The Train Goes On... - 6 in English Fiction Stories by Subbu books and stories PDF | The Train Goes On... - 6

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The Train Goes On... - 6

Chapter VI

After 6:10 pm, Rajeev changed his party dress to a very informal one and was wearing shorts to play tennis as he thought that there would be no need for welcoming guests. Shobana could not recognize Rajeev in that costume or she might have forgotten his face, since it has been many months, she hesitantly asked, "Are you ...Dr Rajeev…?"

Rajeev admitted with a smile, he was observing her from the very minute she was getting out of her car. At one glance to Rajeev her beauty was simply mesmerizing but the reason for her beauty was not definitely the makeup or the dress she was wearing. In fact, she has dressed very casually. But Rajeev saw that there was an indelible attraction in her face and manners.

A large crowd of children gathered near the compound wall… As per Rajeev’s order, the bearers were distributing the snacks and ice creams arranged for the party complimentary . "Please sit," he told Shobana, pointing a garden chair. "Please, bring some snacks and ice cream", Rajiv told the bearer.

"Sorry doctor…I didn't come for the party", Shobana said.

" Finally, you too?", he laughed and said.

"Don't you remember me, Doctor? I am Shobana, it is when you were giving treatment to my aunt…"

Rajeev completed where she had stopped, " police arrested me and took me away, I remember well. I was just getting ready with the injection for your aunt. Inspector Thomas tapped me on the shoulder and took me to the jeep. After that I didn't come back to your house and I didn't return to my house also. Please sit down."

"Please, Doctor, you should come and visit my aunt", Shobana pleaded. "Do you know what I told my aunt when I got the invitation from you? Aunt, our doctor Rajeev is released, the one who treated you at the best gave you another birth, now all your worries are over. He will definitely make you walk,' I said. Please come, doctor."

"Whether I come or not, you please have that ice cream", he gave her the ice cream cup. As time passed on, the ice cream cup also started melting.

"Is the party over so soon?", Shobana asked as she looked outside.

"You are the only guest who accepted my invitation, " Rajeev laughed. "If it were that old Dr Rajeev, this place would not be sufficient for the party. A lot of people would have come. Now nobody is interested in Rajeev, who went to jail. Why? Is it a shame for them to come and see my face? Have I deceived them by anyway, have I? What do you think, Shobana?"

"I see you as a real doctor, consider you as a genius among all doctors and I believe in it", she answered.

Rajeev stretched out his leg and leaned back in his chair holding the ice cream spoon between his teeth.

A Satisfaction spread across his face. Pride glistened in his eyes.

He is a genius among doctors! Shobana’s judgment.

Rajeev heard a voice calling him from his innermost heart of hearts, "Hey, little Doctor!"

That “Little doctor” title - may be a funny way to call a boy at the age of twelve but it was well recorded in the minds of that young boy.

In Kollam- Yes, the hometown of the celebrity actor Mukesh. Rajeev’s house was near to the central bus stand, where there is often a mist of dusty winds. There, Rajeev’s father was a priest. Rajeev was the only child to his parents. His mother was bedridden as if she had given birth to ten babies. She was an asthma patient.

The Devi temple where his dad worked was small, but its glory was great. The temple will be seen crowded on Tuesday and Friday. Rajeev was the chief assistant to his father. He breaks the coconut for the pooja, prepare naivedya packets ready for distribution and so on. He also had the privilege to give sacred ash to the devotees of the temple.

He has a duty on Saturday morning. The coconuts offered in the temple which were piled up in the baskets should be sorted by type and should be sold to the neighbors. As the price is less than the shop price, everyone would buy it eagerly.

An important person among his customers were Dr. Ashokan. About ten coconuts a week he could sell to him without a hitch. When he enters the house with the coconuts in the bag which his mother had given him,Dr.Ashokan would be busy checking someone with a thermometer on the portico or will be tapping some patients knee joint asking, "Does it hurt here?". When Rajeev enters, he would tell him," Rajeev, go inside and give it to aunty, " Rajeev’s eyes never fail to note the volume of currencies in the doctor's open table.

"Oh, my god! Is it possible to earn this much as a doctor?", he exclaimed. However, he was not only mesmerized by it. But he soon realized that a doctor could mint money in the profession if he is an expert in the field.

" Doctor, please come and save my…", some would beg. "You are not human, you're a god! " some others would thank him heartily. Once a villager fell at the feet of Dr Ashokan, and said” Doctor,you are not Dr. Ashokan ,you are Samrat Ashokan the King among all Doctors” because the doctor saved the life of his daughter.

