possible please review and rate.