Karsadev hiraman - god of pet animals in English Classic Stories by Rajnarayan Bohre books and stories PDF | Karsadev

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Rajnarayan Bohre

Say this Varadani, this Rajbola name

Eladi curry tapasya, Bhola re ………

Brought a boon from Bhola, Nirbhaiya re .......

Gadrajon was a city, where a Gujar Maharaj named Raju lived. Gujjars are also such rich that God gave everything in the house. When his group of carriages (buffaloes) were allowed to graze in the dang, the black sea would take a walk. If the group of cows had been left from the essence, the earth would have become dry. When the maydar gathered for milking the milk, it would be filled with small pieces. If large kadahs were filled with milk, kept on the kiln for boiling, then there would be a sensual fragrance of boiling milk. There would be milk and ghee in the house, there would be a store of pride in the inside, and diamonds and pearls were filled in the house's house.

Raju had a younger brother, Gore, who had great reverence for his elder brother and obeyed his orders literally. At home there was a sulakshani-all-round wife named Soda, among the children was a son Surpal and daughter Eladi. Eladi such a beautiful, such a beautiful, such a Saloni that the nymph of the court of King Indar filled water in front of him. The beauty deepens in the limbs, the lotus smell is missing from the body, the form of the person is so beautiful that who says Manuj, the root-conscious man-bird, the god-demon, the siddha-jinn-ghost phantom, whoever is fascinated to see him once. Let's go. It would have become light if it had gone out in the village A lonely house in the village of Gujars, all the other Jats, who always had Raju Gujar's promotion in their eyes and were always looking for opportunity, when they let Raju down.

Eladi was twelve years old, and when she was young, Raju was worried about her marriage. Kunwar started searching. In the Gujar society, where there was a news of being a Kunwar, Raju went to see a boy for his girl.

On the other hand, Jats contemplated that Raju is alone, weak, his girl so beautiful that Sakshat Lakhmi, where she will go, will light up. The money of the village should be taken out of the village, tell Raju that there is no shortage of boys in the village, like any boy from the Jat community, do the marriage of the girl by the boys of the village, do it. And if no one freezes, then make sure from the Janwar of King Javed. As soon as the matter reached Raju, Raju was shocked, leaving his community and marrying a girl in the community! Thought will refuse straight away!

Then the intellect warned that if we deny it directly, then the Jats rule, everyone will get up together and take away married daughter.

Then what is the way left?

If you live in the village, the king will have to say 'Hanju Hanju'. Will have to get married in Baty Jato. To avoid this, you will have to go out of the village. out where ? The horses of the Jats walk around the guard every day in the circle up to eighty four… .Wherever you go, you will be in their circle. The houses were closed for two days, the husband and wife kept on sitting and sitting, what to do… where to go ..? How to avoid caste drowning!

Suddenly Raju Maharaj decided to leave the country. Come on country, where these Jats do not rule.

Raju Maharaj's decision was to say yes, brother and white agreed to touch the feet, the children were very young, where would they have looked so poor.

Nightly preparations took place. Anything else could not be taken away, let alone the curry is the wealth of the Gujar, so the milch carreel was sorted and Hank hinted to go to the whites at night. If you find someone on the way, say, in search of green grass, milch buffaloes are being taken to graze. Animal wandering has always been a habit of wandering far and wide in search of pasture, so someone would doubt it. The younger brother started walking with the white buffalo-buffalo, and kept walking, reaching the Rajputana in three days by crossing the floor of the Jats by day and night. Guessing to reach the white Rajputana here, Raju took his wife and children as soon as the night passed and left the house without any luggage. Wife Soda was sad that she left home, left Bakhar, left the fields, left the barn, flew - left the cloth, left the basin, and left the jewel; Even say that diamonds and pearls kept in the house have to be abandoned. When tears come in the eyes of the soda, Raju scolded - does not cry while walking.

