Yellow Rose - 10 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 10

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Yellow Rose - Part 10

Wedding And Death

"Come on little sister, don't be that audacious to your big brother. Introduce me at least." He vocalized his mind in the room. His voice was a bit uncanny. It had authority just like Evan's but had a tint of irritation. Why would he be here if all of this settlement was irritating him? "My vile big brother, the new guest is none of your business and Evan has told you to stay away from her. You better obey him this time or you know the consequences." Amelia's agitation echoed loud around the tea table. This makes it crystal clear that Jordan and Amelia don't go well together.

"Well Evan brother even told you to stay away from her. I don't remember brother saying you can take her down here for your little tea party. I see you can't restrain yourself, the old good memories. But as far as I know Yellow Rose doesn't have any memory. Right?" He strode towards me from the other end of the table and the sentences his mouth spilled flew over my head. His malevolent eyes showed that he isn't trustable. But one thing I caught was that both Evan and Jordan called me by the same name, 'Yellow Rose'. And seems like even Amelia knows about. Which purports everyone around knows something and is hiding that something which I don't know and they don't even want me to get enlightened. But Jordan might talk. I don't know why but I felt like he might talk.

"Oh My Good God must come to my rescue or your beauty will kill me señora!" He sat on the table making inelegantly some space for his huge frame and took my hand to kiss it while his other hand flopped around the snacks on the table. The way he saw deep in my eyes allowed me to get the slightest presence of lark in them. When he got no response from me he spoke again,"Looks like Yellow Rose isn't much into talking with me. That's bad, I had a surprise for her." He made a baby frowning face as he tried to tempt me to talk to him, treating me like a kid. I know this guy can get me up a gum tree but I am willing to take a bit of risk. "Well, I may talk if I see any good returns from our conversation." This made him laugh and Amelia frowned at me. Also her wide eyes reaction told me she didn't reckon me to say this.

"Sounds fun, I guess I have much more to offer Tula than what you can dear Amelia." He took over my wheel chair before Amelia could even unveil demurral. Jordan with me tore hell for leather out of the room. I was taken to another wing of the huge house. After passing by all those artistic galleries the wheels I was on came to halt in front of a huge door. A wooden door, carved so bewitchingly. Jordan bent on my shoulder to murmur before he walked in front of that ginormous entrance and opened it wide in one giant thud sound. "Be ready for your surprise, Yellow Rose."

From the very second I entered that hall like room my heart started pounding louder inside my chest. I got some really weird vibes. He took me in and as I made my way into the huge space, I saw it was a place where this family stored their memories. There were so many framed pictures of many different people. Giant paintings and many antique articles. I saw a gorgeous Kaffeeklatsch set lying there with pride on a side table. It looks like Wilson is a royal family.

There were two couples standing in a frame with three little kids standing in front of them, one of them reached the thigh-high of the elders. And a girl was held in arms by one man among two. All of their faces enraptured broad smiles. While my mind was busy wandering around the room and taking in the beauty of it, my eyes got stuck on one golden frame. It had it's white covering sheet a bit torn off. That allowed my eyes to peep in the photo. I could see the pink dress and feet of some lady and a man standing by her side.

"Want to see the full picture?" Jordan spoke through his cunning smirk. "Well I don't mind showing you, you see that's your surprise but first we gotta discuss the second part of the deal. Let me know my benefits too. And I will answer all your questions." "Oh! I thought you said it was a surprise, never knew it was a deal and I had to pay you back something." I retorted with artificial innocence. "Come on Tula, you know nothing is for free on this mortal globe." - "Well, how do I know you have answers to all my questions and you ain't fooling me? Also you haven't yet put your demands on the table."

His shoulders contracted a bit and he released a sigh. "Tula, you do want to know where your father is, right? And my demands are not gonna hurt you. I promise. I can't reveal right now but I am the only one who can and will answer you about all the mysteries you are caught up with." With that one statement he made it clear that I need him more right now than how much he needs me. I sensed the insecurities of this kind of deal with him but I was still up for a deal. As I don't see much of my possession that I hold and might lose. I have nothing to lose.

"I am up for a deal." He smiled at me and brought an envelope to me. A white one with sky blue highlights. It read 'Wedding Invitation'. I was confused as hell. Why would he give me a wedding invitation? My father was in a wedding right now? Or is this guy just playing with me? Before I opened it up someone from behind snatched it away from my grip. An old yet beautiful lady was standing behind us and looked furious.

"What the hell is this Jordan? You must listen to your brother. He told you not to bother her." The lady had a firmness in his voice. A voice to whom authority like Evan and Jordan would submit. "Aunt, I am not bothering Tula, I just felt like she deserves to know that his father is dead and that her seven years old planned wedding was supposed to be…" - "Shut the hell up, Jordan." He was stopped from talking further by the lady but what he just said made me tremble. I felt the air around me getting colder and my breaths hitched. My father was dead? Evan knew this and lied to me? Or he didn't? If Jordan knows Evan must have known.

Soon Mia came running in the room and took me out. Colour of my face had completely drained and I heard the shouting that happened between Jordan and that lady behind us. My hands and feet still shivered and my heart wouldn't stop running. Before we could even cover the long distance and reach my room, I knew I would lose it. I saw the blackness forming at the outlines of my vision frame and I had nothing to hold onto so I gave in to the darkness, which consumed me with ease. But a small droplet managed to escape before my eyes got completely closed and ran down my pale cheek. That liquid is the last thing I felt and then slipped into the void.

My Lord what have I done so sinful that you are making the human land underneath me a demonic hell for me? You didn't even let me die and you don't even let me live. Why My lord?
