target of eklavya in English Mythological Stories by Rajnarayan Bohre books and stories PDF | Target of ekalavya

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Target of ekalavya

Mythological story

Target of ekalavya

Eklavya was a brave boy, he lived in the forest, his father Hiranyadhanu always advised him to move forward. Weapons were of great importance around Ekalavya, everyone was required to carry weapons. Eklavya was most loved by Dhanushbhan (bpw and arrow), but those people in the forest did not have great Dhanush or strong arrow. Still, he did not give up, he was always busy practicing diligently with the available means.

At that time too, he was aiming at the fruit of the very tall tree of palm tree by offering an arrow made of bamboo on a small bow made of bamboo. Standing off the boat on the ghat of Indran river, Pulak Muni saw that this eight-year-old boy who looks like an adivasi in a costume is busy in his goal with great self-confidence, then he stops laughing at the courage of the child to see the spectacle. Began Because the palm tree was very high and Dhanush was very small.

Eklavya shot for a long time and quickly dropped his arrow. The sage saw that the arrow rising above the speed of the wind went straight towards its target and in a moment a big palm fruit fell from the dhamma on the ground, then the child killed and started jumping with joy.

The Muni was equally delighted as well. When he looked carefully at the child, he found that the child wearing a cloak of wild animals is also wearing a small peacock on his forehead. He could not stand them, went to her and said with affection - "Son, what is your name, and whose boy are you?"

Ekalavya was still rejoicing in his happiness, he was shocked for a moment after listening to the question of the sage and when he looked at the sage carefully, they met him looking at Eklabya ​​with affection. Eklavya quickly bowed to him and said with a sweet voice, "O Muniraj my father's name is Hiranyadhanu and I have heard his name Eklabya ​​from his mouth."

"I want to meet your father, let's take me there."

"Let us be Muniraj" said Ekalavya, bowing down.

Then ahead - forward Eklavya back and forth, Muni walked towards the tribal village looking at the foot of Pulak hill.

Eklavya's father was the headman of the tribal village, he was advised by Muni Pulak that your child is practicing archery diligently, so leave it to a good teacher so that it can become proficient in archery. When Eklavya heard this, laddus started bursting in his mind. Pulk Muni recognized his desire buried in his mind today and motivated his father to teach Eklabya ​​how to practice archery.

Sbuh Eklabya ​​saw his father Hiranyadhanu wear a crown made of peacock, identifying with his tribal clan, wearing his long shirt made of lion skin and handing his servant dry fruits and food items for the way to walk his son. pointed to . A happy heart Eklavya walked.

By boat, they reached a colony on the way to Indran river and from there started walking on foot.

Eklavya was not used to walking much. He was getting tired again and again and asked the father, how much more do we have to walk now? Father would not answer, he would remain smiling. When Ekalavya asked this question for the eighth time with a little anger, Hiranyadhanu also got angry, he scolded, "If you want to get the knowledge you want, you can achieve success only through hard work and hard struggle." Every successful man has to struggle, he has to face trouble only then he can become something, then you tribals living in the forest, no one will talk to you directly, you have to face a lot to get your destination. . If ready, do not move forward, so let's return home. "

Eklavya listened intently to the father and understood within a moment that working in this way is also a kind of lesson. Then they kept walking for miles, stopping in the middle and bisraming, but Eklavya did not say a word.

The blisters were blistering due to the small feet of Eklavya walking on his soft feet and he was suffering a lot, but he had encouraged that a very big archer would remain so that the poor would fulfill his wish and fear his father.

He was walking silently crying from heart to heart, but from above he was laughing and talking to his father.

Due to the prince's guru, Dronacharya was given a very big palace, near which was the place where the prince used to sit in his chariots in the morning and get education from Dronacharya.

Hiranyadhanu spent the night in a pilgrimage house, then got up early in the morning and took a bath and prepared Eklavya and went to meet Dronacharya. When the servant gave the message, Guru Drona summoned him to him. Accepting the salutation of Eklavya, his child including Hiranyadhanu, he asked, "Say heroic hero, why did you travel from this forest to the forest with this little boy?"

Hiranyadhanu said, "Gurudev, this child wants to be a very big archer, that's why I took you to your ashram, and from here I brought you to take it under your protection and teach it archery."

