Do you love me? - episode 9 bloody past in English Love Stories by Pavan Naidu books and stories PDF | Do you love me? - episode 9 bloody past

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Do you love me? - episode 9 bloody past

Pavan: why should we have to live together?
Priya: I don't know.
Pavan: you agreed to move with me without asking anything?
Priya: After marriage, I have to live the rest of my life with you, so I don't find any difference.
Pavan: But we are not married right.
Priya: that's why we call this living together.
Pavan: Even if we have to live together, we can live in my house or your house. Why we have to live separately?
Priya: I don't know, I thought you were old enough to live without parental care baby boy🤪

Pavan, though there will be no use in arguing with Priya and went to the hall, he looked at his mother and father with his cry babyface.

Pavan: Is it true Dad? Why should I leave my house and why Priya and I have to live together?

Pavan"s father: don't you remember what I said in episode 1😄? We built a house for you two.

Pavan: No dad I am not going anywhere. Mom, why are you not speaking?

Pavan's father: you are 23 years old, and you never stayed in a hostel or individually for more than a week, this is a chance for you to prove that you can lead your own life without any support as a true adult.

Pavan: your explanation doesn't answer why I have to live with Priya? I can live alone right.

Pavan's father: it's a big house, my son. you will get scared if you live alone in it😄😄.

Pavan: 😐 stop joking Dad I am serious

Pavan's father: Because she is going to be your wife. It will help you to understand each other better. Yes, I agree that you two know each other well because you were childhood friends but now you're not going to live like friends, you are going to live like a couple. This is a different game kid.

Pavan: 😠 I understand that you are mentally prepared to kick me out of the house.if I proved that I can live without your support. Then what?

Pavan's father: I will make you the next chairman of our company.

Pavan: 😮 you can't be serious.

Pavan's father: yes. I am serious if you can live on your own, for 3 months with Priya and make her happy then no one can stop you from becoming chairman.

Priya's father: my son-in-law, can do this easily because he is the one who took care of my daughter from their childhood.

Pavan's father: I forgot to tell you conditions
1)you should not take money from Priya or your friends or anyone for house maintenance.
2) you have to maintain the house with your salary(40k) if you want extra money you have to do part-time jobs in our company which will be selected by me😁.
3) I will be watching you, if you violate my rules you will start from day one. You are not allowed to visit home until the completion of three months.

Priya: can't a wife support her husband in the home expenses?

Pavan: You're not my wife and I don't need your support, I can manage the house on my own.

Pavan's father: that's the spirit son 😄😄
4) You should not use the money you earn from your businesses and you have to pay bills even if you ate in your restaurant and for petrol in your petrol bunk.

Pavan: you know about my business?😦

Pavan's father: I am your father and I know everything happens in this city.
1) hotel
2) pub
3) toys manufacturing company
4) petrol bunk
Is there anything else?

Pavan: 😑 no dad

Pavan's father: ok let's go. Don't forget your stuff, you are not going to come back soon🤪.

Their luggage was placed in pavan's car (Audi) and they went to the house. (Priya, pavan, Priya dad in one car and pavan's parents in another car)

Outer ring road
................................... .................................
l. l. V
F l. l. I
A. l. l. L
R l l. L
M l I. A
House. l I S
l I
After traveling 20 minutes they reached the house near outer ring road (which was completed 1month back)
Pavan surprised after knowing that this is the house they built for them.

Pavan: If anyone knows about this scam, you people get caught and sent to jail.

Priya's father: no one cant do anything we bought this lands 8 years back when they planned this outer ring road which was not announced at that time, but the government got chanced(who planned this project lost in the election) and the next government didn't approve the project. In the Last election opposition party (who planned the project) win in elections and come to the power & complete the project.

Pavan: But what if they lost again in these elections too?

Priya's dad: we will wait for another 5 years.

Pavan: Did waiting worth it? our money got stuck in this for years.

Priya's dad: when it comes to real estate patience is the first step for success. 8 years back We bought these lands for 1lakh per acre but now its value is 1crore per acre. Look at those villas, we already sold these 25 villas for 1.5crore each, and we still got 90 acres of land, don't you think our patience got rewarded?

They reached the venture, there is a small house, which was built for watchmen. After that, they reached the house(farm House) which was surrounded by 13 feet high walls on four sides and a big entrance gate.

Pavan: are we going into prison?😄
Priya: maybe a Heaven 😇

After passing the gate there are some people cultivating crops in 3 acres after that they reached the house which has underground parking. The house was built-in 50 cents surrounded by a lawn with different types of flowering and ornamental plants and a swimming pool on the backside, the ground floor has 4 bedrooms and a big hall, a kitchen, service area, draining area, and living room.
The first floor contains 7 bedrooms, a gym, a home theater, a balcony, and a kitchen.