The soda of the tears wiped away with sharp steps. In front, Raju, both children filled with foha in the middle and soda behind on high-low earth, leave the footpath-path and walk far away so that the footprints do not remain. The night passed, the sun rose. To wash one's hair, to wash one's clothes, when the creator has a pang then one must forget all things. The children who came out of the intestine were suffering from fatigue, took them out of bread tied in the potteria and gave it to them to eat as they walked.

As they were sharing, they met the whites and all spent the night on a river. Chompe was also tired, he also sat down, then went to sleep in a deep sleep.

Treated. After taking a bath in the river, Raju dodged and again stalked his nose. On the way, Bagrait Bhur Jat ruled, and when he saw so many carriages, his intentions deteriorated. He along with his men attacked Raju. What would the poor Raju and the white people do! Did not get rid of the good earrings. With the remaining money, Raju and the whites proceeded.

Who counted the curse, who saw the villages on the way, knowing how far they had reached to see a big city from a distance. On one way, I asked the passerby the name of that city and found out that it is a cymbal city.

From afar, it showed that there is plenty of greenery all around, the city looked like heaven in the middle of the sand. Raju's heart became happy. They all quickly stepped in and stood in front of the city cot in the talk. Entering the city through the big door, the guards sitting at the door asked the name and address and wrote: Name-Raju, resident-darker zone, the reason for coming here- because of the disasters in the village, they have left Janmabhoomi and have come in search of work.

There was plenty of greenery in the cymbals, there was plenty of water, there was shortage of milch cattle, so in the matter, the milk of buffaloes of Raju Gujar became famous in the hot market of cymbals. It took four to six days to come to the right place, now days of calamity will be cut easily. But when will the bad days come…. Who has seen such articles of wisdom ……? The calamity had not left the chase yet

The buffaloes, which came from the fertile soil, growing grass, came here in the dry season in the yellow ground, their body could not withstand the heat of the weather and all of them became ill, saw one and the other, and looked at the other one. The buffaloes began to crush on the ground, seeing which the whites panicked, then the soda and the children scared, then Raju started watching them. But neither the disease understood the pain of the animals or the idols, so Mahadev Shankar was the only one to trust, he started to feed the buffaloes by accepting the same oil and jaggery that he had in the house. But the disease was such that it became an epidemic. Buffalo started lying down one by one, and whosoever would roll his eyes.

That night came as Kalratri, all the buffaloes passed away in one night. The whole house cried. what will happen now ?

Raju, who returned to haunt the buffalo's dead body, was engrossed in future worries.

........... and who has seen the speed of time? Raju, who was living like a light-hearted king in Gadrajon, was moved by Karam's article today.

When the speed of the family was not seen, then one day when he left his house at bedtime, Raju and the whites went to go. When mother and child woke up in the morning, where did the father and Kaka go?

Waited for a couple of days, then the mother decided to do something herself to put something in the empty stomach of the children, they rushed to the king of the wandering cymbals and asked the watchman if he was ready to do any work. It turned out that a laborer is needed to grind wheat in the kitchen, poor soda is ready. By dusk, he drank wheat and started going home at night, so he got food plates and flour for the whole house.

Eladi did not find it appropriate to do this mother's wages, she refused, that it is not right for the mother to do wages for someone like this, do something else ... But even if the old mother of sixty eight years did? He said that you have to feel bad, suppose I have to do this, my helplessness.

Angry Eladi's mind was extinguished. The next day she woke up in the morning and left the house quietly without informing anyone.

Mother Soda Buddy was upset and went to her job exhausted. The mother's daily routine started running, she got up in the morning and went to work with the king, returning at night with food and flour for wages. Mother son would eat and sleep.

Eladi's heart was very sad there, so she went towards the wandering forests, and started wandering here and there. She saw a deserted ruin of a temple in the jungles, so she reached that ruin. By staying in the same ruins temple alone in the Biyaban forest, Eladi would make a lot of Shivling from the wet soil and worshiped them with great devotion. In this way Eladi Shiva began to do devotion. When she felt hungry in the morning and evening, she would pick up the leaves of trees lying here and eat.

