Yellow Rose - 9 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 9

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Yellow Rose - Part 9


“Hey Tula, how have you been?” Amelia’s dulcet voice not only cushioned the raspy air of the room with sereneness but my perturbed core with the amity of balance and sureness. Amelia had all the traits of a true lady. The way she walks, talks, speaks, her code of conduct, her dressing, her everything was inch-perfect. Especially her smile, it's so cutely bashful and comforting just like Evan. They both bear semblance to each other. Amelia’s jawline and forehead structure resembles Evan’s.

"Hello Amelia, I am taking a turn for the better. What about your past sunrises?" I tried to revert to her on a par with the warmth she had and I really hope that I did get success. "It's been good. I actually came here to ask you about your evening plans. Some of my friends are coming over and we are having tea together. Would you like to join?." My first instinct was to decline her. But you see a lady like Amelia will have her way with you. The tone with which she approaches you and her pretty face with that pretty warm smile makes it a tough job for anyone to decline her persuasion.

When my eyes perched on Mia, I didn't miss the little hope in her eyes shining bright that I would say yes and she will have a chance to have tea with Amelia Wilson and people of that elite class. Okay Tula, this is for Mia, she has always been taking good care of you and comforting you since you both met. I smiled at Amelia with the words, "I hope Mia is invited too." "Sure, why not? That's great, then see you both at tea. I will come to escort you to the tea table myself at 5pm sharp and send dresses for both of you too." Her voice had an odd excitement but what was even more laughable was Mia's ear to ear grin.

Amelia's rejoinder was palpably manifested that she wanted me to join her howbeit. She even might have averred hard if I would have declined her. She was all ready to get in the word battle and get me to the tea table. Also her quick expression showed that she expected my decline and was quite surprised when I agreed at the first go. One of the most important reasons for agreeing to go for this tea was to get involved with Amelia and other people and know something about them and Evan. Any information that I can collect from anyone is useful for I am totally nescient right now. You see, half a loaf is better than none. Also I have no contact with the furth world so this is a good way to meet other people and reinstitute life apart from getting kidnapped from one prision and land in another.

The sixtieth of an hour Amelia set her foot out of the room Mia jumped with felicity from her chair and shouted a big thank you. Oh My Lord! This girl is a real kid. I spent my rest of the time exercising to ease down my rigid muscles. I walked good today with Mia's help, natch. But still I walked. That was a big deal for me as I was so pissed off of that wheelchair. I am too eager to get rid of it. My improvement isn't much to be true but there has to be a drop at least. If I want to make the ocean by collecting the drops I have to make those drops at least.

While the lunch was set near the window and I suggested Mia to eat with me as I didn't want to eat alone, my heart skulked around the memory of that silent dinner I and Evan had in hospital. I looked out of the window to get his impressions out of my head.

The window that was diagonally in alignment with mine had a human figure behind its glasses. Which was basically hiding itself from me and trying to look at me at the same time. That's weird, but nothing is usual right now in my life so I am not much shocked or surprised. Maybe Evan kept someone there to keep an eye on me. The stare of that human frame was very intriguing. I tried to figure out whether it was a man or a woman but my mind instead got captured by a huge painting of Evan, Amelia and two other people. Some people were carrying this artwork across the garden from one building to another. This house of Evan is for sure not a house but a castle, I can say that by the view I get from my window.

Only my good God knows how many thousand times my heart twisted in my chest with that one glance of Evan Wilson. I don't desire you by my side and yes that's a lie I tell you and my heart every elapsing second.

I remembered how Evan used to take care of me in hospital, how gentle he was, how warm he was to me. After everything my father did to him he still was so well mannered with me and even came to my rescue. Maybe for his own profits but still he came when no one else was expected to come. He sure is a gentleman. In this cold, parlous world those warm, wet imprints of yours on my forehead are keeping my body and soul together.

I never knew when my eyes started pouring my grief out until Mia's voice snatched me out of my trance. I need to talk to you Evan. Wherever you are please come soon. I needed rest, suddenly I felt too tired. So I slept for the rest of the afternoon. But actually I wanted to free my mind from Evan's thoughts.

Mia did a great job in dressing me and herself. I wore a white dress with beautiful small golden and blue flowers on it. Mia had a yellow plain dress which suited her fair skin.

Amelia was on time to take us to the tea. I let out a sigh before making out from my room. After a whole seven years I am going to be at a tea table I guess. While we walked through those huge passageways I took in all the splendor of this house that I could.

Such an artistic place it was. Maybe I was on the 3rd floor or 2nd or maybe even 4th. One can surely get lost in this house. I need a month or even over that to learn about all the entries and exits of this giant building. But what caught my eye was a wooden showpiece of a peacock that was kept at the entrance of one of the rooms we passed by in that beaut corridor. I have seen it before. I know this peacock. I tried remembering where and when but I can't.

I met the most expensive jewels which adorned other ladies in the room where we had our tea table set. The room itself looked like a bride about to meet her groom. But the other guests were like queens or princesses of some divine kingdoms. Evan stays in this atmosphere, in this splendid air
filled with dames of this kind. Wow!!

Soon we all were seated and I tried not to look like an airheaded and not to drool over the exorbitant table cloth. Tea was set with all those delicious cookies and the Yellow Roses were at the centre of the table. Amelia introduced me and Mia to everyone. Most of them gave me a warm smile but one of them whom Amelia called Layla looked upon me from the corner of her eyes in a sly way. I didn't understand why but she surely wasn't pleased to have me here.

Our little conversation was about the weather and a few things here and there about dresses. I saw how all of them were in diamonds or pearls. Amelia herself looked beautiful as always.

Mia was keenly listening to everyone and was even indulging in the talk unlike me. I felt out of place. My thoughts went back to Evan too soon. And I lost interest from everything in that room too soon.

A loud male voice echoed in the room. "Hey beautiful ladies. You forgot to invite me to the tea but no worries I am now here." His graceful grin matched his handsome outlook. Brown eyes, short black hair, a good physique, not too tall but still with a good height and clad in a pricey suit and shoes this guy walked in as if he was the famed king of this place. He had a supercilious tone in his body language.

Amelia creased her nose at him and then looked away from him as he sat on one of the empty chairs like a diadem would settle on his throne. "What do you want Jordan?" Amelia said in a sharp voice, clearly showing her disappointment at the arrival of this man. "Well, I just want to get introduced to our new guest." He laid his eyes on me which were full of curiosity. His smile was steady and he showed intense interest in me. I remember him. He is the other man who was there in the painting with Evan and Amelia I saw earlier this morning.
