NEKHBET - The Antidote - 2 in English Fiction Stories by Chintan Madhu books and stories PDF | NEKHBET - The Antidote - 2

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NEKHBET - The Antidote - 2

Kaplan Hall, University of California

The hall in the English department was clogged with students. Many students were standing at the end and peripheral wall. Hall packed like a box of popcorns. A high, squeaky voice of organiser was trying to control the situation. The entrance gate opened. A wooden door made a noise of an accident with a bricked wall. The sound attracted the attention of all.

A figure entered. All eyes stuck on it. Some mouths were opened. Some are adjusting their spectaculars. Not only males but also females were stunned. Medium length figure covered with a white knee-length skirt, paired with a white shirt and coat. The black leather file was held in the right hand. The left hand was habitually busy in playing with a pen in fingers. Oval face with a flat upper lip. No cupid’s bow. Walnut-shaped frame reclined on prominent and strong nose increased the beauty of teakwood eyelids with almond eyes hooded by softy arched eyebrows. Curved jawline and higher cheekbones. Crow’s feet around eyes suggested happiness in her life. Sand skin mesomorph figure had medium length light waves brown hair. Airflow through the window blew the hair. Pin drop silenced hall. Every eye was on the lady moving towards the desk located at the front wall of the hall. Hall had an inclined seating arrangement, and the center point was the front wall. She took a seat. The audience came to gaining knowledge about Egypt. The day was allotted for the seminar on ‘Art and Architecture of Egypt’, arranged by the English department.

Organiser addressed the audience, ‘Very warm good morning! My dear students... Today we will acquaint the art of Egypt, and of course architecture. The speaker of today is Dr. Sophia Green’, the lady waved, organiser continued, ‘She had secured a unique place for her in the kingdom of Egyptologists at the age of thirty-four. Quite young age. She established her career with many awards related to Egypt and its understanding. Also opened many hidden secrets buried in the land of Egypt, and we are overwhelmed with joy in her presence. The English department is very glad and thankful, that she accepted our invitation to this seminar. Managed her schedule for one and a half hours for us. Thank you…thank you… very much...!’ he turned his face towards Sophia and smiled. She reflected the same. He pointed his right hand, ‘Now… without wasting the valuable time, I would like to invite Dr. Sophia, Professor of Egyptology, Harvard University.’, the hall applauded.

Sophia left the chair and came near the podium. She took the mic, and started, ‘Hello…California…!’, soft and sweet sound loaded the hall, and again great reflection seen by applauding, ‘Great… all are awaked.’, a wave of laughter roamed the hall. She also widened the lips, ‘ok… good to see you all in such an overwhelmed condition. One and a half hour is not enough for the study of Egyptian art and architecture. But we will travel through the narrow gage prepared for an introduction and a little bit understanding of the same. In today’s session, I would like to introduce you to the lady… “The Lady of Two Lands”. That means we are going to open up the secret of art and architecture of Egypt, at the time of “Lady of Grace”. The time is not sufficient for that, but I will try my best for you. So…’, she came to the center of the stage, ‘Are you ready for traveling in two lands… in grace time… in Egypt?’
‘Ya…Yup…Yes…!’, different revert actions were at a high pitch. Organiser felt proud for the time which he was witnessing. He didn’t think about such a great response from the audience. His students’ attraction to Egypt.

‘Great… Than… Let’s start the journey’, Sophia was ready for the presentation. The front wall covered with white projectile cloth. The lights were off. Projector started. The screen turned blue with a single click on the remote, held in her left hand. The bold, yellow-colored title “Art and Architecture of Egypt at the time of The Lady of Two Lands” came on the screen, and the title presented by “Dr. Sophia Green” came up with dark orange color. The bottom left corner was decorated with the logo of Harvard University. She began with the next slide, ‘the slide shows the image of an Egyptian queen, had had many titles, let’s take a quick look.’, next button pressed continuously on the remote, and the slide rotated one by one with different titles. She read each title with the strong ascent, ‘so… its “Great of Praises”, “Hereditary Princess”, Lady of Grace”, “Sweet of Love”, “Lady of all women”, and my favorite’, last slide with the title decorated on-screen with star effect in power-point presentation. As she gave a signal on the remote, the slide turned yellow, and dark green colored words filled the blank of a slide, ‘Yes, the most liked in history, another title “The Lady of Two Lands”.’


Sophia lectured beautifully, and the lecture was near the conclusion. In one hour and fifteen minutes, she illustrated the details about the lady of Egypt.

As per her explanation, the lady name’s suggested the beautiful lady had come. She had six known daughters. Details were on the screen. She first found in the damaged tomb-TT188 near the tomb of the new king Amenhotep IV. They were shown worshipping the Aten. Pre-Egyptological theories suggested the major disease cause during her reign, but the data had been vanished by historians. In 2012, at Dayr Abu Hinnis; a limestone quarry coined on the data of the lady who was great royal wife, king’s beloved, mistress of the two lands. Sophia also brought some images of the locations and presented them to the audience. She also discussed the invention that proceeded during 1898, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2012, and 2015. Also, she elaborated on TT188, KV21, and KV35; their CT Scan, and DNA profile.

The audience was so quiet during the whole presentation. In the end, Sophia signaled organiser for the conclusion and question-answer session. The slide encrypted with Egyptian language came at the end. It just saying “Thank You.”