On the other hand, Eladi's father and Kaka wandered to the king of the blacksmiths, where the king hired Alaadi's father Raju to throw coal in the furnace and feed the Kaka whites in the furnace.

In this way twelve years passed.

Baba Shankar, naïve with the austerities of twelve Varas, was pleased with the devotion of Lord Eladi and one day disguised as a cowherd and approached Eladi. He said to Eladi - Bahn, you make a Shiva lingam of clay every day, do not worship Sasakshat Shivji!

Where can I find Shivaji speaking the Eladi?

Gwala dressed as Shankarji said - There is a statue of Shankar on the mountain above, go there. Eladi reached the top of the mountain and started searching for Shiva's pindi all around. But Shivji had no pindi on the hill. A large rock of a chubby shape was placed on the hill top, Eladi considered the same rock as a lingam and covered the lotus with water. What is this, as soon as the water falls, there is a loud roar and the hill suddenly explodes in two. Inside the hill, the innocent Baba Baba was doing penance, the hill broke, and the innocent Baba appeared from it and asked Eladi - what do you want, sister!

Eladi said- If you called me sister, then I demand that you become my brother and be born in my mother's dock.

Shankar ji said, sister, what did you ask for, how is it possible that I can take birth from your mother's stomach.

Eladi asked a lot, but considering the relationship of the sister, Bhole Baba did not tell that the mother of Eladi has become an old Dokri of eighty years, now how can it not be possible to have children with her! Talking about the big idea, Baba said, "I will complete your sister, but remember me where you are."

Eladi said, I will complete what you say!

Lord Shankar said that next month is Somavati Amavasya, the same month is Malamas i.e. more month (Purushottam month), tell your mother if you cannot bathe for the whole month then take at least five days. On the day of Somavati Amavasya, when she goes to bathe in the river, a lotus flower will come in her dock, tell the mother, take that flower in your dock.

Eladi returned home happily, and told her mother her dream.

Mother said - Brother, he asked for happiness and prosperity.

Eladi said, the day Bhola himself will come as my brother, happiness and prosperity will come on its own.

May not wake up from eighty years old mother in the morning, nor have the ability to go to the river to bathe. Eladi would wake her mother and take her back to the river of laden. There would have been other stories in the river, she would have smiled seeing Eladi's mother. Eladi would have remained silent. Somavati came to Amavasya. Mother was bathing and saw three or four lotus flowers coming from the source of the river. She opened the dock and sat in the water to take flowers. In front of him, the sakhas which were taking bath in the stream of water, when they also saw the flowers, they also leapt to take the blessings of the dock shell. But God was pleased that those flowers did not come in anyone's dock and stopped directly in the soda of Eladi's mother soda.

When I saw this, the women who used to take bath every day got angry - we have been taking bath everyday for a month, we did not get flowers, and this old lady is taking lotus flowers in a day.

They all said to Sod - Where is this Dokri taking our share of flowers? We are going to take a daily bath, Phool Bhole Baba has sent us.

Eladi was about to say something that the mother stopped singing, bid - sister, if you are in your luck, you will get it. I again give lotus to the source.

Kamal was again given head in the source, and all the circles spread around the area and sat around the whole river. But where there were strictures, the lotus disappeared and where Eladi's mother Soda was sitting behind her, the lotus appeared and came straight into the soda dock. Now the eyes of the friends opened and they started appreciating the fate of soda and apologized to them for their mistake. When those women went to the house, they went on to talk about street soda.

Soda came out after taking flowers and beetle from her daughter- daughter, take me home quickly, my dock is getting heavy.

Eladi walked towards the house with her mother on her back. She lied to her mother by tearing a broken bed in a broken bed. Mother said daughter get soup.

Eladi kept the soup and then the soda put those lotus flowers slowly in the soup, and what! As he sat in the soup, he turned the lotus flower into a beautiful five-year-old baby. Eladi was very happy to see him. On the other hand, the child said, “Sister, I have completed your word. Now you go and call Dad. When they come, all the rites of my birth will take place.

Eladi said - Let them go twelve years have no idea about father and Kaka. Know where both of them are.

