I Wish I Could... - 8 in English Love Stories by Shada books and stories PDF | I Wish I Could... - 8

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I Wish I Could... - 8

While we were waiting for our food, he took out his phone. He was chatting with someone probably and was indulged in it. This gave me a chance to steal glances at him. His chiseled oval face which was complemented with narrow chin and straight nose made him look so attractive. Even though his hair was dishelved he looked dashing along with his stubble beard.
He was wearing a v neck white t-shirt with denim shirt and black jeans.
His hazel eyes were gleaming with happiness. And that made me a bit jealous. What if he is chatting with someone else?

He looked at me as if he felt something odd. I suddenly gazed at my phone to avoid being embarassed. The food arrived in a while, it was so delicious , I have yearned to eat them. While we were having our food, he said, "I think I am sitting with someone who haven't had food for so long." And giggled at me.
I glared at him but I couldn't gaze at him for long as I felt shy. He laughed at me again.

After having the food, we walked towards the car. My phone rang and seeing the caller id I smiled, which didn't want unnoticed by Amaan. It was Ayaan (friend).
"Hello dude, where are you?" he asked me.
"On the way back to home. By the way how is Mehr?"
He giggled and said, "She is fine, we are getting closer gradually. Thanks to you and your tips. You are so professional dude."
I laughed and said, "Oh is that so , you know what, I am great like always. So did you call Mehak?"
"No yaar, I was with Mehr and thought of giving you a visit if you were home. By the way come home fast. Can't wait to meet each other. Miss you"
"Me too yaar. See you soon. Miss you too." I said and hung up the call.

He asked me, "Was it Ayaan?"
I replied ,"Yes"
"You both are so close, right?", he said with a clenched jaw.
"Yeah we have been close since grade 7."
"How do you guys meet?" still not in a not so cool mood.
"We were the ones who would be always late for our classes. We used to stand together for punishment and all. He was way too funny and made me forget all my worried in a flash. And then I introduced Mehak to him. They were not getting along at the beginning as they would always fight. And gradually everything became perfect. "
I smiled while saying all these.

"So when did you both started dating?"
I was in shock and puzzled, "Me and Ayaan?? Oh God ,don't say anything else." And I broke into laughter.

He was looking embarassed and was staring at me. I said controlling my laughter , "Who told you that we were dating? "
"Ayaan himself told me when I asked him a few years ago."
"As I said earlier he is way too sarcastic and to be clear there is nothing like that going between us. But you made me laugh a lot." I couldn't control it further and looked at him he was happy again like before.

But why is he concerning about me. At times he behaves as if he cares for me and other times he thinks that I don't even exist. He is something too hard to predict.

He said after a while, "Can I ask you something?"
I laughed and said, "No more jokes Shahi , I can't take it anymore."
That's when it striked to me that I called him Shahi. It's been so long since I called him like that. I loved calling him Shahi.
He looked at me instantly there was something in his eyes and I couldn't make out what it was.
"Why do you hate me Zarah?"
"I don't hate you its just that you distanced yourself when you got new friends. I no longer matter to you. I was hating myself for you avoiding me."
I spoke my heart out.
"I am sorry Zarah but I didn't intend to hurt you. I thought I no longer required to you, moreover there was everyone for you."
"I think we have been misunderstanding each other."
I stopped as if I started talking out everything then things could only get worse. If he comes to know that I love him , he would make fun of me and what if he rejects me. This thought had made me hide the fact from him throughout.

He said a while later, "Friends?"
I replied with a smile, "Okay friends." and shook hands with him. Even though I felt a jolt electrifying in me I decided to hide my embarrassment with a smile.

Then we started talking like the old days. We almost talked about everything including my dreams to start a firm and being successful all the while trying to stand on my own feet, being independent in my own way and had other plans too. But I didn't disclose them as it was a little secret infact from everyone.

He talked about his stress and all those related to work and expanding his business to Ahmedabad too. He had great ideas about business. No doubt how he became successful.

It was 1 am I chose not to sleep as I thought it would make him sleepy too. He said, "You look so tired Zarah. You can sleep now don't bother about me. I will be fine."

"Can you buy for me masala chai, please?" I asked pleading.
"Don't give me that look you look so cute and childish right now. I will buy you."
I giggled at his response. After a while he stopped the car and went to buy them. When he came back he had methi roll too.
After drinking the tea I felt alive. So I started playing songs. We sang it together and giggled like 6 year old kids.
After a while I fell asleep unknowingly at 5.


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