Pavan: now tell me the truth, is this build for us?

Pavan's dad: no, this is going to be our farmhouse where we are going to celebrate small parties, meetings, etc

Two women came and greeted us.
Pavan's Dad: These two were appointed as maids in your house, they will do all the household works, cooking, etc just you have to give them a 10k salary each.

Pavan: 20k per month just for maids? I think one will be sufficient and At present, There are no buses available on this route, how will they go home after completion of work?

Pavan's dad: you don't have an option, I appointed them.their husbands are working as watchmen here, they live in a house provided for them.

They all spent some time taking(family talk)
Pavan's mother: don't go to late-night parties, Priya will feel lonely in the house. Take good care of her.

Pavan: are you my mother or her's?

Pavan's dad: we can't change our fortune, I hope you won't let us down.

Priya's father: ok then bye kids, take care.
They got into the car and got back home.

There were just Priya and pavan now, they both sat in the hall and pavan took a pen and paper and calculating expenses.
Maids: 20k
The current bill may be: 5k
Groceries will be?

Pavan: Priya did you checked the kitchen? Do we have any groceries here?

Priya: no, we have only kitchenware.

Pavan: how are you so sure you didn't even go to Kitchen? how much it will cost for groceries for 2 people?

Priya: maybe 4k per month. I am the one who selected the kitchenware.

Pavan: ok, 29k, are there any expenses other than this.

Priya: petrol, milk, gas bill, mineral water tins, cosmetics, do you want to include my expense too?

Pavan: what expenses do you have?

Priya: I forgot my jocking shoes, will you buy me one? 😊

Pavan: ok it's not a big deal.
29k 4k groceries 2k shoes 5k petrol 3k milk gas bill maybe 1k, water 500, cosmetics? Hm 500= 45k, just I have 5k shortage I can manage this.

37k credited in the bank account
Pavan calls his father
Pavan: Father, you said My salary is 40k then why you send only 37k?

Father: PF, ESI will get cut in your salary and you will get 37k bye, click.......

Pavan thinking about how to earn this shortage 8k.
In the meanwhile, he got an incoming call from the manager,

Manager: Sir, there was an unfinished bottle of wine in your room, can we dispose of or...

Pavan: no no it's costly wine I will come and take it now until then keep it safe.
Manager: ok sir.

Priya: are we going somewhere?

Pavan: no, I am

Priya: are you going to leave me alone in the house? we have to buy groceries, if not what do we eat this night and tomorrow morning breakfast?

Pavan: ok ok let's go.
They first went to supermarkets and they reached the hotel. Pavan asked Priya to stay in the car and went inside.

Time: 9 pm rain started again and pavan took the bottle and getting back to the car, and saw her coming inside.

Pavan: why are you coming inside?

Priya: let's wait until the rain stops.

Pavan: we are going in a car.

Priya: but not all people got a car, so they start rushing back home and it may lead to accidents.

They sat at a table and the waiter came to their table.
Pavan: it's already 9 PM, let's have our dinner,
They both ordered food.

Priya: how you purchased this hotel? Who you got this much money?
Pavan checked around and noticed there were no people near their table and started speaking in a low voice.

Pavan: after completing masters I wanted to start a business, of my own but I wanted capital so I asked your dad.

Priya: my dad brought this hotel?

Pavan: no after we came back from goa
(continuation of episode 7) your father gave me 1 crore and I promised to return it in one year.


Priya's dad: I hope you will achieve success and in that bag, there are 2 crores.

Pavan: but I didn't ask 2? What if I failed? I can't pay them back.

Priya's dad: don't worry Pavan I have believed you, even if you failed you will learn from it. Think twice before investing in a business.

Pavan thanked him and called ram to complete the bargain of the pub which he planned to buy.

Ram: how much you got?
Pavan: 2c
Ram: give them to me and I will make it 10times more.
Pavan: what? How?
Ram: don't ask me any questions, Give that money if you have faith in me.
Pavan gave that money to him after a month Ram came and gave him 17croes.

Pavan surprised and asked him how?
Ram told about the outer ring road and he purchased 20 acres with that money and sold them for 20 crores.

Pavan: but it is a scam what if someone knows? Leaking information about the project is a crime.

Ram: I planned everything perfectly and it cost 3 cores, we brought that 20 acres on different names and sold them, so there is no way we get caught. Just think about how to spend this money wisely.

Pavan: don't you want any share in this money?

Ram: what do you think of me? A real estate broker?

Pavan: I am just kidding
After that, they bought a pub 🔞 which cost 3c, hotel: 9c bunk: 2c and pavan thought of returning that 2 crores back to Priya's father but Ram's father suggested him to start a toy manufacturing company.

