Angad as ambassador in Lanka in English Mythological Stories by Rajnarayan Bohre books and stories PDF | Angad as ambassador in Lanka

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Angad as ambassador in Lanka

Angad in Lanka

Ram Sugriva


In the morning, warriors like Sugriva, Jamwant, Dwived, Hanuman etc. sat with Rama and started thinking in which direction a team should be sent to find Sita.

Jamwant said that teams should be sent in all four directions, but the largest party should be sent in the south direction. Because that day, that Kalakluta little man had taken his chariot to the south direction.

This agreement was reached. The team sent in the south direction by making Jamwant the head of the party, included the heroes of Hanuman, Angad, Nal, Neel, Dwived, Mayand, Vikas etc.

Nearly the entire party left after paying obeisance to Rama and finally Angad and Hanuman remained standing. Ram said to Angad, "Angad, you are still small. There will be many problems in this journey, how people will be brought up. So you don't go. "

Angad said in a pampered tone, "You are like my father, Lord." If I do not learn to deal with crisis and unknown situations from this age, when will I learn? Don't worry, Hanumanji and Gurudev Jamwant ji are going with me too. I am very safe and secure with them. "

Ram knew that three hatha are famous in the world - Baal Hatha, Raj Hatha and Tria Hatha. This stubbornness of Angad is very difficult, which is difficult to handle, then due to being crown prince, it also includes Raj Hatha. He had fallen prey to Lakshmana's persistence many times. For this reason, he did not explain Angad much, he gave Hans Karsamati. Yes signaled to Hanuman and called near him.

Hanuman came near and stood silently.

Ram told him "Hanuman you are going along. Take care of Angad, he is still a child." Do not let him obstinate He should not get into any objection. Yes ... I have one more thing to say to you. If you can somehow reach Sita, then you have to give proof that you are my messenger. For this I am giving you my ring. On seeing this ring, she will believe that I have sent you. You should tell me this message and come back with her news. "

Then Rama took Hanuman apart and gave a message to take him to Sita.

Rama took out a ring from his finger and gave it to Hanuman, whom Hanuman tied with a big jatan in the janeu, wearing it on his shoulder, and called Jai Shri Ram and left from there.

After coming down from the mountain of Pravarshan, this group went straight towards the south. There were tribal people, had the experience of walking through highways and bushes, so there was no problem in walking at high speed. To cut the time people started laughing and cheering each other. There was definitely discipline of Jamwant, yet the Banar people were making hue and cry.

If suddenly a monk was found, they all surrounded him. Talking to him with all due respect. Even ask if they know that a stranger is taken away by Sita, the queen of Ayodhya! Who is that man, and where does he live?

But if nothing is known, then he would have left the sage and proceeded.

When he found someone like a black-skinned mustard carrying Sita, he would surround him and inquire deeply. If he used to say something wrong or did a profanity, then by cutting off his nose and ears, Baner would leave him there and go on.

In the same way, they reached a deep valley.

There were high mountains all around and there was no sign of any animal or animal there. Jamwant felt that there is no such dangerous animal in this valley who has eaten all the animals and birds here!

If Jamwant told his doubts, then everyone felt the same truth. They all handled their donkeys and started inspecting all around.

For a while, they all literally saw a dangerous man with a huge jaw in a wide cave in the front mountain. It seemed that he was a very tall and strong man whose big and scary teeth were seen shining from here. He was turning his long tongue on his lips. Probably he was a tribal of cannibalistic caste. Seeing so many people together, he may be tempted to eat it.

Hanuman did an audacity. He said to Jamwant that we go and eliminate the cannibal so that this man who turns this beautiful valley into gloom, will end and this valley will reverberate.

When Hanuman and Dwived and Vikatas refused to Jamwant and proceeded towards the cave shining the mace of their hands, Angad also moved there. Jamwant interrupted Angad "You stay the prince, you don't go there."

Angad demonstrated that he had not heard anything. He accelerated his escape and moved ahead. Then Hanuman started running faster than him.

On the other hand, when the dangerous black man saw some people running with enthusiasm towards him, then his forehead started to be strong. People here are afraid of him, how are these people who are running themselves here.

Jamwant saw that the people going towards that unknown man did not agree, so they started running after him.

