Autobiography in English Anything by Vaibhav Surolia books and stories PDF | Autobiography

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So this is the second part of my story

So, I late for school, and my teacher said to me that, why are you late? So first lie is that I telling to teacher that my van driver has drops me late to school .It is my mistake that I wake up late in morning. O I am safe from teacher panisment. This is next period.period of maths .maths are very boring for me. And sir was give home work and today sir check the homework and I am not done my homework. sir said to me that why you don't complete your home work. I am said that my book was lost so, again I safe from sir panisment . It was period of games sir was told that tommarow all student bought gloves but I am not bought gloves. Then sir said to me that, where your gloves I told that my gloves are in bag because It was not of my size Tommarow I am bought my size of gloves. So this is my third Lia which I am talling to my sports sir...

NEXT DAY teacher know that I am telling Lia to my teacher. My teacher give me a Strick panisment. And also my maths teacher know that I am telling Lia to my teacher. My maths teacher give me panisment and also my sports teacher know that I am telling Lia to my sports sir. Sports sir give me panisment. O MY GOD!! I am telling Lia and I get panisment.

This is year 2020. This year 2020 was very bad for our Earth. On 1st of Jan 2020 my favourite uncle and all like the uncle because he is help everyone. It was gone on first day of year 2020. It was very bad news for all of my family because It was very good men in word. In March 18 It was first case in India. And on may 4 It was first case in Rajasthan where I leave. And on July The first case in our colony. O MY GOD!!! This was very dangerous virus. I don't known when the vaccine was ready and finally I am go to school. It was all gone . No playing, no pitcher in mall, no eating in reatorant.

This is time of Corona, this is time of lockdown. So, What is lockdown?? This is first question of all. So, lock the state is lockdown, no person are go outside the house is lockdown, no malls open is lockdown. So, you all known that what is lockdown! So, we all Live in India?? No we not Live in India . We Live in lockdown. Yes, we all Live in lockdown. We not go to friends home, we not go to school. Our study was missed. I have not Word to say.

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