proud of Vishwamitra in English Mythological Stories by Rajnarayan Bohre books and stories PDF | proud of Vishwamitra

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proud of Vishwamitra


proud of Vishwamitra

Vishwamitra was filled with pride after reading the letter. Vishwamitra had no hope that after Ram's exile he would receive an invitation for coronation with the message that he would be the master of the ceremony. The country - scholars visiting from abroad and sages, sages and patriarchs of Gurukul were entrusted with the responsibility of Nawaji. The messenger who brought the message had requested him on behalf of Vashistha that he should reach the capital Ayodhya immediately and handle his responsibility.

Rama too had written a separate letter to his weapons guru Vishwamitra with great devotion and prayed to come to Ayodhya immediately. After getting both these letters, he felt that it is wrong to delay, he should get ready immediately and walk with the chariot sent with this messenger.

What preparation did the saint monk have to do. Just took care of his punishment and tied it in two loincloth postures and handed over the responsibility of ashram to his main disciple Jambudari and sat in the chariot of King of Awadh. The chariot was moving.

In this chariot of two horses of white color, he has traveled once more, he came in this chariot from Janakpuri while returning from Rama's procession. Many memories are attached to Ayodhya. When he wanted to remember, a lot of memories started coming in his mind.

Vishwamitra had a strong attachment to Ayodhya, the capital of the Awadh Empire. One is because his beloved disciple Rama lives there and the other reason is that his dear friend Vashistha also lives there.

Vishwamitra began to remember a lot as soon as he remembered Vasishta. Vishwamitra was once known as the only son of the King of Gadhi. He became king after his father's death and had to take over his kingdom for a few days. As a deep knowledge of weapons then he earned a lot of name. Fought a lot of battles and expanded his kingdom.

Vishwamitra was a monk by heart. He had a very simple nature. Sitting on the throne, he realized that there is fraud, conspiracy and lies around here. What was it then Vishwamitra hated politics. They started thinking that if they could somehow leave the reign of this reign, life would be successful. Finally one night he got his chance, left the palace and came out secretly

They wanted to get out of the border of their kingdom overnight, so they took a good ride from their palace horse and jumped and sat on it. He was a very good horseman. As soon as he put his horse on the horse, he raised his front legs and stood on both his hind legs and snorted loudly and in a moment started talking to the wind.

He was out of his kingdom's border long before the sun came out. Now they were looking for a forest where no one would bother them and they could do some chanting and remain alone for a long time.

By sunrise, he saw a dense forest in which there was no way to enter. They were just searching for such a forest. Descending from the horse, he patted his tendon and indicated to return. The horse understood his master's gesture, so he sniggered once again and escaped back to the gallop.

When Vishwamitra moved inward through the thorny bushes, the dreaded form of the forest began to subside. Going further, he found a pond of clear water and high mountains surrounding it. Didn't the man around even smell the man. He became happy.

They took shelter under a dense tree. He started practicing yoga, meditation and pranayam learned in childhood.

From the next day, he started losing attention in such a way that he would sit for hours like a statue. He would keep the mind in command, to have a sense of friendship towards everyone. Treat every creature, every tree as your friend. Slowly his mind did the same

By staying in this forest for twelve years, Vishwamitra tried to end his pride of mind. Tried to control anger. In return, he got love from wild animals, forest dwellers and even tree plants.

He began to see every particle of the world as his friend. They feel that when they are sleeping, a strange power revolves around them, when they walk, they feel that there is some strength behind them which is not visible but they are guarded. When we spoke, Bani Devi herself started speaking as if by mouth. They had become real world friends. They started hating violence and weapons of any kind.

Suddenly one day he felt that he had got supernatural accomplishment. No sage would have done such austerities, neither Vashistha nor Gautama nor Parshuram either.

Then one day he felt that he should test himself and his penance by satsang with the sages for a few days or religious debate with a scholar. Then came the idea that why not start this test with Vasishta.

Their feet automatically took them to Ayodhya.

Vashishtha's ashram and gurukul was away from the noise of the capital. This ashram was known to him. Vishwamitra went directly in front of the patriarch Vashistha and said, "Salute to Gadhiputra Vishwamitra to Brahma Rishi Vashistha."

Vashistha knew that Vishwamitra is doing penance silently in a forest and it is likely that he would have attained accomplishment. When Vishwamitra came to the fore, he felt that by introducing himself by adding the name of the king father with his name, Vishwamitra probably still has the feeling that he was not born in the house of a hungry Brahmin but was once a king himself and now the king The abandoned is living a life as a renunciate monk. It is also his great blessing to bow down to Vashishtha.

While welcoming Vishwamitra, Vashistha said in a double meaning - “Come, Raj Rishi Vishwamitra! you are welcome!"

Vishwamitra's teeth had risen. He wanted Vashistha to call him Brahma Rishi but by saying Raj Rishi, Vashistha was making him realize that he is still a person related to royalty.

Vishwamitra asked Vashistha "Why did you call me Raj Rishi?" My years of austerity could not even have such an impact that I could be called Brahma Rishi. "

Vashistha scolded him and said, "You have to give up your pride of being king now. Vishwamitra. Go and do penance for a few days. "

Vishwamitra fires raged. He saw no avail, picked up an ax to cut wood lying on the side of the ashram and pounced towards Vasishta.

Vashistha was sitting fearless and he had no hope that Vishwamitra would sit in attack. But contrary to his hope, Vishwamitra gave the ax and hit Vashistha's neck. Suddenly, from where did a little boy come and stand in front of Vasishta. Vishwamitra's ax fell on the child's shoulder and the very next moment the child's hand was cut off from the shoulder and was suffering on the ground.

Bite Vishwamitra, there is no blood.