By the time Jamwant reached the top, the view of the cave had changed. Hanuman grabbed the man from that dangerous and tied him with a rope lying there and the man stood like a humiliated with lowered eyes and the others were laughing at him with glee.

Jamwant asked him in the language of the tribals who he was, he raised his eyes in astonishment and opened his big mouth and said, "I am a tribal of Gidha caste. I am a resident of Panchavati, far away. My plane had fallen in this valley, so I have stayed here. "

"Have you eaten all the birds and animals here?"

"Yes" he replied to Jamwant, "What would I have done, I was injured, I could not go anywhere, so whatever I started to meet, I grabbed and started eating."

"In Panchavati there used to be Jatayu of the Gidha caste." Jamwant suddenly remembered.

He chokes and utters "How do you know him?" He is my brother. "

Jamwant said, "When Ram, the prince of Ayodhya, lived in Panchvati, a man from a black grove kidnapped him in a chariot with a flag of a donkey's head, and Jatayu had the courage to confront the evil thief. but...''

"But what? ... Please tell me."

"But poor Jatayu was badly injured in that battle and finally got to Veeragati. Shri Ram himself performed his last action on his hands like his father. "

The man wept with a long lament of "Hi my brother ...".

After some time he himself said quietly, "I am finished. Jatayu and I were real brothers. August Muni taught both of us to make a plane flying in the sky. We both made our planes and once vied who would touch the sun. When Jatayu felt too hot, he came back from the very bottom, but I kept on going and when the sun was just a short distance away, my aircraft started burning with smoke. My plane fell straight from there. I was also injured. "

Sampati remained silent for a moment and then said, "Only a lowly man walks by the flag with the picture of a donkey - King Ravana of Lanka. She is very greedy of women. He has brought women of every caste to his palace. For this reason, women work on every important post in Lanka. Surely he has killed Sita. "


Listening to the news of Lanka, Shriram asked Sugriva, "What to do friend?"

Sugriva said, "We have got all the news of the army of Lanka and the geographical information there, now what is the delay?" We should leave immediately. "

Jamwant said, "Prabho, we are now sending some Guptachars to Lanka, through which we will keep getting information of Lanka from moment to moment, so we will not be weakened by them in any way." Don't hesitate, we are all set to go. "

Then what was the matter, everybody started getting ready for the long journey.

The next morning, Shriram and Laxman started their journey to Lanka with all their friends.

Ahead, there were some banners of the group who had just returned in the same direction, behind a very large group called Jai Shri Ram.

The spear was seen all the way, so it didn't take long to reach the beach.

Seeing the edge of the sea, Rama asked how we would cross the sea, then everyone told their views. Some used to say that a fleet of many boats should be prepared, and some used to say that everyone should swim and cross.

The journey was exhausting and the evening was getting thick, so Rama said that we now go and rest where Sambathi used to live. Tomorrow morning we will sit and consider what to do.

Everyone got up and proceeded towards the valley where Sampati's cave was.

Special people went inside the sea-shore route, then the others climbed the mountain and reached the valley.

Everybody had discovered their whereabouts before it got dark.

The night was very comfortable.

The next morning Sriram's court was set up in the chowdier part of the cave.

Still could not decide how the sea would cross?

The sun had risen high and arranged for the fruit to be released as a monkey came running. "Prabhu, a haggard man has come from Lanka sitting in a boat who calls his name Vibhishan and wants to meet you. . ;;

Hanuman quickly said, "Bring him with respect."

After some time, Vibhishanji was embracing Rama. Rama asked, "Tell me friend Vibhishana, what do you want? How did you leave Lanka? "

Vibhishan said, "I used to suffocate in Lanka." There is a restriction on speaking there. When I got Hanumanji, I was eager to meet you. I just brought you the hope of friendship, I don't want anything. "

Shriram said, "We declare you the King of Lanka on our behalf. We will very soon defeat Ravana in battle and remove him from the post of king. From today you are Lankesh on our behalf.

Do not continue to do Vibhishana, but Rama took dust from the ground and from the soil, tilak of Vibhishan and said, “Lankesh Hail to Vibhishan

Everyone praised Vibhishan's Jai Jai Kar.