Students were glad and amazed with a great ride of Egyptian art for mummification. Also, they got a clear idea about the religious revolution made by the lady. All the students gave a standing ovation to Sophia. Organiser charged the mic, and suggested ten minutes’ query session and then the conclusion.

‘Madam…! How you get this many details?’, One student asked seated in the first raw.

‘My Ph.D. topic is somewhat related to the same region. That’s why…’, She smiled and others also smiled back.

‘The slide of listed daughters was only there. Didn’t she give a son to Egypt?’, A boy stood near the gate came with a question.

‘Yes, she gave birth to only girl children.’

‘If she was so intelligent and made a revolution in belief, thn why not recorded much about her?’, a girl in the last raw stood up.

‘Your question is the answer dear. As you changed the belief, people will hate you; and the same psychology was present in history also.’

‘The data suggested in 2001, she died at a young age. What’s your concept about the same?’, this time organiser took part.

‘Yes, the teeth of that mummy look like that of 29-to 38-year old. So from the suggested research done by scholars, I also believe that she died at her young age.’

‘Madam…! KV35 tomb is of Amenhotep II. Then how she found near Amenhotep IV?’, a voice came from the dark corner of the right side. The cameraman focused on the direction of the voice. University records all the events. He caught the young face. Very young face. Maybe in his first-year course.

‘Exactly…! But as I have shown you the details. The data related to Amenhotep IV was suggested by pre-Egyptological theories. And for Amenhotep II, it was found by French archaeologist Victor Loret. He found two female mummies. Those are known as “The Elder Lady” and “The Younger Lady”, but he didn’t suggest that any one of the two is the lady whom we are talking about.’

‘Was she the female Pharaoh?’, Again the same young face asked.

‘Egyptological survey suggests the same. But still, the shreds of evidence are missing.’

‘So… What about the announcement made by archaeologist John Fletcher for the mummy of the younger lady in 2003?’, the same fellow was on fire.

‘Fletcher, a specialist in ancient hair from England, announced about the mummy of the same lady, but he wrote: “maybe”. He was funded by Discovery Channel for examining the mummy.’

‘Do the Amenhotep IV and Akhenaten are the same person?’, the question float from the same young one.

‘Yes, He married the lady, Great Royal Wife; but the timing is unknown. He bought a change in the traditional art of Egypt.’

‘So… Madam… after such a warm discussion, kindly declare the name of the lady. Please.’, a lady secured her place in corner of the second row interrupted the session floating between Sophia and a young student.

‘Yes… why not? The Lady of Two Lands is named “NEFERTITI”.’, Sophia proudly announced, ‘Also I would like to clear the doubt. The data gathered till today is not that sufficient for analysing or declaring the exact details about her. The scholars are not pretty sure about the same. Whatever I had discussed that is only a reference work and survey-based details.’, she packed all the materials in the leather file, ‘Thank you for your attention and interest.’ She left the hall with organiser.


After half an hour of lecture

Sophia and organiser were seated for the lunch in the canteen. The same young face approached her. Crossed his twenty, the boy had a charming and innocent look. Sea was stored in his round eyes with dark black eyelids. Round face guy took a seat near her. Buzzcut hair. Soft stubble was started growing. Normal height, slightly more than Sophia. The thin structure was hidden with black trousers and a t-shirt. His ascent suggested his origin. Asia.

‘Oh… boy, I’m impressed by your inclination toward Egypt?’, Organiser looked proudly.

‘Thank you, Sir…! But I would like to gain more details about the same topic, as I would like to work on the same for my research’, a boy straight came on point.

‘Of course… I am glad to achieve a student like you.’, Sophia’s eyes were on him.

‘As I collected the information, she was also suffered from the same disease which causes during her time.’, a boy supplied some paperwork for sighting to Sophia.

‘Yes, your assumption is correct. Whatever I have collected, suggest the same. I think I have to offer you a coffee in my research cabin.’, She offered the post of junior research scholar under her guidance.

‘Oh…’, he blushed. Looked down and smiled.

‘Blushing…! Not bad…’, Sophia teased him. Meanwhile, her phone echoed several times. But she was engaged in the lecture and then with the guy who attracted her attention. Her eyes were analysing the papers given by the boy. Boy was enjoying the soup. Hot and Sour soup. His favorite. Sophia turned the page, and sight his snore while taking a sip of soup, ‘Boy, I forgot to ask your name?’

The sudden voice of Sophia disturbed his concentration on soup. Spoon felt from his hand. He sniffed, ‘A…A…Ajay Malhotra.’

‘From India?’


‘How you inclined on Egypt?’,

‘From my childhood, means standard five. A chapter on Egypt attracted me more than other historical works of literature. And so I completed my bachelor's, got the scholarship for the program from California University. The kindness of my college principal helped me a lot. India-California program has a major role in my presence. In front of you.’, Ajay explained his interest.

The phone ring resounded. This time, she was free for receiving the call. She picked up. Ajay and organiser were concerned about the facial expression diffused on her face. The call was very short. Too short.

‘What’s the matter? Madam…?’, Ajay tried to bring her back from the well of thoughts.

‘Nothing, just a shocking call from my team.’, Sophia was still in the aroma of thoughts.

‘In this short time, what you heard from the caller?’

Sophia’s eyes were widening, and worried too, ‘Its begun… its begun…’