Pavan: but I don't have any awareness about toys businesses and I didn't have much money left
Ram's father: you don't have to worry I will take care of everything and the land will be sponsored by the government.

Pavan: why don't you start on your own? And why you're suggesting to establish a company?

Ram's father: I promised in the election that we will give job opportunities for the woman who have skills in sticking etc and toy manufacturing company suit their skills and I cont start it on my own because the opposition leaders begin to comment on it and income tax rides etc it's a bit complicated.

Pavan convinced and established a toy manufacturing company in which 70% of jobs were given to women.
But pavan can't take care of this business because he has to join in a job at his father's company which was insisted on by his father. So he kept Vamsi as the person who takes care of them with 3 percent in profits as his salary.

Priya: you did all this in 2 months?
Pavan: yes, but I got support.
Pavan asked the waiter to bring the bill. Priya took the bill and paid for it.

Pavan: hey, I can pay the bill.

Priya: I know you can millionaire, let's go the rain stopped.
They both get into the car and went back home.

Pavan selected a bedroom and took his luggage into it. Priya helped him to arrange his luggage inside the room.

Priya: pavan I have an idea for you if you follow that we can save money on the current bill.

Pavan: really, what is it?

Priya: if we share the same bedroom we can save current on fan or ac so...

Pavan: thanks for your idea but I am not interested in it, good night.
Priya turned back to get into her room.

Pavan: Priya, I... Want to believe all the love your showing is true but... We both know that's not true, I don't know what you want from me, just tell me what it is? I will give you whatever it may be, there is no need for you to act. By the way, you're so beautiful in the saree Priya. Good Night

Priya becomes dumb for a second after hearing him and tears rolled on her eyes.

Pavan didn't say a word and went to his room and closed the door.

Priya took a bath and fallen into bed, because of the new environment she was not getting sleep. At midnight her phone started ringing.
She saw the phone and it was the call from Vikas.

Priya: how was your day?

Vikas: all is well, please continue the story, who is Anu, and how they both met?

Priya: hmm why are you so excited about them?

Vikas: I never met a person who is perfect as you, even though pavan manage to resist your charms but he fell in love with someone else, it makes me excited.

Priya: ok it was the first day of our engineering life.

My father called Pavan so that we both can go to college together, he gave the car key to Pavan which he brought on the other day.

Pavan: Did the driver is on leave?

Priya's father: No boy, this is my gift for you,

Pavan: no uncle if I accept this my father will shout at me.

Priya's father: you don't have to worry I will take care of him. Just take it, being late on the first day may cause a negative impression to the lectures, do you want that?

Pavan: thanks, uncle.

Priya's dad: no need to thank me just drive safe and enjoy your college life.
We both got into the car and almost reached the college gate.

Priya: stop the car.

Pavan: why? We almost reached.

Priya: what will people think about us if we go to college together in the same car. They may think of us as lovers and rumors will spread about us.

Pavan: I don't have any problem with it.

Priya: I have, I don't want to have rumors with a loser like you, and remember one thing your just a driver to me, don't get into my way.

Pavan: really, what will you do if I get into your way Barbey girl.😅

Priya opened the car door and got down and said: you will see it soon.

Pavan drives the car into the university parked it and while going to class.
On the way, there were a group of seniors who calling the juniors and raging them,

Seniors: hey, white shirt come here.
Pavan went to them and I(Priya) ignored them went on my way to class.

Seniors(they are waving at me and said): Heroin come here don't you want to know your seniors?

I didn't go to them and started walking to my class. But I heard some shootings and looked back.

Pavan got into a fight with seniors on the first day of B.Tec.
Four seniors started Pushing him,
Senior 1: tried to punch him on his face. Pavan dodged it by using his elbows, and twisted, the senior hand, and pushed him on to the ground.
All people just cont believe what happened there, in entire college history, there was no Junior who laid finger on a senior. This made them angry

Senior 2 and 3 came into the fight, pavan punched one on the nose it started bleeding, and kicked another one on the groin with his right leg senior cried in pain.

Many angry seniors are coming at him, pavan was good at self-defense but he can't defend that many people, surprisingly they stopped.

Ram placed his hand on the pavan shoulder and said: are you going to class on the first day?

Pavan: do you have any better plans?

Ram: today we have our boiling star movie let's go.
They all are aware of ram(son of local MLA) so no one stopped them.

Ram and pavan went to the parking block and I went to the class. But I got an idea, seniors were angry with him so I can use them to take my revenge on him.

Vikas: revenge for what?
Priya told him the reason( episode 7 I mentioned it)

Continuing the story
So I went to the seniors who got into a fight with pavan.

Seniors(having conversation among themselves): how can we show our faces on campus?
Senior: All will laugh at our faces.

