Detective in Lanka – Hanuman in English Mythological Stories by Rajnarayan Bohre books and stories PDF | Detective in Lanka – Hanuman

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Detective in Lanka – Hanuman

Mythological stories-

Detective in Lanka – Hanuman

Sitaji, wife of shree Rama, the prince of Ayodhya, was kidnapped by someone from his hut in a forest called Panchavati. Rama and his younger brother Lakshman, while searching for his wife, suddenly found Hanuman roaming the jungles and mountains.

He told that Sugriva, a warrior who lives in the forest, lives with his friends on a mountain named Rishyamook. His brother Bali beat him and drove him out of his kingdom Kishkindha. So those days they are very unhappy and are looking for someone helpful for themselves. Hanuman was his most special friend, knowing Rama's wish, he made Sugriva meet Rama and Lakshmana.

The two have a friendship in which there is an agreement that Rama will help Sugriva get revenge on his brother while Sugriva and all his forest friends will help Rama find his wife Sita.

When after killing of bali he became the king, he ordered all his companions to go out to search for Sita in all the four directions. A group with elderly minister Jamwant headed in the direction where the sea was spread and from there the way forward was water.

Used to be through Sugriva himself had indicated that he saw a black man sitting in a plane flying in the sky carrying a woman, who has gone towards the sea. Across the sea was an island named Lanka, in which a king named Ravana ruled. There were many such reports about Ravana that wherever he sees an opportunity, women are kidnapped.

Later, along with Jamwant, Angad and Hanuman, the people of this group discovered an old Gidha caste tribal named Jatayu who specialized in skipping the skies.

Jatayu told that in Lanka, Ravana has imprisoned a woman in his Ashoka garden

Jamwant, after listening to Jatayu, asked all his soldiers that who among you would dare to cross the sea to find Sita?

Angad said that I will go across but it will be difficult for me to return.

The most powerful and intelligent warrior of Hanuman inspired Jamwant to go beyond the sea like a detective who can do only Hanuman. Then Hanuman thought for a moment and departed towards the sea. The people of Dal kept watching him as he passed. Then for two days no information was received from Hanuman. On the second day, when Hanuman came back on the way to the sea, he looked very happy. All the people welcomed him. Jamwant gave him some booming food. The younger members of the group were very keen to know what Hanuman did in Lanka.

After resting for some time, Hanuman started telling about his journey.

two days later hanuman ji came back and started narrating to monkeys the journey of lanka .

Hanuman said- We had neither a boat nor a sky plane to cross the sea, so I had decided that I would make a long leap and cross the sea of ​​a hundred yojana with a foot on a rock in the middle.

I had crossed a large part of the sea with long leaps and after a long jump, when I was about to come down my feet, I saw a black isle below. After coming to the ground, I kept my feet on the island and felt that the island was shaken. I was wondering why this island is shaking from where a forest dweller suddenly appeared from among the bushes. I was surprised .

That forest dweller was a very good man. He kept some fruits in a small crate in his hand. He said, "Take Banar Veer, get some fruit so that your fatigue can be eradicated and tell me what can I help you with?"

"Who are you?" I questioned him in the general language.

Vanvasi said, "I am a forest dweller named Menak. My master Indra has deployed me here so that I can help Ravana's enemies by going to Lanka. The place where you are standing looks like an island, but it is a big boat on which wooden rails have been put on top of it. If you want, I can take you from this boat to a place where the guards of Lanka cannot be seen. "

I knew that from Lanka to here, many detectives of Ravana know what form they roam, maybe it is also Ravana's detective. Therefore, I did not eat the fruits given to him. I said, "I am going to Sri Lanka with Sriram's work right now." There I have to investigate Sita Mata's quest and Ravana's army. I can't drink anything until it works. So thank you. "

I looked at the island of Menak with surprise. In that island there was a very slow vibration, as if a very light boat was floating in the water. I was convinced of Manac. I agreed that if I could travel with him in this boat, then he stood up holding a fake palm tree on the boat. He drove the palm tree back and forth in the same way as the boatmen who drive the boat. I was then surprised that the island was moving forward. Then I also helped Menak and the speed of our island boat became very fast. We quickly moved in the direction of Lanka.

When the sea shore started to appear, Menak stopped his boat and said that you should cross the road ahead by jumping or leaping from here because I do not want to come in the eyes of Ravana's soldiers.

I left Manac and jumped into the sea. Submerged underwater, I started swimming with full force towards the island of Lanka.

