Yellow Rose Part 5 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 5

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Yellow Rose - Part 5

Why Did You Grow Cold?

He stopped dead on his way out, turned to me and gave a questioning look to me. Oh! He didn't expect me putting up an opposition. So he thought I would readily go with him when he serves me all these sweet lies and I won't suspect him. Well then he is the idiot of the century.

"I am not going anywhere with you! Till you answer a few of my questions." Brandon tries speaking up but Evan shuts him with a glare and Brandon moves out, other nurses following him. That leaves me and Evan alone in the room. He walks up to my bed. My heart raced faster with every step he took towards me. His face was so expressionless. He wasn't the guy whom I saw the first time I opened my eyes. His demeanor towards me was cold and metallic. There wasn't any comfort with his presence unlike before.

"What questions?" He threw the open remark at me standing just beside my bed but looking out of the window. Well I really don't care about his gestures at least not right now. "Where is my father and how did you know him? Why isn't he here and why are you here? I know whatever Brandon said is not the full truth."

Evan didn't even look at me. He grew so cold. "Your father and I had business together. We met twice I guess seven years back. I don't know much about your family but I knew your father had you as his most precious possession. We started on a project together but before the project could even start he ran away, he took all my money and vanished in thin air."

"I had to bear all the loss, but one day I got you here and I thought he would surely come for your rescue at least. I see he didn't even care enough for you either. It's been seven years and none of your acquaintances have ever come here to see you or claim you as their family. You being your father's only child will get his wealth and that's what I wanted. But if you die here in this accident it will go up for donations or to the state. So keeping you here for seven years had a hope behind it that either your father will come or maybe your share of wealth from him. But nothing did and thus I had to take away the life support now."

"I have an extraordinary bad fate, you didn't die instead lived and now the court has tied you up with me. I thought when you woke up that now I will recur my losses, maybe you would know where your father is hidden but you have no memories. That's just so perfect!"

"Listen Tula, I am a civilized human and I felt like comforting you when you just came back from the grave but that doesn't mean that I have forgiven everything your father did to me. I suffered a lot, my company suffered a lot when that event took place. And when I was acting good to you, you were treating me like trash. Now till you get back on your feet and I find a way out to get your father's wealth under your name and you pay the debt, I don't want any new problems from your side. Keep that in mind, I won't always behave that good if I don't get good behaviour from you."

My heart sank hearing these words. I couldn't take in this! Evan was talking in such an ill-bred way! Evan was here for the debt and he was probably showing sympathy to me when I woke up because I had no one in this world to be called my own.

I wanted to ask more but my lips sealed themselves and with the insufferable pain, my throat burned to hell. My heart was aching with those rude words from Evan. All the anger I had for him was now converted into pain. I tried real hard but a sob escaped from my lips and a fine drop of transparent, sour, warm liquid slid down my right cheek like a stream of pain. My fists clenched on the sheets beneath me. And all I saw was darkness on this bright, sunny day.

Evan walked out of the room without giving me a single glance. The door banged closed after him and I whimpered at the loud sound. I still had too many questions but now I don't know if I am capable of bearing the answers of them. I had a deep ache in my chest and it felt like this life was a curse on me. Why did you send me back here My Lord? To pay my father's debts?

So that's the reason Evan wants to keep me in his house and not in the hospital, he is insecure that I would run away. He didn't come here to check on me everyday but to make sure that I was here to pay his money. And now that I don't remember anything about my past he is safe, also no one has ever come here for me so he knows I have nowhere to go. That's why he didn't show up this morning for breakfast.

I was on the edge of bursting with pain but Mia came in at the very perfect time. She consoled me and gave me some medicines from my routine. I didn't know when and how but I went into a deep sleep of grief.

I woke up with Mia by my side working on something on the table. "Hey, how are you Tula?" She said in a soft and low voice. I couldn't think of speaking anything because I didn't know how I was.

"Tula, Mr. Wilson is a great guy. Very humble and noble man. Don't worry you can trust him. And we all will be there with you to support you. I will be there and you can trust me Tula." Mia's tender voice passed through my auditory canals but the one word I caught with damn seriousness was 'Mr. Wilson'. I asked her about it and acknowledged that it was Evan's last name. "Mia can I get your phone for a bit?" I asked her with a bit of hesitation. "Tula, I am sorry but that's in the locker. We aren't allowed to move with it in hospital on duty hours." She reverted and caused me disappointment.

Time ran too fast after that. I was dressed in a navy blue dress which had collars and half selves. It reached my knees and had a white floral print on it. The fabric was so comfortable and my body slid in it quite easily. It was soft and I adored the dress for a while in front of the mirror before I was called for lunch. Evan didn't come for lunch, I had it alone. Why would he even come now? Why was I even expecting him? No!!! The bigger question is, 'Why am I bothered that he is not her?' I was so irritated when he used to be here always and won't leave me alone at all. Now when he has left me alone I want him to be here. Why?

I don't give a damn about him. Let him be wherever he is. I should be more worried about how I will pay his debt. As it's clear that I am going to stay like some captured wings in his cage till he gets what he wants. I have to find out about my father. I have to find out about myself.

Lost in these thoughts I peeped outside and saw the garden that was adorned with the white mystical cotton falling straight from heaven. Soon the Sun hid itself behind a huge dark, black, fluffy, irregularly shaped body which might be heavy too. It was dark now outside. It grew colder than what it was. It wasn't a sunny day any more.

Mia came once again, this time ran straight to the window and shouted in her overly excited voice, "Oh My Lord! Tula!! The first snowfall of the season!!!" I couldn't help but adore her childish awe and smile at her.

That cold was transferring itself from outside to inside of me. Yeah! I was feeling that cold. I had an idea that this winter was going to be real cold. Cold season didn't bother me but cold Evan did. All my fear and agony perished when I saw Evan for the first time. And now I could feel that fear making a room in my heart and an acute pain rising in my chest.

Evan gave me warmth, gave me comfort, gave me courage. Without my acknowledgement a drop clean and clear like a crystal but adorned with despair slipped out from my left eye and reached the middle of my cold cheek. Where my cold fingertips welcomed it and tried their best to hide it but couldn't. Evan stepped in right at that moment and his sudden interruption in my moment of grieving resulted in both of us having eye contact.

With that warm face of Evan coming to the frame of my vision and the cold in his eyes didn't go unnoticed. That liquid just kept flowing from my orbs like it was my master and I was travail's slave.

To stab my heart a million more times his cold voice filled the room, "It's time. We need to go now. Paperwork is done. Mia please bring her to the parking lot you were informed about. You know the car number. My people will be waiting out there."

Why did you grow cold? I know I didn't praise your warmth but that's what I needed the most right now. Sorry I couldn't put it into words but it's your fault too, you failed to read it in my eyes. Nothing is more comfortable than your embrace and no music is more melodies than your voice. No touch is more divine than yours. Pardon the sealed lips and ask me to forgive your weak eyes that failed to see what I couldn't speak. But just make feel warm once again like you used to do.

I wiped the torment off my face and got ready for whatever fate had for me further.


Is that all Evan wants from Tula? Or do you think, there is some hidden motives too? Comment and tell me what you all think dear readers 🙃.