Vashistha stopped everyone when Gurukul's servants and disciples got angry and rushed towards Vishwamitra. The child began to be treated.

Ashamed and sad Vishwamitra came out of Vashistha's ashram. The blood-soaked ax still held in his hand.


"Dear, see how bright the moon has risen in the sky." Its light is illuminating every corner of our ashram. ” Arundhati was telling her husband.

Vashistha said, "Priya, this moon is way too bright, but it has completely faded in front of my friend Vishwamitra's tough tenacity and glory."

Vishwamitra was stunned. Vashistha was praising him. He turned his ear to listen to further conversations.

Arundhati's voice was astonishing "Then why did you tease her today by calling her Raj Rishi?" They insulted you. Nevertheless you are praising. "

Vashishtha's voice came, "Vishwamitra's biggest drawback is his pride. One, he has been the first king, then for many years, he has done deep meditation among the forest dwellers. So they are proud of themselves. Otherwise, there is no ascetic like him in the whole world. "

Vishwamitra. There was water from the shame. There was a Vashistha who was praising him behind his back and one who has come to kill him. He felt guilty for himself.

Suddenly he got up from his place and raced towards Vashistha. Shouted from far away, "Sorry Muniraj. Forgive me arrogant man. I'm really the wrong person. "Then they fell down and bowed down to Vashistha, Vashistha was filled with surprise. Pick up the linen ax in your hands, where were they hiding?

He got up very fast and lifted Vishwamitra from the ground and hooked him to the chest. Then in a voice full of love said, "Brahma Rishi Vishwamitra hail you." Your place is not in the ground, in my heart is Muniraj.

Arundhati was surprised to see the meeting of two friends. Vishwamitra's friendship with Vashisht hugged continuously that day. Did not reduce.

Later Ravana's evil soldiers started looting, looting and sacrificing Yagya Havan in Dandak forest. Vishwamitra remembered that Awadh is the closest state to this forest. Therefore it is the responsibility of Maharaja Dasaratha to stop this disturbance. There four of Dasharatha's sons are studying in the Gurukula of Vashistha. It is heard that Vashistha has given him good weapons education in this age. Let's try them out.

Vishwamitra had reached Ayodhya. In the court of court, Dasharatha asked him why he should visit Ayodhya. So he bluntly replied, "Rajan bothers me some wicked people and I want to take your elder son to cure them."

Dasaratha was scared when he heard this. In a trembling voice, he said, "Muniraj, my son is very young. I go with you myself "

Vishwamitra got angry. The king's sons, small or big, have a duty to complete the work of every needy.

Vashistha was also present in the court. They understood that Vishwamitra started getting angry. He himself went ahead and understood King Dasaratha very well that Vishwamitra himself is a good warrior. He has such mastery in the art of bow and arrow that he is famous all over the world for his art.

Dasaratha used to say with a smile, "Gurudev, you know that I have got sons in old age. I do not have the courage to push them to death. "

With sad heart Dasharatha sent Ram Lakshmana away with him and took Rama Lakshmana to his ashram and started the yagya, when two evil men of Ravana named Marich and Subahu came and threatened him. Rama killed Subahu with the help of his skilled archery. Seeing him dying, Maricha ran away with his head on his head.

Vishwamitra was very happy when the yagya was completed. He started mastering Ram Laxman with great interest in the art of bow and arrow. The result of this art was that Rama fulfilled Janaka's pledge by lifting Shiva's bow "Pinak" in Janakpuri and received a beautiful and sulakshi wife like Sita in the award.

Suddenly Vishwamitra remembered that he would meet Sita in Ayodhya as well as Sita's father Janak. How many days will I have to meet him!

After marriage, Sita did not get much pleasure of living in her in-laws. Manjali Rani Kaikeyi tied Dasratha in the promise and asked him to give coronation to his son Bharata, seeking politics for fourteen years of exile. They did not know that the four sons of Dasaratha are disciples of Vashishtha, they will never let their love end.

Realizing his father's helplessness, Rama started going for the forest, and Lakshman and Sita also left with him. But even Bharata did not take over the kingdom of Ayodhya, he did not feel as sad as the death of his father as much as Ram's exile. At first, he went to the forest and persuaded Rama to return, later when he did not return, he did not take over the kingdom himself, keeping Rama's Charanapaduka on the throne and he started running the kingdom.

On the other hand, Rama and Lakshmana not only protected their wild animals in the forest due to the knowledge of Vishwamitra's taught archery but also killed Khar, Dushan, Bali, Kumbhakaran in the battle of war, and finally Lankapati Ravana.

Now that Rama has returned home after fourteen years, Bharat is making Raj Raj his tilak. He is proud that Rama has not forgotten him. They still respect him equally. That is why they are entrusted with the responsibility of welcoming the learned guests from outside in Ayodhya on behalf of the Kingdom of Ayodhya.

Out of the world of his memories, Vishwamitra noticed that the high-pitched bangles of the palace of Ayodhya are visible from a distance. The path was not revealed between memories. His chariot was entering the park of Ayodhya city shortly after, from the main gate, Vishwamitra's heart started beating.

His stay was arranged in a garden, a short distance from the palace. At the same time, a group of ministers and servants were waiting for him. The same team was deployed under the direction of Vishwamitra to welcome sages and sages. Vishwamitra immediately got involved in his work, found out who had been called and where he would stay.

Then when a fortnight came out Vishwamitra did not know. He received a lot of respect at Rama's coronation ceremony. Got to meet old friends.

After fifteen days Vishwamitra returning from Ayodhya was very sad and wondered why separation happens after every meeting.

On the other hand, Vasishtha was telling his disciples what the pride of Gadhitnaya Vishwamitra ended, they have truly become friends all over the world.