While all this was revolutionizing his mind, his mother's health condition worsened. When it became impossible for his mother to go to the doctor's home, Dr. Ashokan himself came to his house once in a week for treating Rajeev’s mother. Rajeev used to listen carefully each word that is coming out of the doctor's mouth with keen observation. He assisted Dr. Ashokan many times more than he helped his dad in the temple. He sterilized the needle for the doctor at ease. He would fold the stethoscope and place it in the Doctor’s briefcase. If the ink is not there in the pen at the time of writing the prescription, he would fill it within seconds.

Once, "I wrote a capsule last month. It was very effective. I couldn't remember the name" when the Doctor was thinking, " Is it Cintodac Doctor?", Rajeev replied within a fraction of a second.

"Hey, Little Doctor! From now on I should be very careful, one day you will become my competitor!", he laughed.

At that very moment Rajeev took the decision about his future,Yes,he should become a Doctor. he chose the second group in the Plus Two. Although he scored high marks in the Tenth, the principal of the school advised, "Why are you taking the Second Group unnecessarily. Are you planning to go for the medical field? It may cost you heavy. Can you afford that much money? Better, you take the fourth group." Rajeev was very strong in his decision and he chose the second group.

But he was not able to prepare for examinations as he spent most of his time in the doctors' clinic in the neighborhood. He became an expert in diagnosing diseases and finding out medicines by mind within a short period of time. He observed carefully what kind of medicine is being given to each patient. He used to discuss with the Medical Representatives who came to meet Dr. Ashokan and he never felt exhausted or bored at any point of time.

Surgery is the only part he lacked knowledge as for this practical experience was needed. But by this time, he has become a half physician. Plus Two results came, unfortunately he got only just pass marks. It has become clear that he is not eligible for the medical field.

With no other option, he opted and studied B.Sc. Chemistry. He inherited some property when his father died and some jewelry when his mother passed away. Thinking and rethinking at last he took that important decision about his future. He decided to face the world at its face.

One day by accident he saw in the local TV channel, an interview of one Dr. Rajeev.

One Dr Rajeev somewhere in Thiruvananthapuram has successfully treated a number of diabetes patients with his skill.

Doctor Rajeev! Doctor Rajeev! He repeated the words in his mind. He felt like that he is floating in a heavenly chariot.

After that, he started planning everything very carefully with patience and caution.

He chose a village between Attingal and Varkala. The board, which he had arranged and brought from Thiruvananthapuram, was hung in front of his rented house: "Dr Rajeev. MBBS." He collected a good stock of patent medicines, tablets and capsules. He started his 'practice' after praying to God, "OH, God because of my treatment no harm should come to anyone, please be with me".

He launched his project starting with free treatment and free medicines for the poor and needy. Then his qualities like character, expertise, generosity, kindness attracted public support for him.

"One Dr. Rajeev is there, go and consult him he is the best…", the public began to speak about him. He then started a new clinic in the main road in Varkala. He appointed two expert doctors under him. He returned to Thiruvananthapuram after eight years. “Dr. Rajeev’s Multi Specialty Hospital “was inaugurated by a celebrity actress in Jai Hind Nagar. No one enquired about who Dr. Rajeev was and where he completed his medical studies. It became quite a normal scene to see that dozens of people waiting outside his consulting room for a long time for his appointment. Shobana was one among those who came like that. He does not prefer visiting patients' homes. But, Unable to resist Shobana’s pressure, one day he went to visit her aunt. This was followed by a total of six visits within a week. After this Shobana’s aunt started recovering very fast. It is at this time, one day, the truth has popped of his many enemies… Yes, it was a story of years old enmity.

Shobana said, "Doctor,I have finished the ice cream." "I am ready to eat any more if you insist but on one condition, you have to come with me”.

Rajeev silently watched the garden; all the tables and chairs were being loaded in the caterer’s tempo.

Outside on the road, a car horn which was got stuck made a loud hauling noise for a long time and stopped by itself.

"Let the world tell whatever they like, doctor. You come and treat my aunt only once. Then no one, even the lord of death can take her life away.", Shobana pleaded.

"Even if I treat your aunt only once, it is a crime under the law. Again, I have to go to jail. Whatever may happen, I will never do that mistake again, it’s an unwritten agreement between me and some of my close friends”, Rajeev said as if his decision is final and binding. He can notice her rosy face fade away with disappointment. Rajeev also felt a little uncomfortable for expressing so sternly.