Hearing Hiranyadhanu, Dronacharya laughed and said, "You are a Bhil and a tribal people, you will get a chance to drive Dhanush only when you have to attack a victim while running away. You do not have to participate in any war, that is why I do not understand why you want to teach archery to a child from this little boy with a knowledgeable guru like me. "

"Gurudev, if you give education to even a child from among the forest dwellers, then we will spread this tradition to the forest dwellers. Then we will always be ready to help the king of this country if needed. Have mercy for this ... "Hiranyadhanu could not complete his word that Guru Dronacharya stopped him by scolding him ...." Do not violate your limit wildly! This can never happen ... " '

Hiranyadhanu was still bowing, he said, "If a scholar like you talks about untouchability and discrimination, then we are silent Gurudev. These are hypocrites made in the middle, you can tell where the mention of untouchability has come in the Vedas… .. Sorry, Maharaj, take this child in your shelter…. ”

"Look Hiranyadhanu, I have prayed in front of Bhishmji that I will only teach weapons of arms to the princes of the Kuru dynasty, so if I take my child in refuge, I will take it for service, not in the form of disciple." If ready, leave it. "

Eklavya gestured to the father that if he did yes, then Hiranyadhanu forced Eklavya to hand him a bundle of clothes, bowed to Dronacharya and turned back to his place. Ekalavya suddenly felt that he had fallen all alone, he wished that he could make a sound that would stop the father, but the desire inside him stopped him suddenly. He thought that it was difficult to get the chance that he was moving towards achieving his goal and to return from here again meant to hunt down the wild animals in the same village of tribals, wielding stone weapons and Spend your life by fishing from the river.

Dronacharya had arranged for Ekalavya to stay in a jhapdi made for Sevakne and he was given just enough work that when the princes practice Dhanush arrows, then at the end of the practice, they pick up all the arrows and decorate them in quiver Which the princes drove that day.

For two or four days, Eklavya loved his arrows with great affection, and then one day, when he got a chance, he also touched the arches, which were specially made for the princes, on the pretext of clearing the dust. Then Ekalavya's full attention shifted to those words as Guru Dronacharya used to narrate to Shishya Rajkumar while shooting arrows at Dhanush. He would often say, "Neither Dhanush has any significance nor arrow. The real thing is your style of catching Dhanush. The left hand fist should have Dhanush and the right hand fist in the middle of Dhanush's chord, the back part of the arrow. Just cross the bow and bring it in front of your eyes and aim the arrow at the target in the direction of your eye, then count to five as many as possible and release the lanyard and arrow drawn with the right hand.

Ekalavya's mind used to rouse all the things.

Its just matter of one day. The Guru decided to take his teachers' examinations. By placing a cotton-made bird on a tree in front, the Guru did not keep a bow with himself and in turn started calling a prince. When the prince raised an arrow and shot an arrow, the Guru would call him a target and say that with one eye, aim your target and what do you see?

When he first came to Yudhishthir, he told the Guru that he could see the breath taken by the bird in fear and shivering in his body, the Guru laughed and refused to shoot the arrow. Then came Duryodhana. When he saw a lotus of meat in place of the bird, then the Guru also stopped it. When Bhima was seen placing a ball of sweets in place of the bird, Dushasan, Nakula, Sahadev, etc., the whole tree was seen up to its leaves and surrounding vegetation. Finally Arjun came, he endured and took a bow and shot an arrow. When the Guru asked, he told that he could only see the eye of the bird. Arjun pulled the cord, stopped for a moment and released the arrow. Immediately after seeing that arrow hit the arrow in the eye of the cotton bird and the bird fell on the ground. The Guru praised Arjun very much and said that success looks like the most important part of the goal. The rest of the people do not know how much they learned and rote, but Eklavya rote this lesson a lot.

Dhanush does not think that Ekalavya would hit the target with a straight arrow and aim and kill a leaf, aiming a little like a surprise.

Sometimes it would have happened that in a hurry, all the disciples with the teacher would have left the practice site, Ekalavya would have picked up a bow and pulled an arrow fast and would have given it anywhere.

Ekalavya, standing behind when the Guru told the princes while practicing, learned silently that Dhanush Pinak, Chap, Dhanu etc. are of a thousand types and arrows, sharas, narach, saik etc. are more than ten thousand kinds.

Ekalavya was the prince of his clan but here he used to work all the time like a servant. The Guru was very happy to see the arrows and dhanush flashed by him, sometimes he would also tell him, "The most important thing for you Bhil people is to learn to shoot an arrow with no fruit. Because you learn this work only to frighten or kill violent animals. So while driving the arrow without fruit, do not pull the string completely, pull it half the distance and leave it. If you want, you can kill up to a hundred arrows in a single target and the victim will not even have pain. "

Nearly a year had passed, Ekalavya had begun to miss his father and mother very much, but he had not yet stepped forward towards his goal, that is, he had never got a dhanush for so long from his leisure that all his heart Let's do archery. Magh rave was patiently waiting for the right time, while attracting many types of Dhanush Ekalavya in this war-gurukool armory of Gurudev. So he did not feel any intelligence in returning home.

Then an accident happened. Once upon a time… On that day, the Guru had a holiday for practice, there was no pupil or teacher himself. Arsenal had only Ekalavya. He was flocking the bow that he suddenly thought that no one is going to see today, why not openly do archery….

