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Games for that memorable day

Wedding Reception Games

Wedding receptions are almost standard where we welcome and celebrate the new married couple, watch them dance, and enjoy cake with them. Adding some creative games could help the guests to interact with the other guests and create a happy bonding and an active surrounding.

A fun filled and an active game that can be played by all your guests, including grandma as well as the young children, is "want it now”. In this game, you designate a master of ceremonies. The MC will have a list of "wants" prepared before the reception. Everyone sits at their tables, and waits to hear the command. The MC says he wants a person with painted toe nails or a man with a mustache or a child with a pink dress. But also include some surprises, like "a man with a brown purse" which will require a man to find a woman at his table with the brown purse and run up to the front of the room with that. Points should be tallied during the course of this game and prizes awarded at the end of the game. Be sure to have some obvious "wants",

Another fun wedding reception game that includes all your guests is musical chairs using men as the chairs. All the men line up and kneel on one knee. The women begin playing the game of musical chairs, but when the music stops, they must find a knee to sit on. No "chairs" are removed during the version of the game, but instead people are eliminated when either the man falls down when the woman finds his knee or when the woman falls down. Both are out either way, and if both fall down, they are also both out then (as well as perhaps a bit bruised). This is a fun game that often brings on gales of laughter and adds to a relaxed reception atmosphere.

Organizing games at a wedding reception is a great way to get people involved and make them feel they are truly a part of the celebration. Don’t assume wedding reception guests will be offended or annoyed by these active games Whether a small or large wedding, reception games work for just about any group.

Bachelorette Party Games

A nice bachelorette party boosts and activates the young adults and make the function a fun filled one. They add colors to the show and make everyone enthusiastic.

One popular bachelorette game involves asking the guests to become poets. Ahead of the party, take 50 index cards and on half, write romantic things, like "roses", "cuddly", etc. On the other 25 cards, write very non-romantic words or phrases, like "nose hairs" or "ironing". Then have each guest draw one card from each pile. They should then create a silly poem based on the two very different words or phrases they have chosen, for example, "Roses are red, your nose hairs are ewwwww."

Another fun game that is sure to engender at least a few laughs is "name that item". Take a paper bag (a fabric bag is better if you have one) and fill the bag with typical "male items". The items might include a razor, a money clip, a tie, shoe polish, etc. Seal the bag, or fold it over really well. Then have each guest feel the bag and try to guess the contents. Have them write their guesses on a piece of paper. After everyone has had a chance to feel the bag, the contents are shown and the person with the most number of correct guesses gets the bag of male-oriented items.

Bachelorette party games are not only designed to bring fun to the party, but sometimes to help people get to know one another. This might be a good opportunity for the bride's best friend to get to know the sister of the groom, or for the bride to get close to the groom's cousin or niece. So an icebreaker game isn't a bad idea.

This isn't perhaps the most intellectual of an icebreaker game, but it will likely break the ice early in the evening before you head out to other events. Play a game called "I never..." and see who takes the most drinks. So the first woman says, "I never..." and completes the sentence. The women who have done the thing the first woman says she's never done take a drink. Then the next woman claims to have "never" done something.

Some suggestions for this game are: "I never ..."

*Lied about my age

*Lied about my weight


*Got a speeding ticket

Games for the Wedding rehearsal night:

Wedding rehearsal dinners are a time to relax, calm down and enjoy a quiet evening before the big event the next day. But adding some fun and games into the rehearsal dinner isn't such a bad idea. It's a great way to help everyone let off some steam, calm down and enjoy each other.

If you're planning a sit-down formal dinner, fun games and activities can still be on the menu. In fact, if a formal dinner is part of the plans, having some interesting activities on the agenda is not only a good idea, but also an excellent one. There's been a lot of planning, and a lot of stress and the wedding party and close friends and family will welcome the opportunity to have a little fun.

The success or failure of any games or activities largely depends not just on the planning but your venue. If you're having a sit-down dinner in a restaurant, try to get a private room. Then a myriad of fun activities can be planned, such as "pin the veil on the bride", in which blindfolded guests spin around a few times, then try to pin the veil on a picture of the bride. Silly, yes, but also fun.

If the wedding rehearsal dinner is a bit less formal and held in someone's home, there are many more activities that can take place. For example: playing board games. Who needs formal food? You can have that the next day at the formal wedding. At this rehearsal dinner party, the games are center stage.

Bring in some sandwiches and tell everyone to wear their comfortable clothes and settle in for a night of board games. You can set up games on different tables, divide people into groups of 4 or 5 and have everyone rotate tables at designated times. You can even instruct game players that when they move to another table, the game stays out the way it is. So, for example, dad might begin playing Monopoly where the bride was and he's stuck with only a little money in the bank and no houses on Boardwalk.