Yellow Rose - 8 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 8

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Yellow Rose - Part 8

Kidnapped By Mistake

When Lord Solis waylaid my sleep with his golden grace plummeting all over me and warming me up, my eyes relaxed and tuned to the temperature change. The room started to get heat as soon as curtains were pulled off the windows. The warmth helped me get a second wind. I heard some voices and recognised one to be Mia's. I permitted my eyelids to part away and bring vision of this new morning to me. "Good morning Tula. How was your night?" Mia greeted me with her normal excited voice. "It was peaceful Mia."

I started taking in my ambience and soon comprehended it was an entirely disparate and new place. I am not in the hospital. And I have surely not been here ever before yet this bed is so warm and comforting and it gave me the finest sleep ever. It felt different here. "We are at Mr. Wilson's abode. I know you must be having a dozen questions about the previous day but be humane to me and let me get done with your routine first. And then we can talk all you want. Or my goose is cooked for this job."

My heartbeats in a trice changed it's pace on the words 'Mr. Wilson's abode.' Don't know what's going to come next. I looked at Mia and nodded my head with a leisurely smile lingering on my lips. Mia walked out to array stuff to help me bath whilst I just sat and looked out of the casement.

It's so beauteous outside. The little chirps of those little creatures with mystical cords in their throat. How could they warble so melodiously!!!! The dewdrops on immature and fresh green leaves shimmered and sparkled as golden threads from the grace of Sun Lord fell on them. I loved this vista. To get a better field of vision I tried to move a bit, a bit closer to the window. And my body tout de suite reminded me of my incapabilities. The agony informed me about its presence and the injuries when I tried to stand up. It told me how impaird I was. Well I guess it's going to take time but I will be alright. I know all will be well, time cures.

Soon my morning regimen was over and Mia set my breakfast near the window. I knew she saw me earlier, I couldn't help but smile to myself. One thing that fret me was, I haven't seen Evan since Morning. "Here is your first meal of the day, hope you like it. I tried to make it a bit tasty. You must be bored from eating that hospital food. Yet I have to take care of the spices I put in them, they should be suitable to your system. But don't worry you will recover soon and then can eat all the good food you want." Mia's voice actually gives a new energetic vibe to the whole room.

"Where is Evan?" This is the only thing I could think of speaking. "Mr. Wilson is out of town for a few days. And will come back after the weekend only. You are not allowed to move out of the house anywhere but if you want I will ask Miss. Amelia Wilson and take permission to take you out in the garden at least." I have no idea why but some kind of gloom settled inside my heart hearing that Evan is somewhere away from me.

He didn't even care to wish a see'ya? Also I felt angry. What does that idiot think he is? How can he imprison me here in this house?

I ate in silence while Mia was busy on her phone. I guess with the same crush of hers we talked about back in hospital. She is cute. And I am eager to meet her crush too. Want to see if he is cute enough for her or not. Mia was the most affectionate person I met after I woke up from the deep sleep of seven years.

"Mia, if you could brief me about yesterday it would be great." My statement made her eyeballs move in the upper part of eyes while the entire rest of her posture didn't move an inch. She took a minute to think and then dropped her phone into her pocket. "Actually Tula, even I am not given much details of the event. What me can provide you with, is what me knows. When I took you to the parking lot yesterday and was about to help you sit in the car a dart hit me in the back and then I remember falling on someone and then nothing."

She showed me the dart mark on the back of her neck while talking. "Then I woke up at our hospital and Dr. Woodly told me to go home and rest and said I will be on duty from tomorrow. When I reached here last night I was instructed our does and don'ts by Mr. Wilson and a few more things about the tight security of this place and that we don't need to worry about yesterday's event and that everything is going to be fine. He said someone mistook you as someone else and tried to kidnap you but when they came to know about you. They themselves called the police to give your location and left the place. But still the police are looking for culprits and they will be found soon and punished too. He added that he will out of the town for few days and may come back after the weekends only so till then none of us, including you, should try any stupid stunt."

Well honestly I didn't know what to say about it so I kept quiet. This means Mia doesn't know anything at all. Why is Evan keeping me here or whatever is happening, none of it is known to any hospital staff or Mia. It's deeper than what it looks like. Of course it wasn't a kidnapping by mistake. That guy knew me, he knew Evan and he had to do something with all of this. Well this means only Evan can answer all the unanswered questions. Well, where is Evan?

Mia continued with her phone and I with the rest of my breakfast. "Mia, can I get your phone for a bit?" Mia gave me a guilty look on this through which I sensed that the answer was going to be 'no'. "Tula, I don't mind but Mr. Wilson told us that you are not supposed to contact anyone from the outside world till he is back. And you won't be giving any internet service here. Rest it's a big house and all yours. No restrictions, you can do whatever you want. The house has two hot pools and a huge library and too many interesting things. Above all we all are allowed to have dinner with the Wilson family if we want."

The manner in which Mia got excited told me that it was a great deal to have dinner with Wilsons. Well I truly wasn't interested in having dinner with an unpredictable, weird crowd of people like Evan. And adding to it I was raged to anything and everything very high in hell and heaven because of Evan cutting off my contact with the outer world and leaving for days without even acknowledging me about it. I just sat there frowning like a child, so damn confused and ignorant about what's happening in my life.

Mia placed her hand on mine and looked into my eyes suddenly making the whole air around us a bit serious. Till right now she was all relaxed but I sensed the tension climbing up her neurons now. "Tula, please don't tell anyone about me using the phone. I am not supposed to use it at working hours but-" i stopped her words on their tracks and smiled. "Relax if you promise me you will let me see your crush after all of this is over I will seal my lips." She giggled at this.

A knock on the door made our head turn in its direction out of the reflex mechanism. I nodded my head and Mia allowed the outsider to come in. The beautiful Amelia walked in.

I know Evan is missing in this chap. He isn't gonna show up for few more chaps. So miss him and enjoy the story at the same time.🙃