What was it then? He quickly picked up a bow and took some arrows and came out. Arriving at the practice site, he made a mark with coal on the trunk of the target tree and sat on the practice site. Then he opened his arms and shot the target. Shortly thereafter, he started to fear that Gurudev should not come, so he covered the arrow and went inside and suddenly there was a sound. He turned and saw, Prince Duryodhana was standing in front. He was surprised to see the arrow in his hand.

He does not know what happened then, just know that the next morning, in the morning, Gurudev called and scolded Ekalavya and said that it is in your goodness that you go back from here. Eklavya came crying. Forgetting his respect, happiness and love of parents, he could not learn what he had come to learn that preparations were made to return. He requested a lot but Gurudev did not listen. Ekalavya came back with a sad heart.

He had come out of the capital that his mind said what he would do now, going to his clan. But what will he do here stopping, he thought. Then he felt that if he practiced what he had heard through the Guru's mouth while teaching the princes in one year, he could become a good money-maker. Suddenly his steps stopped. He looked around. There were dense trees looking away. He just went there.

On passing, it was found that it is a settlement of tribals. He went straight to the head of the clan and without giving his introduction he only requested that one wants to practice archery in any garden of the township, get permission. The Sardar gave him permission with great pleasure.

Eklavya wondered what the practice was until someone was giving instructions. .. Who can give instructions well to Guru Dronacharya? Suddenly he felt that the Guru himself would never teach him, yes he has memorized the instructions given by him, he will practice by memorizing those instructions. To make him feel that the Guru himself is giving instructions, for this he builds an idol of Guru Drona Chariya. He jumped with joy.

From the next day Ekalavya made bamboo arches, made an idol of Dronacharya and put it aside and started sitting in front of him and practiced. Every moment he keeps remembering that the Guru is giving instructions on his mistake. "Neither Dhanush has any significance or arrow. The real thing is your style of catching Dhanush. The left hand fist should have Dhanush and the right hand fist in the middle of Dhanush's chord, the back part of the arrow. Just bring the arrow in front of your eyes and aim the arrow in the direction of your eye and then count to five and let the lanyard and arrow drawn with the right hand jerk off. "

Slow time began to pass. Eklavya forgot everything. He forgets hunger and thirst, forgets to sleep, just remembers archery. His practice would go on continuously. He started growing in confidence and age too. He got so much practice that he would even pluck one leaf from his tree with his arrow, the other leaves would remain safe.

Once upon a time, he was engaged in practice that he felt that a dog coming from somewhere was barking at him, he drove the dog with the stick, but the dog did not get away. After some time he felt that the dog is not an ordinary dog, Eklavya carefully observed that the dog was indeed a princely dog. This was the same dog who lived with the Kuru princes who had come to practice with Guru Dronacharya.

Suddenly Eklavya felt that why not send the proof of his archery skills through this dog. He put one hundred arrows on one side thin and thin without a tip and hurriedly mounted one after the other on Dhanush. He shot all those arrows very slowly and his goal was to keep the dog's mouth. In a short time the dog's mouth was filled with arrows without a tip and his biting stopped. The dog was taken aback and ran out of sight.

The silence of the garden disbanded shortly afterwards. Guru Dronacharya and his beloved disciples Arjuna, Yudhishthira and Duryodhana, etc., among many soldiers had arrived there.

Ekalavya got up and leaped and touched the Guru's side. Dronacharyaji did not recognize him. They were angry, "Who brought the dog's face to this princess?"

"It didn't budge at all! Gurudev!" Gurudev has closed his mouth in the way you have told me. "Ekalavya said bowing down.

"What do you call me Gurudev? When did I teach you to shoot an arrow like this? "

"You may not consider me a disciple, but I consider you a Guru and practice this, Gurudev. See that your idol is sitting there, and what you told your pupils from time to time is the same. Once you were told to shoot the arrow without a tip. "

"So you are Ekalavya" Guru was astonished. But he could not remain silent for long, Arjuna interrupted him from behind, "Gurudev you used to say that I am the biggest archer in the world, but he got a lie. I cannot do this miracle. In front of this Bhil, how can I be a big archer. "

Dronacharya's face became tough as he said, "You will be the great archer" Arjuna. He turned and said to Eklavya, "If you want me a teacher, then do my gurudakshina do Eklavya."

"Spades, Gurudev" Eklavya was jumping with joy.

"You hold the arrow with the right hand, don't just give me the thumb of the right hand."

Ekalavya was surprised, then he thought for a moment, suddenly without thinking too much he took a knife and pulled a knuckle in the waist of a soldier and took it in his left hand and walked it on the right thumb from the mule. Even before the thumb fell on the ground, he faced the thumb and placed it on the palm of the right hand and presented it to the Guru.

With a shivering hand, Dronacharya picked up a thong stained with blood and went quietly from there.

Ekalavya mind, considering himself as Guru Guru, free from the debt of the Guru, was thinking that how can he practice the practice of shooting arrows without the thumb of his right hand.
