You are my life - episode 1 in English Fiction Stories by Vizhi Malar books and stories PDF | You are my life - episode 1

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You are my life - episode 1

Ramya was having 'independance day' celebration at her school, she had to go early, so she was in a hurry, she wanted to leave her child with her neighbor, but chitra, her neighbor was not there, instead an young guy had opened the door and Ramya got confused not knowing what to do next. She started asking hesitantly, " chitra sister......"

The guy was blinking as though he didn't understand what she said just now probably due to his sleepy state. But still he some what managed with an answer, " I don't know where she has gone.... She didn't inform me"

Meanwhile 3rd horn sound came from below which made Ramya to look in the side where the sound was coming from, instantly she also looked down at her baby like what to do now.

All the while he was watching her, now he is fully awake and understood she was in a hurry, and also he noticed there is a baby, only after her gaze shifted down to her baby... the little baby girl was so cute sleeping in the standing position itself by hugging her mother's leg tight.

At the same time, elevator door got opened, Ramya's colleague Kavita came out from that asking, "what are you doing Ramya?! It's already getting late, the driver got so irritated, if you don't start now, he would start the bus leaving behind both of us here itself, we have to arrange a cab then, time consuming and also after that we have to face the principal mam...."

She stopped talking on seeing that boy at the doorstep and Ramya's confused face, she also got confused and asked " who is he?!.. Where is chitra sister?!.. And what are you going to do with baby now?!" ....

With worried face, Ramya said nothing, her mind started thinking about other possibilities, but she knew well her pathetic situation, there's no other place for her to go..

"You can come and place the baby inside, I will take care of her until 'chithu' comes.." the boy said with a calm and composed voice, by opening the door fully and pointing at the generous sofa which was kept in the middle of the living room.

Astounded by his words, Ramya looked at him with her widened orbs.

" Ok then, problem solved, go girl, be quick, we were running late" Kavita said.

But Ramya hesitated.. She is somewhat bewildered if actually speaking.

"Don't worry, It won't be a problem for me", the boy insisted.

Kavita took Ramya's bags, as Ramya lifted the baby up, went inside, placed her on the sofa, gently patted her, kept a cushion on the side of the baby to prevent from falling down. Then she laid the baby's bags on nearby table and came out.

She glanced the baby once and turned to look at the boy, she said nothing and started leaving along with Kavita. The boy shut the door behind her. On hearing the door click sound, a fear wave started rolling through Ramya's gut.

While going down in elevator, on seeing Ramya's face, Kavita said, " I understand what you are thinking now, because now a days most of headlines occupied by this type of news, it's indigestible the teenagers misbehave with lonely baby girls irrespective of the girl's age.., I don't know where the country is heading culture... no morals.. no ethics....we are raising our kids in such a dangerous society..." Kavita kept on talking, while Ramya's fear got worsened, her face gone pale... Kavita realized and stopped her blabbering, "hey just relax..this boy seemed innocent, that's why I insisted to leave the baby, anyway chitra sister also will return soon from wherever she has gone, you already informed her know?!"

Ramya nodded in response. Then "don't worry" Kavita held her arm reassuringly.

By the time they reached the bus and got into it, the driver started the bus, obviously scolding something, but Ramya didn't pay attention, she instantly searched for her mobile inside the handbag.

She dialled chitra's number, with second ring chitra took the call and started saying, " wait for 2 minutes Ramya, I came to the market, I am on the way home now" she said in between gasps which reveals that she was walking fast, with the background noises in the market.

"No sis, the bus came, I started already" Ramya replied.
"Then, where is the baby now?! You took her with you?! If you waited for another 5 minutes, I would have been come know?!" chitra felt guilty.

"No sis, 'Aadhi' is sleeping in your house only, a boy opened the door for me", Ramya informed while praying the God one more time inside her heart for her baby's safety.

"Oh... Vijay woke up then... don't worry, he will take good care of your baby, I am also going now, you continue...bye" she hung up.

Kavita asked her by gesturing like "what?",

"She has gone to market, she is returning now", Ramya replied.

Kavita smiled in relief with 'i told you know' like face , Ramya leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes.


Ramya mouthed his name inside her lips, "who is he?! I haven't seen him in chitra sister's house before... I don't know about that guy, but I left my baby in his hands now..why I did that?!...She was much bothered about that thought..

To be continued...
