Yellow Rose - Part 11 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 11

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Yellow Rose - Part 11

A Failed Escape

It was as dark around as my fate is right now. My eyes opened to void and murk. Crescent moon was lambent high on its throne in the kingdom of coruscating stars. While I was lost in the woods of dark affliction my destiny was playing me throwing thorns in my way. I looked around to see that I am living in a golden cage. All the warmth and comfort I am provided here is at the cost of my freedom and something even more important about what I probably don't know yet.

My father is dead and Evan Wilson is as dangerous as Jordan's eyes looked last eve on that tea table. All the people here are mendacious. I have to stand now. I have to stand on my own for myself. Can't depend on that wheelchair resting beside my bed anymore. Evan is not worthy of trust. Everytime he comes up with some new story. His stories and reality are never of a piece. Also all the people in this place seem to be aid and abet of Evan as most of them cover up for him. The only one in defiance of him maybe Jordan but infallibly he isn't a noble himself. He is using my dearth of knowledge of my bygone to entice me to do something for him which is not going to be good.

I have to know what happened in sooth. Did I really sleep for seven years? Or that's a lie too? If yes, what's the verily reason? What happened seven years back? Where is my actual house and family? Or what family am I left with? My mother? Any siblings? Any cousins? Uncles? Aunts? Just anybody? How does Evan know me? And what does he want from me? Oh My Lord show me some signs of escape from this mess.

The very first thing I need to do is to get out of this house. Yes I am gonna get out of this creepy house and away from these creepy people. How? I don't even know where is the entry and exit of this place? But this is the only chance out. If Evan comes back I won't be able to move out. It would be even difficult then. I should escape while he isn't here.

I don't know what got into my head but I just decided to leave right away. My determination helped me to walk. When I got out of the bed and my feet touched the cold floor, its coolness crept my frame and reached my heart. I have to get out of here right away, right now. Walking out of the room I roved around the prodigious building for an hour I guess. It took me a lot of time to get down to the ground floor.

I walked too slowly for an escape but my muscles were doing their best. Once I got to the main door of the house I had to figure out how to open it without making much noise. When I finally was done struggling with it I stepped out from that mansion. Freezing cold out hit my frame. Just in a moment it started snowing and I was drenched before I even found the gate out of this golden cage.

While I was roaming there two black dogs and three pups suddenly came in front of me. I was scared as hell. I thought they would bark and wake everyone up but instead they came to me and stared at me silently. Out of nowhere this thought took over my senses and I lovingly let my hand slip in one of the dog's black, thick fur. I can't remember what breed it was. Or what is this breed called. I kneeled down and they returned me with love. One pup climbed in my lap and I couldn't help smiling. "Hey little meat, can you show me the way out?" When I spoke with a low voice the loyal creatures licked me once and ran away. I tried following them. They lead me to a small gate which I assume isn't the main entrance. Maybe a back gate.

I expressed my gratitude to them with a smile and went out. Still confused, why did they help me? I started walking down the street to wherever the path went. It was dark and no one was out in this cold. I wasn't shivering but shuddering now. Oh Lord!! I should have taken something to cover at least.

This cold will kill me. I still kept walking. I had to, there is no other possible course of action. I don't know where I am going or where I should be going. Do I have a place to go to? Releasing that I don't, I lost it to my emotions and hot liquid poured itself out of my orbs. My feet kept taking steps ahead and ahead leading me to nowhere. I somehow made it to the highway, an open road but where now from here?

Seeing a jeep ahead on the road and two men standing outside it, I went to them to ask for a lift. "Young lady we have a flat tyre but we can still help you warm up in this cold." One of them said and the alcohol made its presence known in their breath. They were drunk. "No thanks." I gave a quick reply and started walking again. I know I am followed. But I can't stop walking. "Let us help lady, we can help." They shouted from behind. My heart raced but my feet weren't capable of that. I kept walking.

In no time I felt a pull on my left shoulder and one of them grabbed me in his hold. "We said we can help. Why wouldn't you let us help?" "I don't want help please let me go." My voice cracked as I protested. My quavering voice showed me my incapabilities and how weak I am. That raged me. "Why young lady?" "Because she already has help." A loud voice filled the air of this empty space and my empty heart. It was Jordan. He took out the gun from behind and walked towards us. Both the men ran away at once.

"What are you doing Tula? Are you out of your mind?" Jordan covered me with a comforter while he was totally seethed by this act of mine. Will he tell everyone? Will he tell Evan? What next now? A failed escape it is.

I couldn't think of anything to say and I just followed his lead. Got into his car and went back to my golden cage. Unaware of what was waiting for me there now. I entered through the main entrance this time which read 'Wilsons' in large font. I had a feeling that I have seen this giant gate before too which is indeed not possible.

Jordan drove to parking and helped me out of the car. I know he has sensed my nervousness way back. But the worst was yet to come. Evan was standing right infront of me when me and Jordan set our feet inside the house. His rant and rave glowing in his eyes told me this night is yet to get colder. Evan was just not angry but his eyes had a pain in them liken of betrayal.

"I thought I told you to stay away from her." His voice scared the hell out of me. But Jordan won't off course take these words. Jordan replied disrespectfully, "I thought I already made it known to you that I don't care what you say."

I didn't get time enough to see when did Evan's fist met Jordan's jaw and when Jordan was almost thrown and banged with the main door.


Any idea why would those dogs help Tula? What's coming next?