Yellow Rose - Part 6 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 6

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Yellow Rose - Part 6

O Dark Get Darker For I am Light Myself

Mia's help mitigated my exertion while my shape was lugged to the wheelchair from the bed. I still possessed the incapability of moving long distances. When we moved out of the room Evan was nowhere. The wane of his warmth perturbed my insights.

The lub-dub sound rising from my chest caught pace as the circular rubbers on both the sides of my frame carried me to the foyer of this huge white serene cemented structure where I slept for seven years. Brandon was there marking time to wish me luck. As soon as he saw me, he walked to me, got on his knees to be of my height and looked straight in my orbs. "Tula you will be fine just don't give up the hope." I just nodded my head and Mia took me out where Lord Solis was dead to the world. Where everything was soon to be engulfed by a tyrant white lady's embrace, who landed on earth from heavens in tiny parts.

Mia opened the umbrella so I didn't get wet with the light snowfall. It was dark outside and I guess inside too. The surroundings were beautiful but I was lost in my ugly thoughts therefore couldn't figure out what was going on around me.

I came back from the trance and my senses rellied from lifelessness when two men with covered phizes appeared too close to me. And I felt a adamantine clutch on my shoulder. I tried using my neck muscles to allow my vision frame to include the face of the person who held my shoulder but before I could see anything or anyone. My body was caged. I felt the sharp metal tearing my skin and perforate my body. At the same time a black cloth was used to enshroud my face and my vision was expropriated.

I felt my body lifted and then abandoned on some smooth surface whose smell told that it was leather. The fearsome roar of the engine told me it was some sort of vehicle. The trepidation grew more and more and peeled off my courage to its core. I don't know what happened and where Mia was. The last thing I felt was a sudden jerk as the vehicle I was in set itself to motion and also felt hustle in my circumjacent.

But what was blood-curdling was the enounce of death-dealing jeopardy by some gunshots and a spooky scream of the vox I didn't fail to recognise. It was Evan's scream, "Tulaaaaaa!!" Further I was too exhausted mentally and physically to fight that murk from gobbling me.

The cold and dry zephyr chaffed cracks on my skin which developed due to lack of moisture and warmth. My joints started hurting bad, too bad. Throat felt too dry, as freezed as nights are in the Great White Desert of India. I felt feeble and regretted myself breathing.

Everything hurts. My existence hurts. The darkness scars. The silence shreds my soul apart. I hate being myself. I hate being this weak. This is enough of what I had. I fought back to procure mastery over my senses. And I did get it. I felt the tiled floor beneath my shape, the ropes that tied my hands and legs but not my will. I will not pity my wounds instead first aid them and continue to live. I was blessed this life, a second chance by My Lord and I will live. Hearing the noises my struggle made to break free from the cage of fate I was even more motivated.

Then my sense of listening was occupied by the clicking sound at the door of this place where I am in. Door opened and closed. I knew someone pitched in with the tenebrosity to scare me. I heard those heavy steps approaching me and when this person was close enough he gave me my eyesight. My eyelids were curious to part away and bring in the picture of my surroundings to my mind.

The room I was in was lighted in dim lights. But I still could see the man in front of me. And can feel the rage inside him as he radiated it through his eyes. His iris looked deep in mine and I felt the cunningness in his touch as he lifted me and helped me sit with the support of the wall behind me.

Lifted my chin to get a better view and when he didn't see the fear in my eyes I saw disappointment in his. When he finally spoke hate screamed to let people know of its presence in his voice, "So Evan did manage to get you back to life. Anyways, how was the sleep Tula? Was it dark? Well you should get used to it by now. As this dark is going to get darker."

"Let it be for I am a light myself." My statement wiped off that smirk of his face and his jaw clenched with anger.


Well this was the 6th chapter of Yellow Rose. Hope you all are enjoying the story. Hold on, more fun is to come.🙃🙃