Then they all came to the sea and sat in the open ground.

Rama also asked Vibhishana that you live on the banks of the sea, you tell me what path to cross the sea should be adopted.

Some noise erupted before answering Vibhishan. When everyone noticed, it came to know that Banar people are bringing two young men who look like Banar.

Jamwant told that both of these are spies of Lanka and have come back after Vibhishanji. These people were listening to all our things disguised as banners that our spies suspected. Then, when searched, they found such things which were raising doubts on them, so we have arrested them.

Vibhishana identified Shuk and Saran as famous spies of Lanka. Both of them know many types of language and specializes in changing many types of clothes.

Sugriva said that their nose and ears should be cut off. Hanuman said that they have a tradition of mutilation here, the same should be done with them.

Jamwant said, "Lord, there should not be any insult to any messenger or undercover."

Ram said, "Leave them."

Laxman said, "You guys be fearless. Go and give me a message to Ravana that the work he has done is not good. We will soon come and decorate him in his house. "

Shook and Saran bowed their heads and agreed with them and ran towards the beach as soon as allowed. On seeing it, he jumped into the water and took out a boat hidden in the water. Then they took the paddle of the boat and went towards Lanka at a fast speed.

When Ram wanted to ask the rebirth again, Jamwant said, "Lord, our army is very large." It would be very difficult to cross the sea by swimming or crossing it with boats. That's why our two banners named Nal and Neel want to be heard. "

Nal and Neel were summoned when Rama gave permission. Nal told that such stones are found on the banks of this entire beach, which are not weighed, if they are swam in the sea and tied together, a long bridge like a boat can be built.

It was strange to suggest that such a big bridge floating on the sea can be built anytime.

Everyone thought that this suggestion was okay but there was a fear that it would take a long time to build such a big bridge. Nal and Neil said that they will teach some of their comrades this work, then the whole army will bring stones and bring them into the sea and thus soon the bridge will be built.

After much deliberation, Rama agreed and Nal and Neil started work. All the soldiers of the army gathered. Nal Neel also taught this work to his friends named Dadhimukh, Kehari, Nishat and Sath, the work gained momentum and Jamwant arranged such that the entire army was divided into three parts. After every six hours, one part of the people would get lost in work and thus work started going on day and night.

Every man had enthusiasm, everyone was curious about how the bridge would be built and how such a large army would be able to go to the house. Therefore, a troop of the army would run on it as a part of it and test its strength in the manner. The bridge was really becoming very strong. Everyone was surprised at the craftsmanship of indigo and tap.

It seemed that this work would be completed in months, but in seven days all the work was completed.

Then when the strength of the entire bridge was seen, Shriram was requested to walk on the bridge. Ram and Lakshman along with his secretary and friends first came out of the bridge and later the army started to leave.

The whole army crossed the sea from morning to afternoon.

On one side, while standing on his fake island, Manak shook hands and increased the enthusiasm of the army.

On reaching the other side, Jamwant told the banners that if they wanted, now they can rest and if they want, they can go and play.

Rama and his friends sat down, making some stones to sit and many bonuses got involved in sports. Those who had to make arrangements for food started looking for fruitful trees and herbs.

Angad in Lanka

Discussion was going on in Ram Dal about what to plan ahead?

Someone would say that it is not appropriate to delay now, we should attack directly. Someone said that by sending a news, Ravana should be invited to battle. Someone used to advise that Ravan himself would attack us after being shocked by the news of the presence of our army, so be patiently expected to move ahead of him.

Jamwant said, "I have an idea from the point of view of Prabhu, diplomacy and politics, why don't we once send a messenger and send our message to surrender Sita ji to us and accept your subjection." Many people will be killed in war, knowing how many will be injured. Our messenger would go and ask that Ravana abandon the idea of ​​fighting and talk about peace. "

Rama liked this idea. He said, "You tell me who should be sent as a messenger?"

"I think that Bali son Angad should be sent as his messenger. One, these are the girls of Bali, who had lost in the battle of Ravana, the other would be an honor for Ravana to become an angel of a prince. "

If you like the idea, Ram called Angad and said, "Angad, I have full faith in your intelligence and strength." You become a messenger and go to Lanka. You should talk to Ravana only so that our work is done and it is good for him. "

Angad bowed his head at the feet of Rama and took blessings and, while handling his mace, walked towards the fort of Lanka.