Brother said, go to the king of blacksmiths. His father is looking at the coal and Kaka is feeding him with his cattle.

Eladi ran and went to the king of the blacksmith and said - Grandpa open the door, your daughter Eladi is calling you.

The blond sleeping inside the cattle shed said to the elder brother, "Brother, don't be, Eladi's voice is sounding."

Raju said - leaving them to him, he came to twelve years. Know whether they live or die. How do they know that their people are here.

But Eladi called again - Dada, I am calling you Eladi, come home soon. I know this is what you and Kaka live for.

Raj immediately came out and asked - why do you scream.

Eladi Boli-Dada, move quickly. Brother has taken birth at home.

Father said - you have not become Sirran, Batiyarani, we have been out of the house for twelve years, your matai must have been eighty years old, Domkari said that such a child must have been born. People will say - the father was outside, where did the woman come to know about it. Daughter is going bad like that, speak slowly! What causes slander?

Eladi said - Dada, you are afraid Jin, happy with my penance, your Mahadev Shankar himself has appeared as a brother. He is an avatar, he did not take birth from a low, he is a god without birth. If you do not believe, then see that the prince of your savage king has bowed down. Look there, the throne of the king has turned.

When the king saw it, the five bastions of the fort of the blacksmith king had bowed down, and his throne was overturned in the far king's courtyard. He had some faith.

When Raju reached home scared and afraid, he saw five-year-old princes playing like Sonakshi in the soup.

He returned outside and said to his younger brother, brother, go brother, call Nine and Varahin, get the child's birth rites done.

The whites ran and called the two women to talk.

The child underwent rites of asanas and naras. Both women stood up for their Dakshina. Alladi was very ashamed that from where he should give Dakshina now, there is not a single penny in the house.

Brother understood that he said that his sister is dead in shame, he is jealous in the old pitcher of Kaka.

Eladi ran and found the pitcher and filled the oli of both of the old rotating Jawa Nicars. Varahariran went to his house blessing your toddler, but the Nine shook his oli and said - We will say, Jawa jawa jawa jaane, samhalo apne jawa.

When she reached home and was removing her dhoti, saw that one or two of the jawas were still entangled in the dhoti, she ran her hand to wink and thought that this is a heavy weight jaw. When he looked carefully, he was surprised, he had become gold. Jawa pearls were made in his side. She got very sad due to her mistake, when she reached the running Barharin's house, saw that she is doing her house work by keeping the jaw in her pitcher. When Nine tells her the miracle of Jawa becoming gold, she said that poor foreigners make fun of poor people.

When Nine said that he saw his pitcher, he was surprised - his pot was filled with gold and pearls.

Nine said to him that give me half-and-half, then he taunted you, you were getting tantrums.

Those who say that she later went to the house of Nine again from Raju Gujar and filled the ashes of Ashirwad Maan in the dock and put it in one side of the house, then there were mountains of ash all around the house. She picked up the shovel and started removing the ashes but by night she could not remove any ashes.

On the other hand, the warrior spread the news of taking the birth of an avatar man in Raju Gujar's house throughout the village. Raju's fate began to be discussed from house to house. When Nine's husband returned to tell his family the news, there were mountains of ashes, he knew the fighting nature of his family, said - You must have come to the house of poor Raju with some upside-down speech. Go and ask for a sprinkle on them, so that this Dalidar can be removed.

Nine went to Raju's house to apologize to the child and got engaged in the service of Eladi's mother, she saw that Panditji has come and the child's name is being held.

Pandit was saying - This child is born in Pushya Nakshatra, its virtuous Pratap will spread in the whole world, your son is an avatari man. Its name will be famous Karsadeva. It will also be called Hiraman. Dhor-calf diseases will run away as soon as its name is taken. Raju brother, understand that your bad days are deaf, this son will be hating all of you. Go have a lot of joy.

What was more, it rained at Raju's house. He became king again. The blacksmith king came to his shelter and handed him his royal party. Kunwar doubled by day and quadrupled by night.