I was very attentive, then suddenly I felt that there are some thorny long arms holding my body around. I shrunk my body and slipped from the circle of those arms and got free. Going a little farther, I saw that a large body of cloth spread around the arms and the body like an umbrella, rounded from above and polished from within, is an aquatic creature with many eyes staring at me. His ten arms ten arms long again grabbed me, so I started trying to stay away from them. Then I felt that the animal is more powerful in the water and my precious time was just ending, so I jumped up and stood on the head of the animal. I started attacking her body with my mace with full force. The creature was relaxed at first by my strikes and later it became so wavering that it might have died. As the night was dark, I left it just like that and started swimming towards the island of Trikuta where the fort of Lanka was built.

On getting out of the water, I stood on the other side of the land and started to see the golden fort made of gold shining in the darkness of the night, which was built by the demon Maya of Angad. It was a very beautiful and strong fort.

I started marching towards the fort of Lanka without making any sound and reached in front of the big gate. I saw that the big door was closed at that time and a small window was opened. I shrunk and entered very alertly out of that window, and going inside I was looking at the long corridor that suddenly a very terrible looking woman was standing in front of me, staring at me.

The woman scolded me and said, "Oh, O thief, how are you going quietly into Lanka?" Don't know, I am Lankini. I am responsible for guarding here. "

Before I could answer anything, the woman held a huge mudgar weapon in my hand and hit it on my head.

I turned aside and escaped from her and started thinking that fighting a woman is against my principles, so I ran in the corridor going inside. But Lankini was also very cautious. Running faster than me, I came in front This time he threw his weapon again on me without giving any warning.

I then survived and I felt that it would not be possible to leave here without doing its job. So I quickly put a big vibrator and gave my weighty mace to Lankini's temple.

My attack was hit on the right target, due to which Lankini became very relaxed. Blood blew from his ear and name. Then she fell to the ground with a bang.

Leaving him unconscious, I entered the city rapidly growing in the corridor.

Lanka is a viewable city, seeing the beautiful buildings and buildings there, I was thinking that every house should be seen entering from within, but I had to find the palace of Ravana, because I felt that by capturing Sitaji there. Must have been kept. I was also upset because in the silence of the night, who would I ask which is the palace of Ravana? And who will even tell me? How would an outsider get there, this is the first question every man will do.

Slowly I started to feel that I was moving in the right direction because there was something noisy from the side on which I was traveling.

And then in front of me was a huge and magnificent palace built in a large field. I saw many soldiers stationed in front of the palace, but at this time all of them were drinking liquor and the meat of whose animals was being eaten raw was being eaten in the big plates placed in front of them.

Finding myself busy with myself, I entered the palace of Ravana.

Inside a huge bed, a very huge and black-skinned man was drunkenly drunken and lay in a state of disarray on his bed. The entire bed was shaking with his hooves. A very beautiful woman was sleeping near him. She must have been the Queen Mandodari. There was definitely some woman in every room in the same palace, but all of them were very beautiful and adorned. I knew that Sitaji would not have been prostrated here, so my search continued.

There was not a single woman in the entire palace whom I would identify as Sitaji.

Then what was it I immediately reached the top of the palace. From there, I took a review of the surroundings and found out that there is a house in the nearby street which is different from the rest of the houses. There was a man sitting in the courtyard of the house lighting a lamp, who was engrossed in some hymn-worship wrapped on a yellow sheet. I had a feeling that this person would definitely be Vibhishanji.

I jumped from the roof of the palace to another palace and was present in the street shortly after.

When he reached in front of that house, he saw that the rest of the houses were guarded but there was no guard on this house. I noticed that Om was written outside the door and pictures of Dhanush Baan were made. A basil plant was planted in the inner courtyard, near which those gentlemen were blinded and sat immersed in a hymn.

I hid my mace and entered inside saying Jai Shri Ram, then the gentleman was shocked and looking at me, folded his hands and said "Jai Jai Shri Ram"

I am satisfied that I have come to the right place.

The gentleman said, "O gentleman, come. "

When I got close to him, he said in a very slow voice, "Please tell me who you are and where you have come from." In search of Sita, should there be no one in Sri Ram or Lakshmana who is in Lanka? "

I thought it is not appropriate to hide anything now, I introduced myself with folded hands to Vibhishan ji. Then said that the night is nearing, so it will not be possible for me to hide in this city. Therefore, you can quickly tell where Sitaji is and how I can go there.

Vibhishanji told me that he is Ravana's younger brother Vibhishan and I consider him his friend. Sitaji is imprisoned in the private garden of Ravana, named Ashoka One.

Ashok Van was very close to Vibhishan's house. When he explained to me the way to go there, I immediately left him and left for Ashokavan. On the way, I saw that a large amount of food grains have been stored by filling them in sacks of wheat and rice. I felt that if there is an opportunity, the problem of eating and drinking in Lanka can be created by destroying this store.

