When We Met - 28 in English Fiction Stories by Aisha Kapadia books and stories PDF | When We Met - EP - 28 (When Pretending Costs You Something More Real)

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When We Met - EP - 28 (When Pretending Costs You Something More Real)

Emily's Pov:

Like the speed of the Flash, I rushed to the washroom. I couldn't say the same for when I wanted to get out immediately as I forgot to bring night clothes with me to change into. I closed my eyes to hide my embarrassment for those last words I said to Edward and that bloody chauvinistic exit.

Peeking out of the door, I saw Edward talking to Miranda about some files he might have misplaced and I took this opportunity to slide out of the door, almost quickly dancing in relief that I was still fully clothed in my dress, most strangely, still wearing my heels.

Opening the closet, I started to dig through my clothes to find something appropriate to wear when my eyes fell on something wrapped beautifully. It was a gift from Mia for my birthday. I tore up the decoration like a vampire and my eyes sparkled to see a totally new collection of Cadbury chocolates, all wrapped in a red paper.

Unwrapping the first bar, I put it in my mouth and moaned at its delicious texture melted like silk in my mouth. I continued devouring the chocolate while still searching for clothes when I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly looked at Edward to see him staring at me, both of our eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Who could it be at such an hour? It was almost 2'o clock!

A minute later, Miranda came to inform us that a certain lady named 'Linda' had come here to stay for the night and before we could ask any questions about how the hell it was even possible, Linda found it extremely useful to make her presence known and inform us of the reason personally.

"How are you, Mr and Mrs Jones?"

Words rolled out of her mouth more as a challenge and less as a greeting!

When we didn't say anything, both me and Edward too busy in our thoughts about how we were going to survive the trap without getting caught, she smiled at us triumphantly.

"I am sorry, Sir but recently, due to my carelessness, my house burned down rather brutally and I asked Mrs Jones for help when she, as a kind-hearted lady as she is, asked me to stay at your home for one night while she returns from her business trip next week! But don't worry about me, Sir, I would try my best not to disturb this beautiful night for you!"

Translation : I'd try my very best and would willingly sacrifice every bone of my body just to spy on you while you two play a game of hide and seek with me!

I bit down and chewed my chocolate like an anaconda to show her my annoyance while Edward just nodded at her and went back to his work. I slammed the door shut in her face, after giving her the brightest smile ever.

"Good night, Miss Linda! I hope you are well received in our house with every care possible!"

And you'll get that special care after I break your fucking ovaries and throw them off in gutter!

"What the fucking hell, Edward! What'd we do now?!"

He looked up at me and sighed loudly.

"Calm down Lily! It's not that she'll-"

"Calm down?! Seriously? How can you be so cool and composed-"

He put a hand over my mouth, pressing it firmly over my lips while shaking his head at my voice.

"Shh! Be silent, otherwise, we'll be caught even before we do anything out of normal! Just trust me and we'll sort this out!"


"I told you, just trust me!"

I looked at his serious expression and decided he indeed had a good plan to back all this up. Nodding silently, I went back on collecting my clothes to go wash myself up when a hand shot down to wrap around my wrist, twisting it gently.

"Where are you going?"

"To wash myself up, since you won't-"

"Are you sure you're not giving Linda a very obvious reason to be suspicious of our relationship?!"

I eyed him, confused at his words.

"What do you mean I am giving-"

"Aren't we a newlywed couple who was just out on their first date and had a special night ahead of them?"

I still didn't understand. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"So? What does it have anything to do with me changing my clothes?"

He responded with a questioning glare and then the realization dawned upon me. My mouth fell open to a wide 'O'.

"Oh. So you mean to say that we're supposed to be doing..." I struggled to try to find words, "supposed to be doing it in this same attire?" I completed, looking at the floor with determination and logical embarrassment.

My face was burning hot like a volcano and I was afraid if Edward ever saw me like this, I would've to kill him right then and there.

"Yeah. If I were a real husband, I would never have allowed you to walk away to change cause we'd been making love by the time we'd entered this room!"

I sunk low to the floor hearing his bold words. He said it so smoothly I thought for a moment, he was considering it as an actual idea and my mind was flushed with intense wild fantasies upon imagining him doing all those things to me which I always wanted him to do.

"Anyway, relax! I'm pretty sure my mother wouldn't stoop so low as to spy on her son's bedroom while he makes love to his wife on his-"

Blood rushed to my ears and face instantly, making my face to warm.

"Will you stop saying that word already!"

He cocked his head to his side, looking at me smugly, an obvious smirk playing on his lips.

He is teasing me, the son of a fucking cucumber!

"What, my love, should I stop speaking about? Any particular word? Any word related to 'making love' I sh-"

"Stop that, will you? It's embarrassing and this isn't the situation to be joking around!"

He raised his hand in defence, nodding still smugly at me and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him while still stuffing myself with the chocolate bar. It was all melted now but I'd rather die before letting a drop of it go to waste!

"Don't you worry! I am trying to do something! But first, let's find the remote to turn on the cameras outside the door! This way we can find when that evil lady sneaks upon us." He busied himself in finding that particular remote when I remembered something.

"Eddie! Be careful. I think I left a paper blade over there and it might-"

I heard him wince and ran towards him quickly.

"-prick you, you dimwit!"

His finger was bleeding, and even though it was a small cut, I pulled his hand to plunge his injured finger in my mouth, sucking lightly at the wound, tasting metallic blood in my tongue. I pulled it out to scold him while blowing soft air over his cut.

"You never listen to me, you idiot! At least clean your ears and listen-" I swallowed his finger again in my mouth, my tongue licking over his wound. I heard him groan and lifted my gaze to look at him and froze right at the spot.