Even from a distance, Angad also saw the fort of Lanka very beautiful and strong. A very large gateway was open at this time.

Angad stumbled as he entered the entrance, because a loud voice interrupted him. "Who are you, dear?" What kind of raid is going on in Lanka city without permission? "

Angad looked back. He was being interrupted by a young man of his age. Angad calmly replied, "I am Angadah, the prince of Kishkindha. Who are you, brother? "

"Oh! It belongs to the tribal community. I am the son of Lankadhipati Maharaj Ravana. Where are you entering without my permission? "

"Hey brother, I am going to the court of Maharaj Ravana. Tell me the way to go to them. "

"Oh Banarva, you are becoming very clever, Maharaj Lankesh will not talk to a child like you. Go back again. "

Angad got angry and said, "Why should I return?" I will definitely go till the court. "

"Even a finger will not move from its place."

When the young man raised his sword and swung it towards Angad, Angad also became very careful, he attacked the young man with his power and pushed him back with full force and till he was able to push, Angad gave a tremendous amount of his mace Poke into his skull.

There is no strength in that prince. When the mace was hurt, his head exploded like a watermelon and he started falling on the ground and suffering.

People gathered around escaped from there. Angad proceeded into the corridor.

Then people went without telling them the way to the court of Ravana and they reached the entrance of the court.

When the sentinel stopped outside, he sent his introduction through the sentinel and asked for permission to meet.

He got permission immediately. Angad reached inside.

See, Ravana is sitting on a very high throne and all his courtiers are watching the dance of a dancer sitting in his place at the very bottom.

Seeing Angad, someone signaled the dancer immediately stopped her dance and went out with her instruments.

Angad reached directly in front of Ravana and bowed to him.

Ravana responded to Angad's obeisance with pride and asked in a teary voice, "O Banar, who are you?"

"O Daskandhar, I am Raghuveer Sri Ram's messenger." Angad replied in the same tone.

"Why did you attend my court?"

"Lankesh, you have been a friend of my father Kishkindha Naresh Maharaj Bali, so I have come here for your good. I have brought this message that you should surrender Raghuveer's wife Sita to him quietly and accept his subordination. Shriram will forgive the mistakes you have made so far. "

Angad felt that after hearing the name of Maharaja Bali, Ravana was shocked and said, "Well you are talking about that Bali lived in the mountains. Yes, I knew him. He has never been my friend. "

"You might not even know Sahasrarjun, who after seeing you took you to his palace for the entertainment of his children and kept you." Later your grandfather Pulastya Muni rescued you from his captivity. "

"You are very young in age, but you talk a great deal."

"Lankesh is your family's habit of talking big." Hanuman ji told me. "

"Hey you are referring to the Banner who burnt some clothes and lattes of our palace."

"Yes, Lankesh, that lone Banar made a noise in your city." He had finished all your food stores. That is why the starvation of eating and drinking has spread here these days. "

"Don't talk about waste, Angad." You go to your boss and say that we are ready to beat him with a beat. They don't talk anymore. If you have the courage, do not come and fight, then we will pick them up and throw them to Ayodhya. "

Angad heard this and he got very angry. He remembered that since childhood, his father has taught him the art in which, after standing firmly on the ground, no one can lift their feet after putting any strength.

Angad said, "Lifting my lord and throwing it is a big deal. I challenge you to have a warrior from all over your court raise my foot. I promise that we will accept this war as lost without fighting you.

Angad fixed his foot on the ground. They started waiting for someone to show their feet.

One by one many warriors arose, but surprisingly Angad's leg was not lifting. Finally, Ravana started getting up himself, so Angad lifted his foot from the fire and said, "You are like my father, I do not want to touch your feet."

Then Angad felt that Ravana had heard his final answer, now there can be no work here, so it would be fine to go back to Ramdal from here.

He said to Ravana, "Lankesh, I go. Now I will meet you on the battlefield itself. "

While walking, he suddenly got shocked by seeing Jharokha made over Ravan. There was a very beautiful woman from Surat like her mother. They understood that this queen is Mandodari. Angad bowed to him and stepped outside.