When I reached Ashokavan, I was delighted by the aroma of aromatic flowers coming from there and the smell of fruits. I saw that the forest is in two parts. One has a dug field with a long row of Ashoka trees, while the other part has fruit trees, some soldiers are deployed to protect those trees and they are not sleeping and are fully awake. Female soldiers were wandering around the Ashoka tree. Vibhishan ji had told that Sita ji is imprisoned in the Ashoka tree.

I quietly entered there. Then, after saving the eyes of the soldiers, I climbed the tree and I immediately recognized where Sitaji is. A tejaswini lady was sitting sadly under a huge Ashok tree, looking at her sad face, I realized that she is Sita.

I was thinking what to do but I could not understand anything. It was in this turbulence that the darkness began to dissipate and the silence of the Partisans began to dissolve. I felt that now I have to sit in hiding all day.

Suddenly a female soldier calls out "Be careful! careful ! Lankadhipati Maharaj is visiting Ravana. "

I could not understand what to do if someone saw me on the tree? Well I sat quietly. Thought that what will happen will be seen.

After some time, Lankesh Ravana, carrying many women, appeared there with a sharp edged sword like silver in his hand and stood in front of Sitaji.

Seeing him, Sitaji turned his face to the other side, and Ravana laughed very loudly and said in his thunderous voice, "O beautiful, why do you look at me and face me?" You have spent so much time in Lanka, you have spent four months in this forest for the rain, but you are still waiting for that ascetic. Hey Pagli, if he had to come then he would have come by now. "

Sitaji's voice was sweet like this, but she spoke in a very angry manner, "Hey Dusht, what do you think you know?" You probably do not know what is the brilliance of Shri Ram's amoghaban. You do not remember how powerful my husband is, who kills your relatives Khar and corruption with one arrow. "

Ravana said, "Sīté, you do not know the property of Lanka." Oh mad woman, my servants also live in a house of gold. "

Sita said to Tadak, "I have nothing to do with your property." Oh rogue, no man becomes bigger than a house of gold and silver. You only see houses and palaces. Does not see the conduct of people. The people living in the gold and silver houses of your city are very poor from inside. "

"Sita, I want to make you Queen of Lanka." If you agree yourself, I give you a month's time to think about it. Take care that after a month, either you will become my queen or you will take my sword named Chandrahas to death. "After saying this, Ravana left from there. A group of women also went after him.

As soon as Ravana left Sita's voice came crying all over, and all my body got angry. I felt that Sitaji is crying while being with me. It is a shame for me!

When I looked down, I saw that a female soldier of three jatas is sitting near Sitaji and Sitaji is talking to her. I remembered that Jamwant had said that Trijata is opposed to Ravana and can help us.

"Mother, you have prevented me from committing suicide by enduring me, I am no longer endured. Bring a spark of fire from somewhere and give it to me, I want to destroy myself by making this wooden pyre of this Ashok tree. "

When Trijata looked up, Hanuman felt that now he would be seen and the whole game would be over. But Trijatha probably did not see anything. He said in his heavy voice, "O Raj Kumari, your patience will be all right." Then he said to his fellow women soldiers, "Listen all! I have a wonderful dream today. I saw where in our Lanka a very brave hero of a Banar caste has entered. That monkey burned our Lanka city to ashes and killed many of our Sri Lankan soldiers. I saw the condition of our king Ravana very bad. Their heads are folded and they have been driven away towards the south, sitting on the donkey, Vibhishan has got the secret of Lanka. It seems to me that leave all your Sita alone and return to your home. "

I was shocked What is Trizata saying, has she really had any dream. Why did he talk about the arrival of Banar? Did not talk about the arrival of citizens of any other society. Then, after telling the further incidents of burning of Lanka and killing some soldiers of the army here, he did not tell me all the things to be done here. In the meantime, Jamwant may have sent this message to me via Trijata.

I looked down to hear the said dream of Trijata that one by one all the women soldiers left for their house. Trijata then sat and said to Sita, "Princess, my dream is a good one, you are going to get some good news very soon."

After Trijatha left, Sitaji got upset and said, "Nobody is supporting me today. Give the Moon fire to you. O Ashoka tree, take away my grief. "

I felt that this is a good chance, so I took out the ring tied in my thread and bounced it in front of Sitaji. When the diamond of the ring glowed with sun rays fell in front of Sitaji, he was startled.

He picked up the ring and immediately recognized which ring it was. She was surprised where Shriram Ring came from here. She said, "Who brought this ring." I pray that whoever has brought this ring appears before me. "

I jumped in front of Sitaji.

When Sita saw a stranger member of the tribal clan Banar fraternity standing in front of her, she turned back. I said, "You must be wondering why a monkey came to you with the message of Prabhu, so Karunayanidhan has given me this ring for identification."

