Do you love me? - 10 in English Love Stories by Pavan Naidu books and stories PDF | Do you love me? - Episode 10 wheelchair

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Do you love me? - Episode 10 wheelchair

Anu wiped off the blood on pavan's hand, tied her handkerchief on a cut which was still bleeding. She placed pavan's Arm around her shoulder and helped him to stand
She was thin but strong enough to lift him. while she was crying her face turned red and teardrops in her eyes make her more beautiful.

Anu's Dad: Anu told a lot about your pavan finally we met, but I don't think this is a good time for chit chat.

Pavan: sorry for causing you trouble sir, In just a few steps we will reach my car.

Anu's Dad: I don't think you can drive the car with your injuries and you should first go to the hospital, get into our car.

Pavan: you're so kind sir, but your car may get spoiled by my bloodstains.
Anu(crying): don't talk like that just get into our car.
Anu's Dad: it's my responsibility to take care of our students.

Pavan: sorry sir I don't know, so your lecture at our university.

Anu: it's not the time for introducing, I will drive Pavan's car and follow you to the hospital dad.

Anu's father unwillingly agreed and got into the car.

Anu and pavan got into his car and Anu followed her father's car.

Anu's nose was red and she wiping tears from her eyes which were blocking her vision.

Anu(still have tears in her eyes): don't worry pavan, you will recover soon. I am not going to leave them I will file a complaint and send them to prison. Is your hand still in pain? In just a few seconds we will go to the hospital. Do you feel any dizziness?

Pavan(confused): sorry to say this" you're are a bit overreacting" I am fine, A little injured that all.

She suddenly becomes silent, she wanted to say something but afraid of how he will react.

Anu(shaky voice): Can I get your number?

Pavan: sure but why?

Anu(crying): I am worried about you. Please give me your number, so I can know your condition from time to time.
Pavan: hey don't cry I am just surprised (and gave her his number)

Pavan: I will never forget your help Anu, I owe you a big one.

Anu: Really, For that will you take me to your home? I mean you can't come to college with these injuries but classes will go on, I will explain them to you. Only if you want me to come.

Pavan: sure, I will invite you one-day, thanks for your offer but I am not that interested in classes.

they reached the hospital.
Anu's Dad: Did you call your parents?
Pavan: no it's ok I can manage. It's our family doctor's hospital, thanks for bringing me here sir.

Anu's Dad: do you know your condition? Your right hand and left leg got broken, you can't hide this from them, so better hurry and call them. We will stay here until someone in your family comes.

Pavan thought for a moment and calls Priya's father and told him the situation.

Priya's house
Priya was still awake and anxious about what happened there.
Knock. Priya's father knocking on her bedroom door, Priya opened it.

Priya's father: Pavan met with an accident, I am going to the hospital to visit him. lock the main door.

Priya(got a smile on her face but trying to control it in front of her father): l will come with you dad, let's go.

They both went to the hospital and the doctor already removed the small glass pieces which entered into his hands, done the dressing and x-ray scams.

Priya's father asked the doctor about his condition
Doctor: His right hand and left leg got fractures, he lost a lot of blood, but there is nothing serious. there are no injuries on the head and he will recover in 3 weeks.

Priya's father and Priya entered the room and saw Anu and her parents. Priya's father thanked them for their help and Anu family left from there.

Priya's father asked Priya to stay outside of the room and asked pavan to tell exactly what happened.
Pavan told him the truth except for Priya's part and convinced him to help to create a cover story of an accident.

Pavan calls his father and told that he met with an accident and admitted to the hospital.

Priya's father took pavan's car and went somewhere.
Priya: I think you understand what will happen if you come in my way.🤨

Haha haha, pavan laughed loudly.

Priya: why are you laughing, Did they hit you on the head?

Pavan: you made a big mistake Priya what if I tell the truth to uncle?

Priya: he will just shout, I don't care about that.

Pavan: your loving aunty I mean My mom will never see your face if she knows that you are the reason for her son's injuries and your uncle will never forgive you. I think you don't care about that too right.

Priya almost got a heart attack, she didn't think about this and now she cont escape.
Priya( now she got tears with fear): you're not going to tell them right. You cont do that to me.

Pavan: why cont I tell them? I cont lie them, even if I lie my father will catch me.

Priya: please pavan I beg you, don't tell them about this, you don't have to tell them anything, I will do that for you.

Pavan: Sorry Priya I am not convinced, why should I leave you?

Priya: I will do anything you want, please just don't tell them about me, please.

Pavan's parents came in the middle of the conversation.
Pavan's mother starts crying after seeing her's son on a hospital bed with bandages and his father talking with the doctor. Priya's father came back.

Pavan's mother: I told not to buy him a car but you didn't listen to me, look at him are you happy now.

Priya's father: you have every right to shout at me. Forgive me for my mistake.

Pavan: don't talk like that uncle, it's an accident, no one expected that.

Pavan's mother: why you got out at this time? You just entered college and you think you can do whatever you want to do?

Pavan looks at Priya, she was so afraid, crying and her legs were shivering.

Pavan: I feel a bit dizzy, Priya will explain to you the reason.

Priya felt so lite like a 100kgs weight was removed from her shoulders and told the accident story to pavan's mother.

Pavan's dad: can we take him home?
Doctor: yes you can, but you should follow the instruction and prescriptions correctly, and if you got any doubts feel free to call me.
Pavan's dad: ok doctor thank you.

They asked pavan to sit in a wheelchair but he felt discomfort and didn't agree to sit on it which made his dad angrier and he shouted at him to shut his mouth and do what he said.

Priya's father helped him to sit on it and took him to the car, Pavan covered his face with his hand in shame and after reaching the car, pavan's father helped him to get into the car.

Priya's dad asked Priya to get in Pavan's dad's car
he said will come to their house after completing a small business.

Priya sat in the front seat and pavan and his mother, on the back seat.
Priya noticed Pavan's dad wiping tears from his eyes while driving, she never seen his like that, pavan parents always smile and always helps people around them and make them happy, Seeing them sad made her sad and guilty. She is unable to control her tears and covered her face with her hands and started crying.

Pavan's dad noticed her, while petting her hair he said: it's ok he will get well soon, there is nothing to worry about, and tomorrow onward I will drop you at college ok.
His words making her heart heavy and she was full of guilt and sorrow.


Priya's Dad: hello commissioner, sorry for calling this late. I want a favor from you.
He told him about the incident and asked him to take quick action on it.

Commissioner: sure sir, don't worry we will find them in 24 hours and Cut the call.
He called CI and told him the information and asked him to collect the data of students who come to hospitals for a dog bit vaccination. You should find people behind this within tomorrow afternoon, if not I will suspend you understand.

CI: yes sir. (commissioner cut the call).
Ci called SI etc....
They started the search,

Pavan's family reached the house and pavan's dad helped him to get to his room.
Priya got into the house and sat on the sofa and found a letter on the table near her. She opened the envelope and started reading it, her hands start shaking and started sweating while reading it.

To be continued...

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