Senior: we have to show him what happens when anyone messes with seniors.
Priya: But you people cont mess with him when Ram is around him. Then when will you get your revenge?

Seniors( freaked out): you're eavesdropping on us, what do you want?

Priya: Don't you want revenge? I want the same.

Seniors: ok you got us. What we have to do?

Priya: fix a place and get ready for the revenge, send me the address through the mail. (Priya gave them fake mail) I will do the rest. You people should minimum break his hand or leg, disappointing me may cost you something, you cont imagine.😈

Seniors: What is the relation between you too?

Priya: you people don't have to know just do your part.
That night,

Pavan phone ringing.....

Pavan: Priya what the matter? why are you calling this late?

Priya: pavan I want your help, two of my friends went to a movie and while coming back home there scooter stopped and not starting again if you don't mind will you pick and drop them at home.

Pavan: why don't they call their parents?

Priya: sorry they are hostels so, it will be a problem if their parents find out.

Pavan: ok send me the location, and don't forget you owe me one.
Priya sent him the location.

Pavan went to the car silently because his father is still awake and he will interrogate him about where he was going this late.
He started the car rocky(Dog) ran towards the car started barking. Pavan opened the car door, and he calmly got into the car and sat on a seat.

He went to the location Priya sent and saw a scooter stopped at the center of a dead-end road in which a car cont enter with its front light on, Pavan stopped his car near that road and went there. (Pavan didn't take Rocky with him because it may get into a fight with Street dog or it may make Priya friends panic)

3 seniors were sitting near scooter and smoking cigarettes 🚭,
Pavan doesn't know that they were his seniors(because he was new to college) and wanted to calls back Priya but he forgot his phone in the car. So he walking back to the car.

Voice: you came to the right location.

He turned to that side and saw the seniors with whom he got into a fight that morning.
Pavan understand the situation and tried to run away from there but there are 10 seniors at the entrance of the road,

Senior 1: Come on hero we expected a fight from you but you are running like a coward.

Pavan: You brought 15 people with you and call me Coward. Are you up for 1 vs 1?

Senior 1: I heard you were trained in karate so it's fair for 1vs 5 and if you manage to win against us you can leave and we will never mess with you again.

Senior 5: holds Pavan from the backside and senior 1234 coming towards them with sticks in their hands.
Pavan slams on senior 5 foot(ankles) he loosens his grip in pain and pavan punched him on the chin with his elbow and pushed him towards the seniors (1,2,3,4),
Senior2 tried to hit him with the stick and pavan blocked it and twisted the stick so senior lost grip and pavan took the stick and hits him on the knee.
Senor 3 hits Pavan on the belly and pavan grabbed the stick and pulled him to words him and hits on his nose.
Senior 1 and 4 on either side tried to hit him at the same time and pavan dodged it and 1&4 get hits each other.

Pavan: you should watch your words, next time I am not going to leave this simple.

Senior 1: who said you leaving now?
The remaining seniors also came into a fight and some of them were drunken and thrown beer bottles at Pavan, he covered his head with hands and some bottles broke in his hands, and he started to bleed.

Some seniors became afraid after seen the blood and went from there.
Pavan tried to escape but one among them hitter him on his leg with a rod and remaining pushed him onto the ground.
Seniors started kicking him with legs
pavan pushed 2 with his legs and tried to stand, one senor hit on pavan leg repeatedly with a rod, some of them hit on his hand. Pavan screaming with pain.
Rocky in the car heard his screaming and jumped from the window and ran towards that direction and saw seniors hitting pavan.
Rocky ran towards them angrily while barking loudly.

Some of the seniors tried to hit it with sticks, it made Rocky much angrier and jumped on the seniors and bitten them, and the seniors start running.....
Rocky came back to pavan and making some sad sounds. Pavan tried to stand but his leg hurting him and his hand too got hurt and bleeding.

Daughter: how was the movie dad? Did you like it?
Father: yaa it's good
Mother: Next time onwards we should plan morning shows.
Father: we know I am busy...and
Daughter: look dad there are our college seniors who ragged some students today.
Father: but why they are running? something had happened there let's check.
Mother: please let's go on our way, it's dark already, it's dangerous.
But father drives towards the road from where seniors came and saw a dog barking at a person who was bleeding and trying to stand but cont.
He stopped the car and the daughter identified the person and ran towards him.

Girl(crying): Hey Pavan what happened? Did they do this to you?
Rocky turned towards them and Barking
Pavan: rocky calm down they came to help.
The girl came towards pavan and helping him to stand.
Pavan: How do you know my name? What your name?
The girl was tall(5.8) and have short hair with a cute and innocent face.
Girl: I am Anu and we are in the same class.

Pavan: but I didn't attend class today.
Anu(still crying): we are in the same class on intermediate too.
To be continued.....