Yellow Rose Part 4 in English Fiction Stories by Arya Patel books and stories PDF | Yellow Rose - Part 4

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Yellow Rose - Part 4

Not A Complete Lie But A Half Truth

I can't float on a half truth and can't even drown as it's not a complete lie!

Those shimmers peeped in my room from the cracks of long white sheets gowning the windows and very smoothly the golden threads reached my frame and capered on my eyelids, demanding me to open them. As soon as my vision came to me the first thing I saw was a cute little butterfly, it was a camouflage, but I could easily make it out as it flipped its little wings slowly for me to see the bright colours it had. An unknown peace made its way into my chest. Suddenly I felt very calm and relaxed, the silence in this room suited me. And those little chirps that came irregularly from little birds around was truly the most beautiful music I have ever listened to.

My room door burst open and few nurses walked in, one among them was Mia. She gave me a smile that made my morning. O! This girl is so full of life. "Hey Tula! How was your night?" She asked in her usual over excited voice. "It was a great sleep." I replied trying to match her energy.

In an hour around my morning chores were done and my breakfast was set. I sat down to have the first meal of my day. And the fact that Evan hasn't showed up yet bothered me a bit. But I tried to keep him out of my mind. Once I was done with reading and chatting here and there in between with Mia about her new secret crush, I leaned back to my bed rest and relaxed.

A sharp knock on the door came. I let the person on the other side in. Brandon and Evan entered my room, Brandon had a smile on his face but he had a concerned expression too. Evan behind him had a very serious look.

"Hello Tula! How are you doing?" Brandon spoke with a doctor like speech. You know how doctors talk, in a bit mechanic voice like the entire thing they say is a tap and is recorded.

"I am good Brandon. How is your time passing? Is it good to you or is it great to you?" Brandon walked near to my bed and Evan followed him. "Time is treating me in a weird way, it's showing me good and bad in the very same minute." He answered, settling himself in a chair near me.

"Tula we need to talk about something that is serious so be here mentally and try not to panic, with time things will get better and clearer." Brandon's voice deepened as he gave me a light warning that something destructive was coming my way. I nodded my head as that was the only thing that I could do.

He begins again, "Tula, you met with an accident seven years ago and was brought here as an emergency patient. I tried my best with you and you did survive but you were in comma for all these years. We lost the hope that you would ever wake up now and were about to take away your life support. Actually we did take it away. You were a brain dead human and it was a miracle that me and my staff were lucky to witness that."

"When your life support was taken you didn't die instead came back to life. Your entire body's muscles have become rigid as not used for seven years, you have been to a huge nervous damage. And your optical neurons have also suffered, thus your problem of vision is defined. It's lucky that most of your nervous controls are intact but the left arm of yours won't work again. All the afferent and efferent nerves and motor neurons of your left arm are completely damaged beyond repair. I will work upon your vision and maybe with some lens you can have your vision back but I won't be able to help you with your left arm. Also you may find difficulties in walking and maintaining balance of your body initially but that will be okay with regular exercises and with time."

" And it looks like you have even suffered Retrograde amnesia, it's a type of memory loss where you might recall some remote picture like flashes of your gone memory at times but the whole of events and all of your memory won't be recalled. Usually patients do get back their memories with time. We can't say how much time will be taken but they do get it back. There are rare cases where they don't and looking at your neural damage I would say don't keep many hopes Tula. I don't see your memories coming back."

This means the day I woke up that day I was supposed to be dead. It explains all the pain that I suffered thay day.

I was dying that day!

A slight pain in the middle of my brows was a bolt from the blue after Brandon started talking. It now left like the whole of the universe collapsed and nothing more is left. A very thick heavy lump made it's residence in my throat and choked me. Few chills ran down my spine and I again started feeling very heavy like a dead meat as I felt when I woke up the first time.

I did not want to go back there again. With all the strength I had in hand I gulped down that lump in my throat and spoke, "What about my family? Who brought me here? You must be having some information about me. Any missing reports in these seven years? I must be something to someone? Or even if I ever belonged to some orphanage?"

I wanted to ask some more questions but my orbs were on edge of flooding and it was crystal clear in my voice. I was trying my best to bite the bullet. Also whatever he said meant that I am here with all the unknown people whom most probably I have never met before I laid on this bed and slept for seven years. Thus I didn't want them to see me as a weakling. My voice started cracking and the tint of fear was screaming of its presence in between my words. Thus I stopped and Brandon continued.

He said, "Not much of your personal information is here with us. Your driving license just read your name as Tula and age 25. Your father used to work with Evan in business and thus he recognised you here and took your medical expenses. Four years back our town suffered from an earthquake and the hospital was damaged badly, we were more focused on saving patients than information."

"Much of the data was lost including yours. Fate has been hard on you but believe in God's Grace. You will be fine soon Tula. Seeing your medical conditions and as all your medical expenses for seven years were taken by Evan, your legal custody for time being is given to him till you recover fully and are able to take care of yourself. Don't be too hard on yourself Tula. Also I see you are doing well enough for a discharge. A medical team from hospital is appointed to take care of you at your stay. And Mia shall be one of your nurses as you have mingled well with her." This was a perfect storm.

Things are getting more fishy now with Evan. Who is he? If he had any knowledge about me and my family why didn't he share it with authorities? Why is my legal custody given to him and not my family when Evan knows my father? He must be knowing more about me and my father if they had business together. He must be knowing where my family is. How does he know about my favourite flower? Why would he take such giant medical expenses of an unknown person? That too for so long? Things are cooked up here. I knew at once that I am not told the full truth and I am not also given a complete lie.

There are broken pieces of me and my destiny shattered on the floor and I have to fix it at any cost.

Seeing my head hanging low and the stiffness I developed, Brandon tried to console me with a great concern evident in his speech, "Tula, every cloud has a silver lining, you have been back from the grave. Give this new life a chance. Don't ruin it while running behind your bygone. I will complete the paperwork for your discharge and you can leave with Evan by this noon."

There is one thing I am very much sure about and that is, 'I am not going anywhere with this person called Evan.' Until and unless all my questions are answered by him. I looked up to Evan and his face was clean, expressionless and his jaw was clenched and shoulders too stiff. Even in this horrible and horrific time and situation this guy yet managed to look handsome on such an extreme level. Mentally kicking myself for that statement. But I am surely done with his drama.

He was looking at me but not into my eyes. Yeah man! I caught you there. Absolutely he is hiding something and thus can't look me in the eye. Evan and Brandon shared some words with their eyes and soon both of them were going to leave. That's the last straw. You aren't walking away with this Evan. I am not giving someone the benefit of the doubt, I need facts.

I spoke with a harsh tone and practiced the highest of dominance I had in my voice, "Wait Evan, we need to talk."


Do you have answers for Tula's questions?