Sita was shocked again. Because only Rama and Sita knew that Sita ji calls them Karunanidhan. He asked hesitantly, "You Banner and he is the prince of Ayodhya. How did you meet? "

When I heard the whole story from his capture till the time I crossed the sea, he had some faith. Then I gave him the secret message that Shriram had said in my ear while I was walking. Now he was fully confident.

I told him that you will be patient and with our entire crew, Shri Ram will come here very soon and punish Ravana for his deeds.

Suddenly I notice that the day is half over, but I have not eaten anything, the rats were jumping in the stomach. I asked him if I am hungry, if I allow Ashok to eat some fruit from the trees in another part of the forest. Sitaji told me that there are four types of soldiers in Lanka - Bhat, Subhat, Mahabhat and Darunabhat. The soldiers of the Bhat category are guarded by this garden, and the soldiers of the Subhat category are the heroes of their troop.

I said that you give orders, today I test the strength of every category of soldiers.

Taking his permission, I went to the fruit part and climbed the tree and started eating fruit. Suddenly a soldier looking at me, abusing him, ran towards me with his spear. I jumped on the trees and fell just above it. Then I started beating him with his spear, then he ran with his head on his leg. One by one I drove away the twelve keepers. When angry, I started uprooting the tree.

After some time a strong general came with a lot of soldiers with him shouting. A soldier shouted, "Oh O Baner, today you are fighting Akshay Kumar, so you are going to do all the work." I understood that this is Akshay Kumar, the son of Ravana, let's do two or two hands with this. When I jumped on the ground and challenged him to wrestle, he came to wrestle me without throwing his weapon and suddenly took out his sword and attacked me, then I snatched his sword and pushed him into his stomach.

When he screamed and fell in his place, I realized that I had bought a scandal while sitting. Well, whatever will be seen, I started eating fruit again.

After a while, a sudden voice came out, "Hey Meghnad ji, here you are."

Seeing me, Meghnad took his bow and shot me with arrows. I kept saving the arrow by leaning here and there. Then I heard Meghnad shouting and saying to me that O Banar, the janeu wearing on your body is pointing out that you are a Brahmin, you are proud of Brahma that now stop desolating this forest and surrender yourself to me .

I was very surprised. What is the work of swearing and swearing in war? Vibhishana was telling that Ravana is loved by his garden more than his sons, perhaps Meghnad has given me a treat to stop it being destroyed.

I stood where I was standing.

He came leaping and caught me. I was tied with a rope. They took me with them.

After some time, we were present in the court of Ravana.

Ravana asked me in a sad voice, "O Banar, who are you?" Why did you destroy this garden! "

I bowed down and said, "O Lankesh, I am the messenger of Shri Ram whose wife you have imprisoned yourself. I was feeling hungry so I ate some fruits. Eating fruit was not such a big crime that I was beaten up. When those people started killing me, I killed them. If your son wanted to kill me, he was accidentally killed at my hands, then these prince of yours tied me after giving me the gift of Brahma.

Ravana got angry and said, "This boner has made a big mistake. Immediately put to death. "

Then know where Vibhishan came to the court and said, "Brother, you are making a big mistake. No messenger is killed in life. "

The old minister named Mallywant also said the same. Then everyone decided to wrap a cloth on my body and set it on fire, that I should be burnt a little bit.

All the preparations started immediately.

A lot of oil was poured over my body with a cloth wrapped and set on fire, they wanted to see the spectacle of me jumping while escaping the fire, but I had missed something else. I immediately lay down on the ground and extinguished my fire, my fire was quickly extinguished and turned upside down, the carpet on the ground caught fire. I got up quickly and I snatched the torch from a soldier who had brought the torch to fire and ran a gallop on the stairs leading up from the court room. Above all, Ravana had a habitat, I touched the torch with everything there and went on. Jumping from the rooftops, I was at the place where the grain store was. If there was a fire at this place, thinking that the food of Lanka would be exhausted for several months, I threw the torch towards it while waving and went straight into the Ashoka forest.

The Trijata sitting near Sitaji was listening to all the news of the court. When she woke up to see me, I bowed to her and said to Sitaji, "You command me, I have started the game that Lankesh Bokhla has risen. I am searching out in full swing. Now I want to return immediately.

Sitaji said, "Okay Hanuman, you take care of yourself." They should come early to tell God.

I bowed to him and hid in the direction of Chawari Diwari of Lanka City. There was a lonely place where I climbed the boundary wall and quickly leaped into the sea facing me. Slightly moved forward that Manac met his path with his island boat. I have come to you with them.

Having said this, he ended the anecdote of his journey from Lanka to Hanuman.

We were praising Hanumanji in mind.

The night was dark. Jamwant ordered that Hanumanji's talk had been completed, now everyone would go to sleep. We have to wake up tomorrow morning and go back to Kishkindha. It will be a long journey. Therefore Bishram is necessary.

We all became sleepy in a while.