He was looking at me like a predator eyeing every move of its prey. The colour of his eyes that I had always known as light ocean blue was darkening with sudden intensity and emotion and was now of dark blue.

I felt a cold shiver run down my whole body the minute he took hold of my hand, running his smooth fingers over my arm, my shoulders and caressing the skin up to my throat till they settled on my cheeks to trace a soft silky pattern over them. I leaned to his touch involuntarily, savouring every moment of his touch, trying to think if it was a dream, I never ever wanted it to end, even though I'd never wake up again.

His eyes were boring fire into mine, raging wind and storm visible in them. And then all of a sudden, it was gone.

Hearing the faint sound of a 'click' sound, I realised he turned on the TV to see the camera. I swallowed the lump which had formed in my throat during our little staring session, taking one large bite of my chocolate in frustration.

"You know you're going to be a cow soon if you continued eating that carb, right?" his voice was laced with playfulness, teasing me if I could join him in that!

How could he joke so easily? Am I the only one who've been feeling certain things lately?! Am I the only one who wants him so much?!

Just then, I heard low steps approaching our bedroom and I knew instantly who it was. I narrowed my eyes.

Before I could react even an inch for our unwelcomed intruder, I was pressed hard against the wall, none too gently, realising it very soon that an equally hard body was being pressed over mine, my female parts moulding erotically with his male features.

A lump was formed in my throat when I realized how very close we now stood and if I tiptoed even an inch or if Edward bends a little low, I would be able to get all my heavenly wishes done in a row. He moved his head to graze over my face and I felt his hot breath over my ear, his beautiful curls tickling my senses.

"Relax, Lily. She's here! We just had to pretend that we're making-" his mouth glided over my earlobe.

I covered his mouth with my palm, hearing his muffled laugh.

"I understand! So what do I have to do to pretend that!" I tried ignoring the fact that I was still in that half-naked dress while being pressed deliciously against Edward, while he took his time to press his lips softly on my left cheek, his touch as light as feather.

"Well how about moaning? Can you moan?"

I gasped, glaring at him, now finding it hard to stare at him while he stood so close to my soul.

"Have you lost your mind? How can you ask such a ridiculous question, Edward?!"

"What? Aren't people supposed to pant and moan when they're making..." he looked at me, smiling widely, "love," he completed the sentence with a hidden challenge.

"No! I am sorry to disappoint your sorry ass but I don't know how to moan and pant cause I never got the chance to learn as some boy I had been calling my best friend-"

"Okay. Topic's over. You can't moan so we can try something else."

In a flash, he turned me around so that he was now pressed against the wall and I was facing him with my back at the door's peephole.

"What the-" I stopped abruptly when I felt his hands slide down my face to my waist and curled around my back. He pulled me towards himself, whispering me to put my arms around his shoulders.

I complied, closing my eyes to rest my head on his chest. Just then, his other hand went behind my back and began tracing patterns up and down, over the zipper of my dress before with a smooth single tug, he pulled it down.

My eyes snapped open to find my dress slipping from my front, feeling his hands grazing over the bare skin of my back. I stifled a moan when he glided his masculine fingers over my flesh, my fingers now gripping his shirt to steady myself almost as I heard him take a sharp intake of breath.

"What the-! Why aren't you wearing any?" he whispered in a husky tone, making my insides go tingling with something akin to fire while his hands continued to caress my bare back, his touch still as light as a feather as if he wasn't sure he should be touching it in the first place.

"Wearing w..hat?" My own voice came breathless, goosebumps evident on my skin now.

"Your bra." His hands went up along my spine and I bit my lips, my eyes shutting close on their own accord.

"I wanted... to wear it... but well, that beauty... parlour girls... said that... we don't wear those with this dress... and your mother said....it'll not be needed between.. us anyways...though... I was... against it!"

My mind was too focused on what his hands were doing to me just by touching my back and somewhere between deciding to stifle a moan and releasing it, I ended up moaning low anyway! I felt a fast shuffle and then with a smooth pull upwards, my dress was zipped up as before!

A wave of disappointment and coldness rush over me as I found his hands now grazing my back over my covered skin. I pouted to myself while gliding up my fingers to rest on his slightly heaving chest.

"You don't think that'll satisfy her enough to send her off to her room, right?"

I looked up at him to find him sniffing my hair, running his face slowly along my brown curls before bringing his face to the side of my cheek and gently pressed our cheeks together in an affectionate gesture.

"I don't know! You know her well so why don't you decide if for yourself?" I, for once, decided to be as honest as I could ever have become.

"Well then, my answer would be a complete NO. Women like my mother would never be satisfied with something as little as touching my wife on her back!"

I felt a strange heat pooling in the pit of my stomach.

"So what else we're to do then?" I asked, trying not to concentrate on his lips that were now dangerously close to touching my collarbone, their mere presence still producing a tickling sensation.

"Let's do it for real then!" Without warning, his soft lips descended on my neck, pressing there firmly before he opened his mouth to suck on the skin, lightly nipping at it. Not soon after, his tongue darted out to lick slowly over my sensitive skin, where he kissed once again at the same spot, clouding my innocent mind with desire and lust.

A throaty moan escaped my lips as his teeth made contact with that same spot where he nibbled and licked mercilessly, digging into my flesh with strong intensity, his tongue joining it a second after to soothe its pain. It'll leave a mark soon!

"Edward" I called out his name.


Never to be continued actually....

Just kidding!

To be continued...

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Tell me about your views!
It was a long chapter for me, but I enjoyed writing it anyway!
Have a nice day! ✋✋✋